
Guardian of Earth is A Shut-in NEET?

If this goes out- my honor, my reputation everything will come crashing down on me! being chased by a ???

" God damn it! what did I do? "

( At that time Master couldn't even protect himself from a mortal )

" What the heck? I am-umm no well ( least I used to be a god! ) don't just make someone (an ex-god) like run for my his life for no reasons! " -I also have honor! (Aoi)

Mortals, they sure are- Enthusiastic when it comes to the conclusion and----

" Why did you come here? Who are you? a demon? do you want to destroy the world? " ( The Guy who is currently pursuing master ) (Reo)

" Eh? what are you even talking about? can't you see? I am...." - Aha, Wait.. what I am now? (Aoi)

I am not a god anymore nor I am a mortal!





what the heck I am supposed to say now?

"I am a retired god and I am your teacher! " ( Aoi )

When He heard that. He suddenly stopped chasing me and a few minutes later

{ In Reo's Household, Mitsu's Room }

---These misunderstandings gonna get me killed someday

Thankfully this guy, he stopped! he was out for my blood

" What the heck were you thinking? attacking your teacher out of nowhere? " -I just came to check on you and you grabbed your bat? on top of that you called me a demon ! you are the one demon here! (Aoi)

" First calling yourself a god and now a teacher. indeed you are a demon who came to destroy the world! " *Grabs his bat (Reo)

" hold on hold on! As I said I am without a doubt retired god! and I am also your teacher " just what's wrong with this setting? why a god couldn't be a teacher? ( Aoi ) And Stop reaching for you bat God damn it!

Anyway, Earlier system(Diana) told me that this guy who is known as Reo Mitsu, aka a human, is not a mere human

-Hey Diana ! why didn't you say something before we came here? - I could've avoided a lot of trouble if I knew about this guy's real identity -I would have approached him in a totally different way if I had known that

-But master, you told me to not disturb you

She is, damn it. maybe she is more wicked than principle. when I lost my authority over the system, Diana gone through changes

" Whom are you talking to, demon? " ( Reo )

" Hey stop with that ! as I told you I am not a demon! " (Aoi)

" But it is hard to believe your story. you look like a high school boy who is lost, and you are me to believe that you are a teacher? that's just absurd and foolish and you story sucks " (Reo)

He! He dares insult my story! (Angry)

" what about you? you are, the being who overlook this world is actually a shut-in neet ! how absurd is that? " ( Aoi )

That's really absurd, he is supposed to be a guardian of this world! but what he does.

( Looks around the room )

What the heck ! his room is filthy beyond words and what's those posters on walls? are those people naked? I cannot believe it, for a guardian of a world to live such life

" whatever, ( Ignoring ) let me introduce myself formally, I am Reo Mitsu, a servant of 61th God, I was assigned it to protect this world thus I am the guardian of world B-77, aka Earth. now bow down before me you demon and beg me to spare your life! " (Reo)

" Ahhhh what an introduction but asking my master to bow down? " ( Diana, Using a voice that can be heard by anyone)

" eh? Who's voice is that? Oi! demon are you using a voice changer? " ( Reo )

-shut it, Diana! you can't go around talking to everyone! it gonna cause problems for me

If Others Gods come to know, An Substitute of The System is actually servering under an---

-I am sorry Master

But still, a mere Guardian

"Since you Introduced yourself, I am Aoi kichiro. The holder of Emotions, Subject of 0th God of Nothing, True God " (Aoi)

-Awww... Master, you are soo cool!

Reo Mitsu, you might be a guardian but compared to me. you are nothing but an ant

" Every God (used to)bows down to supreme god like myself, and you were telling me to bow down to likes of you? I might be downgraded, a lot but still I am superior to you, not just your superior but (I used) to be in 1st in rank among gods just below true god. and your master is in 61st rank and you are! you don't even have a rank "

Good, Good. He is speechl---

"Hahahaha... 1st Rank god? hahaha "

Did he start laughing? Damn this brat!

" What's so funny about that? " (Aoi)

" What's so funny you ask? come on, if you gonna lie, make it more believable or least you can try. " ( Reo )

a lie?

{i was not able to answer to that, my existence was truly a lie. there was a hole in my already fading memories. i don't have much time left that's why i am here on this planet earth but }

" well since you know about ranks and stuffs, i can say that you are not a demon or devil. you must have been a god, who lost his memories. " -well only system's ranking stick to you when you lose your memories ( Reo )

System's Ranking - System Assign Gods to rank by their strength and influence. 1st is The Highest Rank That a God Can Obtain (Gods Below 20th Rank are known as Supreme Gods )

{ There is a ranking among gods, it was designed by the system at the beginning of everything. there are in total 100 Gods and all of them governs a world assigned to them but those 100 gods don't have to protect these worlds by themselves since a god is too overpowered for any demon or any being. thus they let their world to one of their(strongest) guardians to govern the world that they are assigned to, a guardian is a follower of a god ( an errand guy ) and Reo Mitsu is one of those Guardian }

{ About Ranking, there are 100 gods and 1 to 100 ranks. 100th is weakest among gods and 1st rank strongest among gods. simple! but there is also 0th rank, True god holds 0th Rank (0th Rank is not Assigned by System). The Most Powerful being That exists in Illusion. Aoi Kichiro was a 1st rank god but since his power has downgraded and lost his title and also became a fallen god }

{ About Fallen God, a god cannot die they are immortal beings when it comes to human's sense but for them, death comes in a different form- When a God is near his end, He will be stripped from the rank that was given to him as well as his position thus he becomes a fallen god }

He Caught me

" So, what did you came to me, fallen god. " ( Reo )

" Good thing you asked. I came here to bring you back to school " -not that I want someone like you in my class. arrogant brat (Aoi)

"School? I don't have time to play around. I am trying to save the world here " ( Reo )

Eh? Save the world? and why are you sticking to your computer ? is that how you gonna save the world? by searching for.

-Master, he is a pervert.

-yeah, i can see that.

" Hey ! don't you know that your homeroom teacher is in your room! refrain yourself from doing that stuff on the internet while i am here " -Porn?

"uh? Why i should care about a fallen god ? and for your information that's just an advertisement banner. (i wanna support this website so i am not using adblockers ) i am currently trying to pinpoint someone's location so don't disturb me. " -Go Home, Fallen God ( Reo )

I am already starting to hate this brat. first, he made me run on the street and now he treating his teacher like a cockroach but who is that someone he searching for? don't tell me.

" Hey, you! stop stalking girls! have no one taught you manners? " (Aoi)

" *flinch* you..yo..u stupid..! i..i.. am not stalking a girl or something like that.. ! and why I would stalk a girl ??? a girl stalking a girl.. is just... " (Reo) -It's not yuri! (Yuri - Girl to Girl Love? )

This damn brat lying in whit- Huh? What did he just said? A Girl stalking a girl?

" *Shocked* Gender bender? " ( Aoi )

" Eh? you didn't know? I thought for sure that you saw through my disguise since you used to be a god " -even the lowest god or another guardian could tell that I am a girl in boy's disguise.


-Yes, Master.

- Why did you not said anything..

- Reminding - don't disturb me.

Diana's personality sure took a turn for worse.

and I called myself a 1st rank god in front of him, no, no i meant her. { Embarrassed ~*!*~ } a 1st rank god who couldn't tell difference between a girl and a boy.

{ Walks Back To Home In Embarrassment.}