
I am Naruto's older brother with a the devil summoner system

I died and met Jesus he resurrected my in the body of Hayabusa namikaze with a system from shin megami tensei as I grew I developed the six eyes and found myself becoming stronger every day now my goal is to make sure that I'm strong enough to help defeat the enemies of this world I'll face and hope my brother can achieve his destiny

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

the princess and the devil summoner

" my name is princess yukihime no kokoro and I hope that you will serve me well." Said the girl.

This girl just got on my nerves she acted entitled in the two minutes I had known her she had managed to insult all four members of our team.

Flash back two minutes ago.

" So your my bodyguards you guys don't look all that strong." Said the girl.

" Hmph I don't like it first of you look like you haven't taken a bath in two days." Said the girl pointing at Hanna.

' here we go.' I dead panned internally.

" You look like a stripper rather than a ninja aren't you cold wearing such a revealing outfit." Said the girl.

" This is my clans traditional combat uniform for women" said kisumi.

" Whatever and you is that a porno book your reading put it away now or I'll burn it." Said the girl.

Kakashi complied.

" And finally you why are you wearing shades over your eyes it's cloudy outside today there's no need for shades." Said the girl.

" It's because my eyesight is so strong if I don't wear them I'll get headaches." I explained trying to cool my temper.

" Hmph yeah right your not an Uchiha or a hyuga so I doubt you have a doujutsu." Said the girl.

I took my glasses off and looked her dead in the eye.

" If you have any other complaints save it for somebody who gives a friggin damn."

" and for the record don't you dare tell me what I have and don't have as abilities because you don't know what I am capable of, I've killed six full grown men by the time I was half your age and i damned sure am not afraid to bend you over my knee hike your skirt up pull your panties down and give you a spanking right here in public right now so you better learn some manners right now." I told her as she saw my true eyes she felt as if her very soul were being weighed as if she were being judged right before God where she stood and she didn't feel comfortable at all.

" My name is princess yukihime-no-kokoro and I hope you serve me well." She said losing all nerve she had before.

I put on my shades and we traveled with her escorting the girl to the land of snow.

" So what's your name." She asked me.

" Hayabusa namikaze." I replied.

" What's wrong with your eyes." She asked.

" Nothing I developed a Doujutsu of my own somehow but I can't turn it off like the hyuga the Uchiha or my brother it causes headaches if exposed for too long so I wear these shades to help me keep from getting migraines." I explained.

" Do they have any special powers." She asked.

" They do." I said.

" Show me." She said.

" Pick up that rock." I said.

She noticed the rock next to her foot and picked it up.

" Now throw it at me as hard and as fast as you can." I said.

She did so but was surprised when it stopped before even coming near me.

" This is infinity a power my eyes give me basically it's a barrier that allows my to suspend any moving force as long as I can predict it basically unless you can't out pace my sight which is at the atomic level by the way you can't come even close to touching me." I explained.

" So basically your untouchable; but do you have any offensive powers by it." Asked the girl.

" I do it's called lapse blue." I said.

" Weird name what does it do." She asked.

" It can pull things towards other things as if making them a magnet although if used as an attack it can cause things to implode" I said.

( A/n I know it only makes humans implode but let's just use our imagination and pretend it can do it to other things too; )

" Prove it!" She asked.

The rock was still floating in front of me in mid suspension I made a few random ass hand gensters not even seals but from this girl's knowledge of ninjas I doubt she's even seen a seal and then a ball of blue energy appears in front of me I snapped my fingers and it moved towards the rock and upon touching it the rock popped like a balloon.

" You 'can' make things implode ." She said amazed

"I have one more question." She said raising her hand.

" Yes miss kokoro." I answered

"what's a magnet." She asked.

' this gonna be a lonnng journey.' I Dead-panned internally.

As we came close to the border of the fire country to the land of snow I saw two prolly made puddles of frozen water.

' idiots even if we're at the border the climate here isn't cold enough to freeze water it takes at least twenty more miles ahead for it to be that cold.' I thought.

" Hey kakashi sensei?" I asked.

" Yes Hayabusa-kun." He answered.

" Are there ninja who can use snow based Jutsu." I asked.

" It depends for example the second hokage could use snow based Jutsu but then again he and his brother were masters of thousands of Jutsu and I mean more than at least three thousand." Said the one eyed ninja.

" And that means there's more than over two billion known techniques in this world." I answered.

" Exactly and for a snow user they could be a puddle of ice waiting to strike." Said kakashi.

It was at this sentence very end that the two ninja came out of hiding and attempted to strike at us but before the ninja knew it one of them had a kunai to the chest while the other one was suspended in still motion.

I smiled " oh I have always wanted a new punching bag and I will name him George." I said as I moved closer to the man and gave him a good pummeling all over his body I'm talking about hitting him with every known boxing punch and kicking him in every possible area of his body.

" Now tell us who sent you." I said

The man smirked "see you in hell." He said and tried to bite his suicide pill but to his surprise he didn't have it on his mouth.

" Looking for this sumbitch." I said holding a small capsule in-between my fingers then I threw it to the ground and shot a lapse blue at the ground after which stood nothing but an empty crater.

"If you don't tell us who your employer is, you next." I quipped.

" Right we were hired by embassador Lee of the Land of snow." Said the man.

" So basically it's an attempt at regicide." I said.

" What's regicide?" Asked kokoro.

" To put it simply it's where a trusted member of a royal court attempts to murder their own king or in this case their own princess." I explained.

" Those bastards!!!" She cursed.

" Language little lady." I said.

" But you cursed a moment ago." Said the girl.

" Yes but that's different." I said.

" How is it different?!" She asked.

" First off in my village I'm considered an adult second off you Don't have a child playing a full game of twenty questions with you per-second and third off your a respectable young lady so act like it." I said.

The five of us crossed the border into the land of snow.