
I am not the Hero

Why is life precious? Because you only have one. Then what about the person who took over 999 lives? Who died 999 tragic death as a villain? Then, how would someone like that live? The answer is simple... as he damn wishes. “I-it’s not like I did it for you, you spinless Warrior.” “Good, the doors to your left, you may leave now.” He said to the tsundere Knight. PAH! “How dare you hit a woman?” “Who cares if you’re a woman? You slapped me when I just saved your life!” “You touched my chest!” “I said it was an accident, and again, I just saved your life — you know what? Fuck you, die here if you want to.” “Wait, wait, come back! Don’t leave me here! I’m sorry!” the princess screamed for help after being tossed to the side of the road. Theo did all this, yet to his dismay somehow, his reputation remained good in the eyes of many! A Hero, A Righteous Warrior, Benevolent King, Shadow Lord, Beast Keeper — such were the names given to him... To all of this, his reaction was always the same. “WHY!? How did they come to the conclusion that I’m a Hero? Even my other identities who massacred a lot of people, mind you, are not any different!” [I know, right? You are such an asshole, after all.] “Shut up, Goddess!” This is the story of the most malicious villain turned Hero. The one with the darkest heart shining with the most brilliant name. He does not hide, nor run, he’s — The Villain Savior. === Disclaimer: This is a slow burn story that integrates both Fantasy and somewhat sci-fi. The MC will be more of an anti-hero who will kill any and everyone that he pleases while still understanding the plight of a Villain. This is also family-centric with a dash of hidden identity, Yandere Romance, and character growth. Cover not mine Warning: The story/the MC depicted in this synopsis IS there, but, the earlier chapters are an introduction without rushing into things. This is a fantasy, but not just a wish-fulfillment story, it is just slower than most. Chapters 1-11 was meant to depict the annoying stupid trope of a Jap MC, and from then on the "true Heruzen/Theo" will appear Enjoy and leave your thoughts in the comment section as I read those. If you want more chapters then vote or leave a review!!!

Simple_Dynasty · Fantaisie
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40 Chs


Even Fate, herself, could not believe how far Theo thought of such a way to bypass the laws of the world.

Witnessing it from inside him, she could only pray that the world does not bend its knees to someone like him, [I severely underestimated his ingenuity.]

Theo was weak.

His body was broken after years spent indulging in vices, he commanded zero respect outside of his title as a Saint, and his magia capacity was pitiful.

However, this was not what was advertised when he dreamt of living a life outside of Fate. He envisioned wielding the power that's rightfully his!

He envisioned calling upon the fruits of his labors.

Thus, while creating his system, Theo decided to cheat life.

He decided to mold his own future.

To reclaim what's his.

Thus, he created a System, installed it in his own body and soul, thereby making him an irregularity, one of the many invisible title only the Divine and Depraved could see.

An Irregularity exists in every world, and though their role was primarily undefined, one thing was known for sure, and Irregularity cannot be controlled. An Irregularity would gain power from a different source, a System would be connected to an admin and grant him power, but no such thing happened.

The System was created by its user, thus, his transformation as an irregularity was unceremoniously halted. Once the requirements met, Theo would become a perfect irregularity with a glorious future ahead of him.

However, Theo had no intention of completing his irregularity status. He would forever remain in limbo, forever outside of Destiny.

But this resulted in a vacuum in his system, without an admin, Theo would not be able to gain power. He became a tank without a water source, he would forever be powerless, or so would be werecase if not for his unique abilities.

Theo was stealing a part of Villains in his previous lives. Different powers, weapons, beasts, contracts, and so many others he couldn't bring anywhere.

Theo had a surplus of untapped potential, and after so millennia of being cuckolded by rules, he decided to sting a middle finger on the heavens.

He sealed everything he couldn't bring into the Prime Reality and then used Fate as System's foundation. With her at the helm, Theo's body that had been ingrained with Greed's Mark would activate the moment he realizes the four activate requirement.

[World Weapon - Extraction - Optimization - Tier 2 and above Healing Attribute Skill]

Activate the World Weapon's function, Optimize the System for Ability Acquisition, Optimize a stole ability to fit the body and finally register a healing skill.

One of the three seals would open and Fate would move.

A red line of string that connect the past future and present would be cast into the seal, and Theo would fish for one random ability.

His system used a God to cast a line to his pasts life and fished out his previous lives.

The red string would tether it to the present world.

The future shall be paved by he who becomes.

[I just hope he does not turn against the Gods and destroy the world.]

[Divine Lightning Attribute Acquired]

[Scourge Entity Dweller Body (LV. 0) Acquired]

The cloud of dust receded, showing an injured Sneha and Theo. The both of them suffered terrible injuries after being struck by lightning, but only Theo was smiling from ear to ear.

"It hurt so muchhhhhh, yet it feels so good." He let out a maniacal laugh while staring directly into Sneha's eyes. She observed lightning course through his body, the ever-increasing foreboding sensation wrapped around her, Theo was growing stronger as time went on.

'What the hell is going on!?!'

With lightning empowerment, Theo loosened his wrist and fortified his fingers. Sneha felt the danger that was about to come; quickly, she severed her captured arm.

Her body flared into a mighty blaze. She ignited the lineage she was given to its absolute limits. Her hair turned to fire, her skin purple, and her three eyes to obsidian.

"Ascencion! Fire Titan's Awakening."

Sneha called upon her ancestor's blood, and she would be an unstoppable Asura of destruction for the next minute. Once she sets her eyes on her target, she must kill them and drink their blood or die.

Sneha's severed hand regrew in an instant, and her fist, as well as her ankles, became fireballs. She looked at Theo, her mind only set on ending his life where he stands, 'I will destroy you before you grow too strong.'

Sneha landed, and the ground underneath exploded to bits as she reappeared a split second later in front of Theo. With fire flaring out of her gritted teeth, she threw a mighty punch that grazed Theo's cheek.

Theo's eyes crackled with lightning, "Big mistake."


A stronger lightning bolt descended on Theo and Sneha.

The awakened triclops opened her eyes inside the field of lightning. She was still trying her hardest to get to Theo, but the pressure was increasing, and inside, she witnessed the inconceivable, 'How… can he move inside this place?'

Inside the lightning, Theo walked towards Sneha, and with every step, his skin cracked, and his blood escaped and floated up to each side of his forehead, crystalizing into spiraling Goat's horn.

"Did you really think… I will play with you? I don't have the time and… I'm getting bored. You were nothing but a savage, after all."

Theo's hand moved like lightning. It was a simple jab, fast without using too much strength.

It had little to no force, but it was sharper than a sword. Sneha looked down and saw Theo pierce her chest with his hand. Her body had been transformed into pure devilish flames, and as Theo crushed her heart, his right hand was incinerated.

The lightning disappeared, and Theo's battered body stood before a dying woman.

Falling to her knees, Sneha could feel her life reaching its limit, "I… didn't expect… you… to actually take this life of mine." She muttered.

"For a first encounter, you're strong. You were fast, strong, and could even call upon a quarter of your Ancestral Lineage. You were gifted, but brute strength is all you have."

Theo rambled as he cracked his neck.

"But I have to give it to you; I did not expect that I'd be using this much power against someone as simple as you." As Theo said these words, blood escaped from the corner of his mouth.

Sneha scoffed, "How… do you… want me to… react from that? Cry… with tears of joy?"

Theo shook his head, "No, I just wanted to let you know; you never stood a chance."


Sneha's brain matter scattered on the ground with a single kick. Theo's leg spurted blood; his bones cracked, but it was all inconsequential in the end.

The horn of crystalized blood then fell, and Theo breathed out.

There were several ways to kill someone with regenerative power, three of them being the most well-known. The first was to use fire, the second was with acid, and the third was to make them exhaust their energy and crush their hearts and head. Unless you're a true Immortal, you won't survive without either.

While activating Greed's Appetite to activate Superior Regeneration, Theo limped away, healing himself from his self-inflicted injuries. His right arm was reformed, but he could feel his bones had grown brittle, 'The curse of the Fire Titan is stronger in this world.'

Theo couldn't walk away without an injury, 'After I'm done with this, I should start a training arc or something. If I didn't have the Scourge body, I would've died from my own lightning.'

Soon, he was back in top shape, but he was now without any Greed's Appetite to use.

[Mark of the Desolate Thunder has been created]

A burning sensation surfaced from his back as Theo walked away.

[World Weapon: Mark of the Desolate Thunder (Tier 5) Acquired]

[World Weapons (2)]

Picking up Apo on the side, Theo entered the mansion that had grown silent.

The mansion was crumbling and could fall at any moment yet, Theo continued.

On his way, he found a path of carnage. Maimed bodies, entrails scattered about, burnt bodies on the ground, it was an image of slaughter, but flowers were blooming from the massacre's aftermath.

An assortment of beautiful flora blooming from the blood of the dead. It was a fantastic sight, and the deeper he went, the deeper the scent of nature grew. In the mansion's main hall, Theo opened the door, and found himself in a beautiful garden with a small hill of dead bodies in the middle of the room; on top, was a woman standing on the pile.

The woman noticed his presence and looked down on him from above, with insanity painting over her eyes, "Theo, you've finally arrived. How do you like the flowers? Aren't they beautiful? I've prepared them just for you."

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