
The Sun and The Moon.

Ayia pulled Theo towards the backyard, where she left her gift for him.

Her heart was beating loudly, and she wouldn't be surprised if Theo managed to hear her pounding heartbeats.

When they arrived there, Ayia let go of Theo's arm and picked up a big gift box.

Theo was smiling as he saw her antics.

The night sky was clear, and it was possible to see a full moon glowing in the starry sky.

The lake and the forest made the scenery even more stunning as the two people looked at each other.

"This is my gift for you, Theo. I hope you like it." Ayia managed to say with a nervous voice.

"Oh, you didn't have to! But thank you so much!" Theo smiled at her as he took the box.

"Can I open it?" Theo asked.

"You're welcome! Of course, you can!" Ayia replied with a smile.

Theo nodded and proceeded to open the gift.

Ayia was nervous as she saw Theo opening the gift, she hoped he liked it.