
I am not a Fantasy Hero

I was summoned against my will along with all my classmates, they all wish to have adventures in the other world but my wish is just to go back home. Why is it so hard to accept that I am different from all of them? Why not just return me to my world? Why do they have to make things so difficult? Join Julio on his adventure in a new world after being summoned against his will and then discarded because of his difference of opinion.

Anon20K · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 04: Summoned Heroes

There were several students with different classes, each with their own thoughts, but no one who had more relevance at that moment.

While everyone was in their own comments, in front of them were the soldiers and among them from the large door at the end of the decorated hall appeared a young emerald-haired girl walking slowly towards the students.

"Heroes" she said in a soft voice "your arrival was just as the high priest mentioned, the goddess has not abandoned us yet, I hope you will join us to force the demons to retreat"

She leaned forward, her beauty was incredible, there was no doubt about that, and as she leaned forward her breasts bounced, catching the attention of all the male students, especially Luke who licked his lips and smiled confidently.

"It will be a pleasure to help you with your problem, there is no need to bow to us, we were summoned to solve the problem" said Luke making the woman stop bowing "My name is Luke Hoppus"

All the students stared at Luke, he had never behaved in a similar way before, he was even in the category of idiots not to be approached.

The emerald-haired woman looked at Luke "Nice to meet you Mr. Luke, nice to meet you all heroes" she stepped back a couple of steps out of the young rebel's reach "My name is Gisela Vierta von Himmel, second princess of the kingdom of Himmel and in charge of the welcome for the heroes"

"A royal princess!" exclaimed the otaku, making several students uncomfortable.

"They are waiting for us in the main hall, come with me heroes, the king and the queen want to meet you" Gisela pointed to them to follow her, the first to step forward was Luke without removing his smile, the rest followed the princess closely to meet with the kings.

The corridors of the castle were luxurious as everyone expected, they could not see servants nearby, the reasons were simple, the fact that the heroes appeared was an important event and there could be no mistakes, instead there were guards every five meters, one on each side, with full armor and a large shield that covered almost the entire body of the soldier with the emblem of a powerful black bear.

"On the other side of the doors are the king and queen" said Gisele stopping before opening the door "there may be a little more people in the place, I hope they do not feel uncomfortable, the truth is that everyone present just want to see the heroes who will save the world"

"You have nothing to worry about princess, we will do our best to be at the height of the situation" declared Luke in full confidence, princess Gisele just looked at him with a smile on her face.

The huge doors opened revealing the throne room, as expected there were many guards compared to the previous corridors and rooms, but the guards in the throne room looked even more intimidating than before and of course much stronger.

"The summoning ceremony was a success master Zoello, your great ability never ceases to impress us" the king, a short brown-haired man mentioned with great pride to the old man next to him.

The old man who answered by the name of Zoello bowed slightly to the king "Your majesty, I always use all my dedication to complete the tasks imposed by the goddess in the mission to save our race"

The king only nodded his head in satisfaction, the summoned heroes were now gathered a few steps away from his throne, all looked expectantly to all sides.

"Father" called Gisela kneeling down "the heroes are here as planned, thirty-nine of them to be exact, the goddess seems to have informed of the situation beforehand" said Gisela.

"The goddess herself?!" asked Zoello in surprise, "unbelievable, there are no records of this happening before, these heroes must really be important if the goddess appeared before them personally.

The king looked at the young heroes carefully then rose from his throne revealing his majestic white armor with golden details all over, in the center of his armor, right on the chest was the same bear of the shields carried by the guards.

"Welcome honorable heroes, our kingdom was anxiously awaiting the arrival of all of you" the king lowered his head towards the group of young men who had been admiring him since they arrived at the throne room.

"Henry was the one who reacted before everyone else and mentioned to the king" we only came to help, we don't need bows like that, but I would prefer to have a little more information, before coming here we were only students and we didn't have any training to fight.

All the people were looking at the heroes, they were a little surprised, they expected the heroes to have no training, it is something normal in summoned beings, but they did not expect this kind of treatment from a summoned person. Henry surprised everyone by being able to remain calm even in that situation.

The king followed Henry's suggestion and stopped bowing, then he looked at the young man and said, "What is your name young hero?"

"I am Henry Wright your majesty"

"A name worthy of a hero, your parents must have predicted your future in this place" laughed the King making everyone feel a little uncomfortable "I am Rogger Mason VI, the king of the kingdom of Himmel" as he pronounced his own name the King's voice seemed deeper and much more dignified.

Then, when all the students were impressed with the king's voice, an unexpected sound appeared among the students, like the roar of an animal.

"Sorry" said Nash, scratching his head in embarrassment.

The king on the other hand laughed again "Our heroes must be exhausted and their bellies must be empty, let's eat and rest, during the morning they will be able to talk about everything in detail"