
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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140 Chs

Chapter 41 - Ray’s Last Night Escapade Discovered! He Is Now Throwing A Tantrum.

The next morning, Ray returned home acting like nothing unusual happened. He eats breakfast and sends Asia to school as he always does. Everyone tags along as after Asia, Ray will send Sirin and Sakura to the Danmachi world.

However, halfway to the school. Another black cat suddenly ambushed Ray on the street and shocked everyone for various reasons.

"Darling! How could you dump me in the park after everything you had done to my body last night!" The black cat with a small black ribbon tied to her tail cried while softly beating her paw on Ray's chest.

Everyone gasped, especially Ravel, in this unexpected soap opera scene. The other's also have their own reaction. Artoria was in disbelief and frowning at her master. Sirin, Sakura and Abby were shocked to find out Ray was a deadbeat that would run away from responsibilities. Asia being Asia, she is disappointed but still willing to help Ray repent himself.

Each of them voice out their disappointment. Each hit harder than the one before until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Since when have we agreed about anything more than just giving you some kittens?!" Ray sprung back up from the ground to defend himself with a shameless but desperate grin on his face. "Besides, aren't you the one begging me to do it?" Ray shamelessly bended and twisted the truth which left Kuroka speechless as everything he said is technically the truth.

"You! How could you treat me like a toy to be discarded after you are done playing?" She cried.

But before he could stop the matter from escalating and clear up everything being a joke, Ray was already bombarded with disappointment from everyone. No one took his side as they went to console Kuroka instead and already accepted her into the group.

This made Ray feel speechless and betrayed. Anyone else he could understand. But even Ravel and Artoria! Aren't I your master?

Ray of course knew this would happen. It's impossible for him to not notice Kuroka ambushing him on the street. This was just something he arranged for a little fun and tested his people. But unexpectedly, no one would even take his side.

Feeling angry and betrayed, he didn't even wait another moment and vanished.

In another world,

"I couldn't believe it! To think they wouldn't even have an ounce of trust in me at all!" Ray cried out his frustration.

"Ah! Brother Ray. Release all your worries and drink. Let us two sister's comfort your broken heart." The two hostesses of the place Ray used to frequent, help pour more drink into his cup while another cuddles on him and uses her well shaped body to comfort him.

"Hahaha! Of course. Of course. Bring in more drinks! Today I am here to console my broken heart with great beauties!" Ray declared with an exhilarated laugh.

The two hostesses were the most popular host in his bar, twin elf sisters with enviable body proportions that can drive any lesser man crazy and infatuated. Not to mention their beautiful and delicate face.

Well, if you haven't realized. This world is a Xianxia Immortal world where beauties are abundant as grass in an open plain. A place he used to frequent in his earlier days before he got busted by the author.

He spends seven days and seven nights under the care of multiple beauties and even some daughters of heavens before his heart is mended.

Unfortunately, his enjoyment was cut short.


The door to his chamber was kicked open and wide until the door tore off from its hinges, giving him a little jolt of shock.

"Which audacious junior dares interrupt this Master's seclusion?!" Ray roared angrily.

The two scantily dressed elf twin sisters attending to him were unafraid because Ray is someone with seemingly boundless strength. They were confident he would come out victorious regardless of opponents.

"Father! How could you run away and play with other women while we are worrying about you at home?" Abby shouted scoldingly at Ray.

"Abby? Why are you here?" Ray was a little shocked.

Turns out it was Abby interrupting him. He quickly retracted his power since there weren't any opponents to fight.

"Hmph, why should I care? You unfilial daughter." Ray continues throwing his fit and crosses his arm to show his indifference.

"It's father's fault for doing bad things." Abby however, didn't care and marched up to Ray and pulled his ears.

"You are going back home and taking responsibility for making a woman pregnant." Abby said before she summoned her black giant key and opened a door and left.

Abby had enough of Ray sulking and came to drag him back home like a responsible daughter dragging her deadbeat father back home after getting wasted at the bar.

"No! Release me you traitorous daughter! Release me this instance." Ray tried to escape but was instantly caught by several tentacles shot out from the gate and dragged in before the gate closed.

The two elf twin sisters were left speechless by the situation. However, they realized too late Ray hadn't paid for his tab before he left.


Back at home, Ray was placed on the table and under the scrutinizing stare of multiple people.

"So, what do you have to say to explain yourself, Ray?" Asia playing the mediator role and try her best to resolve this misunderstanding.

"I'm… sorry. I was just trying to play a joke and test everyone. I never expected it would have spiraled like this." Ray is forced to confess everything under everyone's stare with a bitter look on his face while keeping his head low like a criminal confessing his sin.

Before anyone could say anything, Kuroka already jumped on the table and snuggled up to Ray.

"Ah! Thank goodness it wasn't real. I know Darling would never hate Kuroka!" She happily snuggles up on Ray and licks his fur excitedly while he just lies there motionlessly staring at the other with slight resentment.

Of course, they accept his excuse knowing how far he would go for his 'entertainment' sometimes. Just having no one dying in the process is already a miracle on its own. Also they are partially at fault for immediately judging him without giving him a chance to explain himself or even have a slight trust in him.

Although they did make him promise to joke about something as important as this in the future.

All in all, they are glad everything went well, especially Asia since she made it her mission to keep everyone in this household in a harmonious relationship.
