
I am Naruto's older brother with a the devil summoner system

I died and met Jesus he resurrected my in the body of Hayabusa namikaze with a system from shin megami tensei as I grew I developed the six eyes and found myself becoming stronger every day now my goal is to make sure that I'm strong enough to help defeat the enemies of this world I'll face and hope my brother can achieve his destiny

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

discipline is not a sin so it shouldn't be a crime either

Tsunade was in her office whenever the abbot from fire temple came into the hokage's office he asked her to let a special child stay and train in this village the child's name was Sora apparently he had a fraction of the kyubi's chakra,

" Bring him in," said the busty kagé.

The child was brought in but as soon as he saw her he started mouthing off.

" This old hag is the hokage she looks like she should be a harlot." Said the kid.

Within the second after he mentioned the word harlot the boy was sent flying outside in the hallway.

" Listen here just because your a ward of the fire temple doesn't mean I won't TEAR YOU ASUNDER." Said Tsunadé with a demonic aura.

" I believe some discipline should be in order so I shall put him on the team of Talon Suzuki," Said Tsunade.

" Whose that!" Asked the monk.

" He's known as the leaves flaming dragon and he is also the heir to the legendary martial art of Hi-enryuu-ken," said Tsunadé.

" Excuse me but isn't that a long with jūken Gō-ken, chou-hak-kyoku-ken, and flowing fist one of the deadliest Martial arts in the world," asked the monk.

" In the meantime he will spar with my son Nawaki," said Tsunadé.

After taking the boy to her estate the boy was introduced to the four year old Sora being twelve would be shocked that Tsunade suggest that he spar with this brat.

" Okay begin," said Tsunade.

The boy came at Nawaki with a step in straight which Nawaki blocked and countered with a move called rinmon chouchuu fallowed by a straight blast then a back fist.

Not wanting to be outdone Sora let out a combination of a body blow a hook punch and an Uppercut only for Nawaki to shift his weight and dodge the fist blow slap the second punch away and in the middle of the Uppercut Nawaki shifted right and countered with a tetsuzanko the shoulder and hip strike knockedsora to the ground peaved Sora decided to try and choke the boy but Nawaki used a move from the flowing fist called the waves rise and fall he made a lifting motion with his palms at the boy's elbows grabbed him via his inner forearms and pulled him into a knee lift strike.

Sora upset told Nawaki.

" Your just lucky because your the hokage's son you'd never beat me if this were a real fight," said Sora.

" I beat you even though this was a spar," Nawaki bit back.

Sora then pushed Nawaki down and spat on him.

At that moment Mei decided to visit,

" Hello Tsunade and Nawaki Kun and who is this," said the beautiful mizukage.

" Who is this big bimbo?" Said Sora.

" What did you just call me brat," said Mei

" Shuddap you skank," said Sora.

" Sora this woman is the mizukage," said Tsunade

" So i don't care," said Sora with a snotty reply.

That was when I let myself be known.

" So you don't care that your being an ass crack, well then you won't care when you get your ass whooped," I said.

" Shut up bastard," said Sora.

" He did not just say that to me," I said.

I put a timer on my watch.

" Nine seconds that's wall you have to decide your fate," I said.

" Like I care," said Sora

" I'm the ward of the fire-" he began before he noticed he had been bent over my knee and had his pants pulled down.

" What are you doing to me? " Asked Sora.

" ITS TIME FOR SOME DISCIPLINE," i said in my best mask impression.

Freeze frames black in white,

" It was at this moment Sora knew, he fucked up," came Nawaki Tsunade and Mei's voice over in synch.

For the next five minutes the sounds of a child's cry was heard.

" I hate you!" Said Sora.

" If you thought that was bad,next time I'll introduce you to el diablo," I said with a spanking motion.

" Who's El diablo?" Asked Nawaki.

" Oh honey it's his fishing rod," said Tsunadé.

" Wait he's going to take him fishing," asked Nawaki.

" In a sense," said Mei.

After that Sora watched his mouth else fear of being switched upside the neck with a cane pole.

Later Sora joined the team lead by talon which consisted of talons younger brother beak Retsu makai, ran koshinzu, and Jan katsubaki the arrival of Sora was not a happy one.

Sora was ordered to do a hundred of each pushups sit ups squats and laps around the training field.

After this he was given taijutsu lessons from talon whenever Sora got cocky talon would smack him with a bamboo stick to remind him who the student was and who the teacher was,

After which Sora was beginning to get used to his work out routine Sora was learning an ancient taijutsu style called katchi-diz-hadsu which seemed to be based off of wing Chun and every day was getting better however due to jan's use of chou-hak-kyoku-ken compared to the straight forward fighting of katchi-diz-hadsu he lacked the super human strength to keep up however talon told him that he was about to learn how to use said strength and thus talon taught Sora the way of chakra bursts.

Sora managed to eventually combine his new style with not only chakra bursts but also with wind release to create cyclone straights and wind blade kicks,

I watched this from behind a tree and smirked "maybe this kid is redeemable." I said to myself.

Elsewhere on the outskirts of konoha.

" Fūka." Said the masked man.

" Yes milord?" She asked in reply.

" I want you to absorb the chakra of the one called Naruto Uzumaki," said The leader.

" Yes milord," she said.

The woman and her partner then shun-shined into the village there they observed the ninja.

After a while Naruto came out of the estate with Hinata fallowing him.

To say Fūka was attracted to Naruto was an understatement she was head over heels with the boy the boys blonde hair which had been grown shoulder length and his chunin vest along with that orange coat with black flames made the boy look like a miniature yondaime well she didn't know That but she found his hair and outfit damn sexy,

But the girl he was talking with may be a problem since she was talking casually with him she knew that she had to take what was rightfully hers.

She fallowed them into an alley and found the boy still remained while the girl was gone little did she know you from above the same boy was watching.

" Now young Naruto I will make you mine!" She said

Naruto turned to her with a smile to sweet to be innocent and spoke up.

" Well it must be necrophilia," came a voice that definitely didn't belong to a boy and In a poof of smoke the boy was gone and standing there was a seriously pissed Hinata.

" Because you're about to be One Dead Bitch." She said putting a light emphasis on the last three words.

The woman immediately went for her hand seals but Hinata was faster and she tapped the tenketsu points on the woman's body with speed that rivaled the boy of the two's affections.

I arrived with a two bags of peanuts in hand and handed one to my little bro as we sat back and watched the slaughter that the skank was about to receive from the nicest girl in town.

The woman was forced to resort to her taijutsu training but for a woman whose main way of killing is by stealing their chakra via strangling her opponent so she could kiss them Versus a girl whose whole family legacy is built off of their taijutsu and their bloodlines she was completely outmatched Hinata decided to add insult to the woman's injury and use the jūhō soushiken, ( gentle step twin lion fist) was enough to put the woman down before Hinata took her out by sealing of the breathing point in her neck causing the woman to strangle to death.

' I believe I saw that in fist of the north star,' I thought to myself.

" Your girlfriend really kicks ass li'l Bro," I said.

" Yeah remind me to never piss her off," said Naruto wincing at the continued beating fūka received.

After which the Hinata turned to the direction of the two boys.

" Are we heading to ichiraku now Naruto Kun!" She asked.

Naruto jumped down and nodded let's go.

I left the bags of peanuts there for the birds and went back home.

There I found Nawaki crying.

" What happened, son answer me!" I said.

" These two big men came and kidnapped Sora and threatened to kill momma and Uncle Naruto," he cried.

I grit my teeth.

" Looks like that woman isn't the only one whose going to die tonight," I thought.

I instantly moved faster than humanly possible even for naruto's standards as I found the two carrying Sora I cut the off.

" You know it's one thing to kidnap a kid," I said

" but to scare a four year old by threatening his mommy and uncle now that's just low," i said.

The two men came at me but one was immediately blitzed by over a hundred punches in a second.

Before the secondan came at me and I did a crossover while grabbing his arm twisting it and then using a low sweeping roundhouse kick I took the man's legs out while removing his arm from his socket.

The man drew a kunai and threw it at me but my limitless suspended it.

" ...have mercy!" Said the man.

" Sorry all out of mercy," was my only reply before I formed a lapse blue and blasted him with it making him swell up pop like a balloon.

I turned to Sora expecting him to let me take him home but he ran off to the direction they were heading.

I sighed.

" So it's unavoidable he has to die," I thought realizing I couldn't change this event.

To be continued

a bit longer than usual and yes most of that was just a summary but to be honest I wasn't feeling to well after I finished this bad case of the bubble guts.

now onto the preview.

" you want me to take you with me then kill the hokage." said the man who Sora addressed as father.

" well now if I bribed my son with love in order to do what I wanted I would be going to hell just like you," I smarted off.

" first kill that bastard!" said the man.

" bastard?!" I said while suspending Sora in my limitless.

" I'll have you know that my parents were gladly married before I was born, thank you very much!" I said.

then I turned to the man.

" you on the other hand don't have the right to be called a parent let alone be a father!" I bit back

"but since both of you decided to betray my hospitality I guess I'll kill both of you," I said.

to be continued

( who will survive!)

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