
I Am Really The Best Anti Hero In Another World!-System Of Anti Hero!

I make it clear that I do not intend to continue this novel. So, if you want a story that will come to fruition someday, I recommend that you don't read it. ********* Ji Hoon literally have the worst day of his life, or was it perhaps the best day? He was dropped by his girlfriend who had all her assets in his name. He was fired from his job, where he had an explorer boss. And he was expelled from college, where he was bullied almost every day. He was dropped by his family, with a pair of abusive parents. And he realized that they have no friends to ask for help at these times. After drinking all afternoon, Ji Hoon found himself walking aimlessly through the streets, with nowhere to go or who to return to, he just walked around. This was until he fell to the ground after seeing a floating window in front of him asking. [Would you like to live a new life in another world?] [Yes? Not?]

DarkAngel_ · Oriental
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110 Chs

You Never Had Chance!

Shortly after Noah entered the cave, while he looked impressed at the immense depth that hole in the cave floor had.

"Whoa! Do you know how big this is? "

Noah asked as he looked at the hole, crouched on its edge.

[I estimate it to be somewhere around 500 meters deep and 50 kilometers long!]

"50 kilometers? But what is all this for? The semi-dragon doesn't have that size, does it? "

Noah asked, impressed by the extent of it.


[The semi dragon outside is only 2 kilometers long!]

"Only you say ..."

Noah spoke as he got up.



"Wow! What was this?"

Noah asked after he almost fell with the crash.

Noah stood firm on the first bang, but he was too close to the mouth of the hole and when the second bang came much stronger than the previous one, which was something he didn't expect, Noah without having much to do, fell into the hole that there was on the floor of the cave.

"Ufa! I'm glad I managed to hold it here! "

Said Noah as he held on to the edge of the hole with all his strength.

Noah made a lot of effort to get out of the hole, and when he was getting up, looking ahead he saw the tail of the semi-dragon coming towards the cave "Damn…"

Now with the cave receiving the direct impact of the tail, it was basically impossible for Noah who was standing, with his back to the mouth of the hole, not to fall inside.


Noah screamed as he slid down the almost steep descent of the hole.

"Cof! Cof! "

"Cof! Cof! "

Noah coughing after having screamed for a long time as he went down.

"Cof! Shit! Why is this drug so big? "

Exclaimed Noah, complaining about the delay in reaching the end of the descent.

[There are still 371 meters to reach the end… 350… 330… 300… 290…]

"OK, enough! That is not the real problem now. Tell me, what is the chance that I will survive this? "

Noah asked with his face and a serious voice.

[I would say it's around 1%!]

"1%? Well, better than nothing, isn't it? … Wait, why until now have I felt nothing while sliding down my back all the way? It was hundreds of meters, how is that possible? "

Noah wondered as he looked around.

[These are the scales of the semi dragon, on the outside they are hard and resistant, but on the inside there is a thick layer that is soft and warm.]

[Semi dragons are also demonic snake beasts, but they are much more developed, so they also change their skin frequently, she changed her skin in this place and for that reason you have not been hurt so far! However, if you get down there with all this speed, there will certainly be no more solution!]

After hearing that, Noah started to think of a way to slow down, he started looking around looking for something he could use to stick to the ground, but just like the earth, these things must also be under the skin.

Out of ideas and in a desperate measure, Noah made several prayers for it to work, turned around quickly while trying to use his hands to slow down "Aaaaaaaahh! That hurts like hell! … At least tell me it's working. " exclaimed Noah as he kept his bloody hand tucked inside his skin.

[Yes, yes it is working!]


Noah asked happily.

[Ah, it wasn't just an illusion!]

"Ah, your son daaaaaaahh!"

Noah screamed, feeling great pain across his arm.

Noah was in such pain that he was not even paying attention to the time that was passing by, and with his eyes full of tears as he watched his blood passing before him, he went down dozens of meters with half his arms stuck in the middle of the semi dragon's skin.

And without even realizing or believing that he really could do it, Noah did something that not even the system thought possible, endured the pain of having his hands destroyed, in order to survive.


[Are you okay Noah?]

Even with the system calling him, Noah didn't move an inch or even answer. In reality the pain Noah felt was so great that it caused him to pass out in the end, but even though he passed out he did not give up his life and continued to strive to keep it.

[… You got Noah Evil…]


A minute before


The snake was still roaring and struggling as it tried to put out the fire that was rising little by little inside its body from its tail.

"Raaaww! What did you do to me, you bastard !? "

He shouted the serpent as he looked at the Lion with his eyes full of hate.

Upon hearing those words the Lion just laughed "Ha! Ah! Ah!… "And after having laughed a lot the Lion exclaimed" Damn, me? I didn't attack you from behind! I may not be seeing, but I'm sure just smelling that you are a demonic little snake that was trying to evolve into a dragon. But make no mistake, dragons are not dirty beings like you! " while she walked slowly around the snake.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll be able to evolve!"

She exclaimed the snake that even forgot about the pain, while hearing the words of the Lion that came like knives towards her.

"Evolve? You never had that chance, a real semi-dragon would have killed me a long time ago. If you are not even on their level, let alone legendary dragons. "

She spoke the Lion standing in front of the snake.

Upon hearing the Lion's words, the serpent found himself frustrated, but even more irritated by the knowledge that everything he had said was true, and lost in anger at himself for what she is, and at the Lion for the things she said, the snake attacked him again.

And again just as in the previous attempt, the Lion attacked her with that strange golden fire that this time caught a large part of her body, this large part of her back being left with the flesh exposed.

"Raaaaaawwww! You will pay me! "

He shouted the snake as he entered the tunnel again under the cave.

"You never really had a chance, little snake, and now you don't have any more time."

She whispered the Demon Lion King as she turned and left.


The snake entered the tunnel quickly, but more and more it became more slowly, and while she almost lost consciousness she said "I can't leave him here ..." struggling to keep going.

Practically the whole body of the snake was already inside the tunnel and it continued to struggle to continue entering the tunnel and get somewhere deeper while thinking 'I can't leave it here.' your senses starting to fail.

Trying harder and harder, she slowly crawled into the tunnel and with the thought of protecting someone she continued to move on, even though she knew that doing so would cause her body to destroy itself faster and faster inside, and the more he destroyed himself, the more pain she would feel.

With her tail already turning less than dust, she no longer felt any pain at the ends of her body, in reality she was no longer feeling almost anything, not even her body and much less the things around her.

And as she dragged herself a little farther down the tunnel, she seemed to have finally closed her eyes and left.

Seeing this, Noah, who had woken up almost at the same time that the snake began to descend through the tunnel and ran quickly to hide, came out of hiding and with his trembling body approached the snake's body a little.

But when he approached the snake she suddenly opened her eyes, raised her head and looked into Noah's eyes.

"I like your eyes."

She spoke to the snake looking tired.

Noah thought about running away, but with that dark being in front of him he couldn't even move properly, and hopelessly he said, "If you're going to eat me, please be quick." while he closed his eyes and lowered his head a little.

"Hmm? I am not going to eat you human, on the contrary, I want to make you a wish. "

Of that snake lowering her head.


Exclaimed Noah, frightened without understanding what was happening.

"In these thousands of years I went out of the way to become a dragon and ended up becoming just a little snake, as the Lion said outside. But I don't want that to happen to my son. So, human, let's make a deal…"