

"You can't do it." They all said, glaring down at her. "Why? I want to write a book." She said, wilting under their cold stares. "Just look at how you've fallen. How are you even going to write a book? This is all your fault." they chorused. Indeed, Seanae was sprawled on the icy cobblestones. Her scraped knees were bleeding waves of crimson. "B-but you're the ones who pushed me." She whimpered. Suddenly, they all went dead quiet. Seanae looked down, embarrassed. "You can't do it." They repeated. "You can't even pick yourself up." But she did. Slowly, she dusted off her knees and limped into a standing position. "You're wrong. I can do it, and I will," she told them. And with that, "English Rose" was published. ~~~~ Pls help dis rando author ;-; I have dirt bank account and dirt writing skills but gold imagination ~~~~ Please give me viewssssss art release every 5k *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* - EVERY WEEKDAY (daily updates monday-friday and maybe on the weekends too?) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw NOT MY ART I USE DIS GENERATOR --> https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator ART RELEASE : (I got 5k views so here it is) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gb2oLOrgMFH0WBXGh6GGutvv6uSdddlS-bMXpV-Wmpg/edit

PilinyTheYounger · Fantaisie
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75 Chs


So :D this novel is divided into two parts : 

- Before Cordelia's death. 

This was the relatively easy part where there was no big or main problem and mostly just light-hearted comedy. This was just to provide context, but it was not necessary for understanding the book. This includes Cordelia's original life, how she met Levi, and a bunch of context. Like I said tho, it's not necessary. Here is a basic breakdown of what happened if you decide to skip it or forget it: 

-Seanae, the author of "English Rose" wakes up in her novel

The plan : stop all catastrophes 

- the first thing she does is throw shoes at her evil dad and escape

- second thing she knows exactly what to do since all gambling games are based off of her own favorite games - tic tac toe, snake, and pea-shooters, so she makes a lot of easy money through gambling

- third, she sets off to find the secret OP extra, Levi and recruits him as a sidekick (kind?) 

- forth she awakens her divine power 

- fifth Levi doesn't fully trust her since she seems to know so much

- sixth she sings in the fair so that she can showcase her abilities and get selected by a good noble house

- success, she gets chosen into a good noble house, the House of Eur

- she blackmails her way to the top and uses their power to stop the first catastrophe, the Palace Boom Boom (I know it's the best name ever) 

- but now the future has changed. The assassination of the duke comes 8 years early :D and Zal becomes Duke at age ten WHAT LOL 

- and of course, she doesn't stop the last plot point in time because it comes 12 years early! she fails and dies;-; 

- After Cordelia's death. 

This is the harder part where it gets a lot better. Before was just light-hearted comedy and this will still be comedy but a lot more drama and some ships if I feel like it lol Anyway.