
I am Naruto's older brother with a the devil summoner system

I died and met Jesus he resurrected my in the body of Hayabusa namikaze with a system from shin megami tensei as I grew I developed the six eyes and found myself becoming stronger every day now my goal is to make sure that I'm strong enough to help defeat the enemies of this world I'll face and hope my brother can achieve his destiny

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

enter captain Yamato: the old team seven reunited

After defeating sasori and subduing Daedara kakashi fell weak due to chakra exhaustion so now we needed a new team captain to help us fortunately Tsunade had a solution.

" This is captain Yamato." Said tsunade who introduced us to a ninja wearing the traditional joinin uniform but with a head protector like the second hokage's I knew that Yamato was an individual who Oorochimaru had experimented on by grafting the first hokage's cells into him allowing him to use the mokutōn bloodline.

" For the record I will be leading two squads on team seven the first squad will be Naruto Hinata and Raidou the second squad will be the previous team seven." Said Yamato.

" Wait a minute the previous team seven that would mean." I said.

" Hey Hayabusa." Said a rough female voice.

" Hana?" I said in surprise the girl had grown into a fine young woman.

" Hayabusa dono how was your training." Said a beautiful young woman with peach colored hair who was now wearing a beautiful white and pink kunoichi battle dress.

" Kisumi-chan? " I said in amazement.

Both girls had grown into beautiful young flowers that seemed far from most men's reach most men except myself.

" Wow you girls have grown so beautiful." I said in amazement.

Hana and kisumi blushed.

" So whose the pretty boy with the cat on his shoulder?" Asked Hana.

" Oh that's Raidou kuzunoha he's a demon summoner and a ninja from a clan in the land of demon." I explained.

" Although I hate to break up this reunion and kill a moment between you three I want to asses your abilities since kakashi has been busy with naruto's team." Said Yamato.

" Hayabusa," said Yamato

" Yes sir!?" I asked.

" I heard you used some interesting techniques on kakashi sensei during your mission, care to tell us about them?" Asked yamato.

" Okay I'll tell you about them, the flying technique is a skill utilizing my limitless I call the ten-ranbu-no-jutsu or the sky dance technique," I began to explain

" The taijutsu technique where I cut down the puppets with a swipe of my hand is one of the five venomous fist I learned after winning a battle with an evil master," i continued

" and as for the technique that I used to finish off sasori their two bloodline techniques I have called domain expansion and hallow purple." I said finishing my explanation.

" I see so Hayabusa you've been improving your bloodline limit." Said yamato

" and as for Naruto I suspect he has learned a great deal as well no?" Asked Naruto.

" I've learned some special techniques and created some as well there are three other techniques I've created using my kikū-retsu-no-jutsu there names are seiryuu, byakkoh and genbu I've also developed my own tai-jutsu techniques." Said Naruto with a confident nod.

" Hmm well then let's get to the point your team will be heading out to retrieve sasuke Uchiha and capture Oorochimaru." Said Tsunade.

After which the group were ready to go out on their mission.

The group headed towards the hidden sound village and prepared to face their enemy fortunately they were ready for anything.

Raidou had made sure to bring the special weapon his family left him a sword called the kagutsuchi, the sword was his family's sacred treasure said to even be on par with the kusunagi no tsurugi and the raijin-no-tsurigi, sure he couldn've used demon weapons but where was the honor in that besides he planned on showing his talent since the kuzunoha clan had the same chakra natures as the Uchiha clan.

I called Naruto over and decided to give him a special sword it was a demon fused sword called the blade of totsuka.

" Your giving this...to me?" Asked Naruto.

" Of course you've graduated from my sword training Naruto-kun." I said with a knowing smile.

We headed towards the bridge to Oorochimaru's base when Oorochimaru stopped us.

" Well lucky me the two namikaze brats are here at last and it seems you've brought a new playmate for sasuke-kun." Said Oorochimaru addressing Raidou.

He lunged at Raidou but before he could get close he had a sword next to his neck,

" You touch that boy and you die." I said.

Oorochimaru pulled back then made a few hand seals.

" Stone release five harmonies creation." He said and suddenly five rock spirits appeared.

Hana kisumi Hinata Naruto and Raidou all faced one of the rock spirits while Oorochimaru was left to myself and to Yamato sensei.

" So the namikaze brat and the runaway experiment both are my opponents." Said Oorochimaru.

' damned sumbitch is lucky that I can't kill him due to the mission but for now I've got the chance to test my new found techniques on him.' I thought.

Oorochimaru came at me with a spear hand strike,

" Five venomous fist: serpent sniping strike!" I shouted landing a series of spear hands and then using a swiping knife hand strike.

Oorochimaru fell backwards then recovered he came at me with a powerful drilling palm strike which I countered with a linear elbow strike then I shouted,

" Five venomous fist: centipede hundred armed strike! " I shouted and landed a hundred punches in under a second to the sage,

Yamato then attacked Oorochimaru with his mokutōn: Moku-kyaku-no-Jutsu.

A leg made of wood came out of the ground and struck the serpent sideways.

I then attacked Oorochimaru from multiple directions with flying strikes,

" Five venomous fist: gekko's lunging kill!" I announced the name of the technique.

Oorochimaru couldn't predict where I was jumping from and as a result he couldn't tell where my strikes were going to be.

" This isn't funny boy." Said Oorochimaru.

" No it isn't now take this." I proclaimed landing a combination of arching kicks before doing a handstand and bending my body into an impossible angle and landing a powerful kick from above my head that slammed into the ground creating a huge crater where Oorochimaru had nearly been beheaded,

" Five venomous fist: scorpion striking legs!" I announced,

" Mokutōn: sei-ki-no-katsu! " Said yamato.

( Wood release:sacred trees of life!)

As he summoned a tree that would slowly drain Oorochimaru's chakra,

Oorochimaru then made a bunch of hand seals.

" Sage art hidden snake sword!" He shouted and from his mouth a hilt of a sword came and out from it hi drew the kusunagi-no-tsurugi,

Quickly I drew my sword hinokugatsuchi,

And then I guarded the poisoned sword's blade.

I smirked and made a hand seal and my sword caught fire, sun blade style: sky dance I shouted and executed a leaping flip strike from the air causing Oorochimaru to be surprised.

Oorochimaru's sword nearly shattered from the strike and then I landed Oorochimaru went for a back turn swipe but I span around and used three consecutive swipe's

" sun blade style: solar wave dance!" I shouted.

Oorochimaru's sword began to crack from the powerful blows until finally I called out sun blade style rising sun slash, I executed a powerful rising and falling slash from my sword at that point the kusunagi shattered fortunately for Oorochimaru though the kusunagi was an extension of himself so he could regenerate it if needed but the weapon took a large amount of chakra,

Finally Oorochimaru took his snake form and tried to wrap around me like a boa but in the heat of battle he forgot about my two bloodlines and as a result he was suspended in mid air as I smirked and teleported around him landing a multitude of strikes using the senko-ken then I went and delivered a powerful front kick into a Dragon Uppercut and ending in a five fourty degree spinning roundhouse kick,

"Souten-ryuu-ranbu!!!" I shouted and sent that sumbitch flying into the tree that drained his chakra.

I checked on the others,

Naruto had destroyed the rock spirit that faced him with his suzaku,

Hinata had shattered the rock spirit with a palm wave, Raidou had cut down the rock spirit he faced with one single slash, kisumi had stomped her rock spirit into the ground using her chain stamps, and Hana and chibiretsu had drilled through their rock spirit using their summoning art: beast fang,

After each one of them defeated their enemies the six of us plus Yamato sensei arrived at the hidden base.

When we arrived we found that Oorochimaru had summoned the sound four to guard the place using edo tensei,

Hanna and chibiretsu faced jugo, kisumi faced kibimaru, Raidou faced kimimaro, Hinata faced tayuya and I faced sakon and Ukon, while Naruto and Yamato headed towards the place where Sasuke was,

" So this is it our training is put to the test." Said Hinata.

Kisumi made a hand seal and released her restraints that allowed her to move faster than before, Hanna smirked and used her man beast cloning technique,

Hinata assumed a relaxed stance while drawing her arms in a circle she stepped her feet around them assumed the white crane stance,

Raidou drew his sword and bowed to kimimaro who returned the bow and drew his sword,

I stood and faced the two twins,

"This'll be fun." I Said

To be continued

oh cliff hanger Kun ~ welp the team now faces the reanimated Sound Four and Kimimaro how will this play out find out in the next chapter

now I won't give you a preview since you can already guess that there will be a battle so I'm going to leave you in the dark for now,

to be continued,

( who will survive?)

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