
I Am The Creator

I am not simply an all-powerful powerful being. I am The Creator. I have one simple wish: entertain me! Original with alternating perspectives, character development, and fantasy world.

Alongside · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Castle

I opened the door and was welcomed to a long hallway. On one side was a wall that opened to a few corridors. On the other side were a few scattered marble pillars that spew out onto a wide open grass area. It was beautiful.

I stepped fully out of the room and shut the door behind me. The bright green grass shimmered ever so slightly in the bright sunlight. The trees deviated from their course, swaying slowly back in forth because of the wind.

It looked like a screensaver, something that I wanted to take a picture of and frame. I was distracted from the rest of the landscape, which was made complete by a mini river cutting straight through the middle of the grass, from one corner to another.

It was filled with crystal-clear water and rocky pebbles. It looked clean enough to drink from, although I wouldn't risk it.

There were scattered flowers around the lush green grass which made this artificial paradise look too beautiful for humans to reside in. I almost felt like I was insulting the creator of such a quiet, innocent area by viewing it through my eyes.

It was too pure, too alluring.

I took slow steps, approaching it from the side. Despite my initial apprehension, I walked on the grass, up to a small incline in the grass. I sat down, relaxing and accepting the peace that was offered to me.

Although I felt unworthy to sit here, I knew it was made for me. Everything was.

This world was made for me. It would take a long time to understand, but this was all through my effort - through my creation! Adam, of my design, was inhuman. And he designed this planet purely for my sake!

I laid back on the grass, spreading my arms and legs out as if I was preparing to make a snow angel in the grass.

Staring into the blue sky, I had one thought.

'This is only the beginning.'

No matter what comes to me or inhibits me, I won't let it get in my way. I was finally given a chance to have fun, to really enjoy myself.

This was all I had to live for, and I wouldn't let anything stop me.

'Let's explore.'

I took my time getting up while absorbing the area around me.

'I'll definitely come back to this later. I want to see what it looks like in the night.'

I went back to the promenade, following one of the pathways that deviated from the original. It led to many more rooms, each one with a closed door. They looked similar to mine, albeit smaller.

It looked like I was given one of the nicer, bigger rooms compared to these. They must have all been reserved for any visitors.

I felt like I was in a palace, one that I had seen in history books back on Earth. This planet must be loosely based on one of the eras that Earth had, probably due to Adam's acceptance of my memories.

Despite my initial reservations, I walked down the corridors with confidence. The world was made for me and I held no hesitation in trying to enjoy it.

I leisurely strolled through the castle, from one end to the other. Most rooms were locked and most doors were closed, so there wasn't much for me to see beyond the garden.

I met no one else during my time in the castle, beyond the man and woman I saw when I woke up. I spent upwards of an hour or two walking around, yet I have yet to see a single soul and still haven't been approached by anyone.

I naturally began to doubt myself.

'Where is everyone? Did they just leave me here alone?'

I felt like I needed to explore, to get out into the world. There was so much for me to view and enjoy, and instead, I was stuck here in this castle, alone.

I wandered around for two more hours. I eventually found a set of big castle doors. If there was an exit, this would be it.

Grabbing ahold of the handle, I pulled.

The doors were heavy, but they finally released themselves and slid quietly open. A bright light shined into my eyes. The sun was directly ahead, and it took some time for my eyes to adjust and grow accustomed to the brightness.

Although it wasn't dark in the castle, all the windows were above my shoulders and I never really had a direct view of the outside besides the garden.

It had been long since then, and so I almost forgot it was the morning.

I stepped out, stepping onto the grass for the second time today.

The castle was surrounded by trees, with green as far as the eye can see. Lush bushes and a forest encompassed me, making up the rest of my known world.

"So not only am I alone in the castle, there doesn't seem to be any civilization within a couple of miles of me!"

"What am I supposed to do?"

I sighed. I didn't want to use my powers in this world because I trusted in Adam. I wanted to do what he wanted me to do, rather than what I wanted to do.

"I hoped I could just trust in Adam, but it seems I'll have to go on my own."

I took a few steps forward, expanding my view. I was staged on top of a large hill, with a view of vast trees and forestry. It continued on and on, completely taking over my view.

I walked around the castle, continuing to look around for any civilization.

Finally, I found something.

A large castle in the far, far distance. It was the only gap in the trees I could see.

I took my initial steps into the forest, staying determined to keep my path straight so that I would be sure to go in the right direction. Although, I most definitely didn't know what I was doing, and would still probably get lost.

Luckily, I eventually found a dirt path.

I didn't know if it would take me to the castle, but at least I would be sure to find something of interest.

'I hope something happens soon, or else I'm just going to find a bar and drink till I pass out. There are bars in this world, right?' I jokingly thought to myself.

Although, if nothing does happen soon, I might have to take myself up on that offer.

And so, I continued to follow the path.

Thank you for reading!

I'll try to continue posting whenever I can because I have a lot of ideas for this story. I'm excited about the future and I'll try my best to keep posting.

- Thank you!

Alongsidecreators' thoughts