
I am not a Fantasy Hero

I was summoned against my will along with all my classmates, they all wish to have adventures in the other world but my wish is just to go back home. Why is it so hard to accept that I am different from all of them? Why not just return me to my world? Why do they have to make things so difficult? Join Julio on his adventure in a new world after being summoned against his will and then discarded because of his difference of opinion.

Anon20K · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 21: The Fairy in the Cell

Finally, Julio stood up when his strength stats went up to one hundred and four points and his stamina to ninety, although truth be told, the rest of his stats also underwent a change.

"Well, now that I can move I think I should see what my little friend, Bloom, looks like."

"What!" exclaimed Bloom in surprise "NO, don't come!"

"Why?" it's not like you're a monster or anything "now Julio could walk with total peace of mind even with the weight on top of his body."

"I'm warning you, don't come closer Julio, I don't want you to see me" Bloom hid further back in his own small cell.

Julio laughed and finally came closer, he had to crouch down to be equal to the situation


That was the only word out of Julio's mouth, she was squatting in the corner of the cell with her small hands covering her face.

"don't look at me" she said almost in tears.

"red hair, black wings and pale skin, I really like the way you look" Julio described the little fairy perfectly and she listened to the young man's words.

Hearing the young man's words she spread her little fingers apart to look at the young man "do you really think so?"

"Sure, the red colored hair is beautiful and the black wings match perfectly, anyone who calls you a monster is simply an idiot or a blind man, I endorse it" Julio crossed his arms confidently.

"But my wings, they were cursed, a fairy's wings are different colors, but never this dark."

"It's only one color, besides if your wings are dark then you are the most special fairy of all" each of Julio's words reached the little fairy.

"you claim to be as old as the earth, but you still depend on other people's opinion, maybe fairies' puberty lasts longer compared to humans" Julio scratched his chin murmuring, he hadn't noticed it, but in the time since the summoning he had grown some beard on his face.

"I failed my vows and interfered in a battle."

"A fight between fairies?"

"No, we fairies are special spirits, we can only interfere in the human world when our contractor allows it plus our powers can only be of a similar level to the contractor. I have broken that rule and was punished."

"Then fairies have rules too, still, interfering in a fight between mortals shouldn't be cause to lock you up in this place for... How long have you been here?"

"Five thousand years."

Hearing the amount of time Julio raised his eyebrows in surprise "that must be a very short time for you... I think."

"Time passes the same way for everyone, I was locked up in this place for five thousand years without having contact with anyone and if I get out these wings will be the warning for everyone."

"How big was it?" asked Julio


"How big was the fight you interfered in?"

"It was great, I wiped out the empire of the sun and all its ascended warriors in one day."


"do you even know what the empire of the sun and the ascended were?" asked Bloom looking at Julio, but Julio just shook his head "I figured, no one in today's time would know, let alone a summoned hero."

"Still, you must have had your reasons for interfering, no one would wipe out an empire without reasons."

Silence reigned the place for quite some time, it was obvious that Bloom didn't want to say anything about his motives and Julio wouldn't inquire more about the case, he was simply calm having someone to talk to.

"What color were your wings before?"

Bloom looked at Julio with his eyes wide and sketched a soft smile "golden, my wings were the same color as gold and they shone like the stars."

"I like them black, they are much more useful for hiding and moving around without attracting attention" the young hero delivered his point of view without fear.

"in here I don't need to hide from anyone, besides it's not like a lot of people can get close."

"I guess you're right, then I should get you out of this cage" Julio stretched out his arms to punch the small cell "it will only take a second".

"Don't try, this cell is made of a high level spiritual energy, even I can't break it" Bloom created a small sphere of fire in his hand that was thrown towards the bars, but without any effect.

"then I just advance on the fourth floor, finish the dungeon and leave you here because I can't come back, my level is higher than thirty, the dungeon won't allow me to enter".

"We have no options Julio, getting me out of this place is impossible with your current skills. They locked me in a low level dungeon because that way no one would have the strength or skills to free me."

Julio nodded his head, he himself found Bloom's words right, it was hard to deny it.

"Statistics" Julio called to invoke the screen where all his information appeared "this is all I have, maybe something can be useful to get you out of that cage. No one should be locked up in one place for five thousand years."

"But you don't know my story what if I'm cheating on you?"

At Bloom's question, Julio just lifted his shoulders "I have no interest in your past, if I set you free and you cheat on me then I was an idiot, just that."