
First Place

"This music video is amazing!" Aurora exclaimed with an excited face and shining eyes.

Her heartbeat got accelerated just by watching the video!

Theo let out a brilliant smile as he heard Aurora's excited voice.

That was the exact emotion that he wanted the viewers to have when they watched his music video.

"And this animation was so good! The fight was amazing! Did you create yourself?" Aurora asked with a still excited voice.

"Thank you!" Theo laughed happily as he drove his car through the city streets.

"Yeah, I created myself. That was mostly why I was so busy during the last week." Theo added with a proud smile.

"No wonder." Aurora finally understood Theo's plight during the past week.

This anime seemed so amazing, the fight was epic, the movements, the attacks, the editing, and everything else was perfect!

Theo was also happy that his sister liked it, he hoped that everyone else also liked it.