
A Torture Room In Another World

" Sensei- this is misunderstanding we did nothing- please don't call the police " ( One of Those Boys )


A few Hours Later- Aoi's Home, - Ayushi's Bedroom -2nd Floor

When Ayushi woke up, She found herself in bed. She looked confused but Thankfully there doesn't seem to any problem

" Uhh Where I am.... " ( Ayushi )

I was sitting beside her bed, waiting for her to wake up even though it was because of me that she was wounded that badly, I was not able to leave her side. I simply was not able to leave her side.

" Oh, you are awake, you were mumbling with faint screams so, I rushed into your room, must've been a horrifying nightmare. But don't worry you are fine! "

futile efforts to throw all those horrible experience she must have gone through at that time into a nightmare story but what else I could've done?

" It's fine sensei, you don't have to. I'm sorry that I tried to run " (Ayushi -While looking down)

"Eh? what are you talking about? Oh! your dream? I see, don't sweat over trivial things -That was just a dream "

Ayushi looked around her body, her clothes were fine, there was not a single scratch on her.

" Aoi-Sensei, How's my wounds are all healed? " ( Ayushi)

" *Wink* I used to be a god. it's ea....eh... eh.n o..... no..... no! no!. there were no wounds on you in the first place! "

Damn, I let it go in a single moment ! how stupid I could be?

When I looked at her face, she suddenly smiled but--

" Thank you Aoi-Sensei....(Sob, Sob) fo..for.. protecting me " ( Ayushi )

{ Crack, Crack <---- SFX- Ayushi's tears are turned into ice cubes }

Protecting her------ that's the thing that I was not able to do!

" y..--*Silence* " ( Aoi )

" I'll be in my room, for now, you can have rest -you also have school tomorrow: " ( Aoi )

" Wait- Aoi Sensei, what happened to my cousin and his friend? " ( Ayushi )

" You don't have to worry about others when yo- " ( Aoi )

I was interpreted by her

" Aoi-Sensei, please tell me-" ( Ayushi )

She looked, really curious? you know she went through hellish experience yet still somehow she seems to have returned to her normal enthusiastic self but still, should I tell her? I don't know. I don't feel right! no matter what I choose.

" They are dead. " ( Aoi )

That enthusiasm disappeared right away!

"...." ( Ayushi )

Won't she ask how they died? Hmmm, It seems as if It is not the first time she has heard these words, Her parents But.

"*Sigh* Have some rest, I'll be next door if you need something " ( Aoi )

When I left her room. I could hear, the sound of ice breaking, those were her tears for her cousin who harmed her.

She is crying, for someone like, well it is better for her to let it all out since she never gonna see them again. I didn't go back, for her I was the one who killed those two boys if I went back there, it would have caused her more grief than relief. Anway That was really awkward.

By the way, I lied. those two are still alive and well. how can I simply kill them? they don't deserve such mercy

{ The backyard of Aoi's House - At 5 Am }

Those two boys were lying on the ground unconscious

" Diana, are you done? "

- Yes, I have erased the existence of every single relative of these two humans excluding their parents as you wanted

"Good. Now, we should head out. "

{ Teleportation Magic - Destination, Planet Silk- B#76 }

-Planet - B#76 - Silk - Which is known to be the home planet of gods, where everything started. it was the first world to come into existence. that's what every other god believes but the truth is

This world is a place where true God was awakened. he burned every single living being on this world to ash with his blue flames. { That's all you should know, for now, this world is empty. there is nothing -not single living being on this world expect old buildings -ruins of past}

Some might wonder, why I brought these two boys here

These two boys are mere mortals, humans. they will eventually die no matter what I do, and since I do not have the power to revive dead people, I brought them here via teleportation. this world, Silk is frozen in time, living beings would not age in this world. yea surely they can die by wounds but Diana can always heal them up

Inside a Certain Abandoned Home

Diana, She might not be able to draw out my power but She can still use some functions of the system, well to some extent.

" Hey, wake up now " -Diana wakes 'em up.

" Eh uh ? where am I? (Looks up) Aoi-sensei? ( Looks on Side ) Mosim, Sensei what did you do to him? " ( Kazuma, Ito)

" Don't worry, he is just unconscious. I will wake him up too once I am done with you. tell me, you are Ayushi's cousin are you not? Kazuma, Ito. tell me, why would do suc- no, why would you want to kill Ayushi? " ( Aoi )

Give name Ito, family name Kazuma. cousin of Ayushi as well as one of the guys who almost drove Ayushi on death door, I wonder what could've been the reason behind his action, it's not that I care about his reasons but I need to know, more about Ayushi, she doesn't even use her family name

" What are you saying? why I would want to kill my own (Silent) ( Looks At his Leg) AHHHHHHHH ! my leg---!" (Ito)

Such a clean cut, This sword is really---

" This blade is called katana in your country is it not? it looks nice, has a beautiful long handle and it is sharp too, only took a single swing to get rid of your leg so, what's your answer?" -Diana stops his bleeding but let him feel the pain, no. make him feel more pain, the more the better

Diana can manipulate once's mind in order to make the target more sensitive towards his surroundings if h feels fear, Diana would be able to boost that fear of his- if he feels the pain, Diana would be able to increase that pain by making him more sensitive towards it- simple as that, though it is only limited to people who have lower immunity towards mind manipulation

After a few minutes of constant pain

He lost his consciousness-umm maybe making him feel more pain was a bad idea but- It's no good if he can't feel this pain

-Waking him up again. ( Diana )

" UH.. wha... ? AHHHHH !! IT HURTS !! YOU ASSHO-MOT>>>>> Y..yes... I tr..tried to kill her !! now fckin stop th... it fy..k. hur..." ( Ito )

-Diana, heal him up


" Eh? what? ( Looks at his leg ) my leg- was it not cut of-" ( Ito )

" Good good, all healed up. now tell me everything if you don't want your eyes to be pulled off " (Aoi)

" Who are you! ? why do you car.. eh ? my eye.. you.... FUCKKKERRAHHHH " ( Ito )

He sure quickly forgot the pain he a few minutes earlier-

" Does it hurt? it does right? now, come on tell me everything- you are not a secret agent nor i am a policemen that you need to hide truth this badly and suffer this much pain- you can have some rest if you just open your mouth "

I let diana to reduce some of his pain but he is still feeling, a lot of pain, on top of that now he cannot lose consciousness because diana keeping his mind at bay. But He is too stubborn, what could be true intent behind action to be this stubborn? is that more than I thought?

" *huff* huff* i...um, *heavy breathing * " (Ito)

" Come on, i don't have time for it-" -Mosim is waiting for his turn, can't keep him waiting longer can i ?

" i.. hate.. her, u.. i hate her so.. much. i wan... wanna.. kill her, bury her.. i wann bu..r.n her al...ive " ( Ito, mumbling in low voice with broken words )

eh? i can't understand a damn thing

" Hey ! speak up or next time it is your fingernails ! " ( Aoi )


"....." ( Aoi )

I Wonder, How humans were ably changed this much in such a period of time? Where did those humans go when i---- These are not the humans that once i stood up for-

"I see. that was for your enjoyment, a way to entertain yourself? I had enough with you "

she suffered from that because certain someone wanted to amuse themselves with her pain and tears, I see---

Maybe i should do same with him--to amuse myself-?

-As you wish Master

" Eh? UHHHHHHHHHHHH ! I.. t... ol. d.. you... wh y? " ( Ito, While he was being dragged by something invisible, inside a dark room)

" why you ask? well mine feelings are same for you as your feelings are for Ayushi " ( Earphones appears from thin air, Aoi Grabs those Earphones, put them on )

I am gonna listen to some nice music made by yours---this music gonna please me for while

now it is turn for Okada Mosim

15 min Later ( if time existed in this world after Ito was dragged to an unknown room )

Mosim told me everything he knew in instant so, I did ask Diana to increase his pain. He should be fine with normal human's sense of pain, without eyes, fingernails, and his manhood. And now he also with his buddy in that room of hell for eternity. He should be happy right?

Well, to be honest, I pitied Okada mosim, If only that ito had not been his friend- he could have lived a fine life with his family

" But because what they have done their parents are also suffering but it is also your fault isn't it ? dear parents ? after all, a son always has some traits of his parents, " ( Aoi )

"IHGGGUGGGGG---" ( Both their parents -they are hanging on a wall in front of Aoi. but their mouths and eyes, they are sewed with their own veins -Their veins were solidified by Diana )

" Even though you cannot speak. you can hear me, can't you? so tell me father of Ito, how did it feel? to kill your own brother? and father of Okada How did it feel when you killed a whole family, even their infant baby.. it must have been a guilty pleasure for you just like how both of your son felt when they used a knife to cut half of her belly, when her stomach was-- and when they pulled her hairs out of her skull *Sigh* I can't even talk about it, Diana, just hang them up for eternity so, they could reflect on their actions "

You know Humans are not the one that change, it is the situation around them which actually change and they have to adapt to accordingly to the situation in order to survive -That's what I've always believed to forgive those who--

But they have changed now, Humans are----

-Outside of House, -Where Okada, Ito and with their parents are being tortured constantly

( Torture technique is simple and automated by the system so no one has to stay here. Diana also set-up something that would heal them up in every second- torture-pain-heal an endless circle )

i showed mercy to their parents and as well as on Okada but I have doubts now, I mean was it enough? i wants to erase their existence from this illusion itself.. but at the same time, I want them to stay here and enjoy the hell

****PART - 4****

" My job, my duty as a 1st in rank god. it was to protect mortals from themselves ( someone like mid-tier) but.. now, I am feeling such pleasure from those mortal's screams. "

-You shouldn't worry about it, Master. After all, this could be regarded as a favor for protecting them this long.

I could've overlooked it all of this but, they choose the wrong person. since the human they harmed was under my protection, on top of that she pregnant with my child

" Let's Head back " ( Aoi )

- As you say, Master.

Meanwhile Back On Planet B-76 ( Silk )

" Ahh.. Pl...so...me..one... S..ve.. us.. no,.. pleas..kill us !!.. " ( Ito )

System - Presence Erase - Invisible Magic, Protection of True God, Are in Effect

System - Reaming Time - Error

System - Estimated Time Before Magic's Effect Wears Out - 3 Minutes, 53 Seconds

" WHhhhhy..... me.. ???? pl... spa...re me... ha..ab.. mer..y... Go..d.. sa..ve... us " ( Okada )

System - Warning, 1 Minute 53 Seconds - Please Leave This Planet B-76 In Reaming Time, Guardian, Or System Will Be Forced To Initiate ************

" Yea, Yea I know I am an unauthorized person on this planet.. so, you can be quiet! " ( Unknown Person? )

" Just what exactly are you doing Aoi Sensei? " ( Unknown Person? )

;End of Chapter

Isekai Torture? lol

RoughHero76creators' thoughts