
I Am Machine

It was said he was in a terrible accident that resulted in him being part machine… They said he was a robot that couldn’t feel— that he died in that accident and now “it” was walking around in his body. He wore a glove on his left hand always, but a black and white mask when he was doing Underworld business. Casimiro Machina inherited a lot from his parents, but furthered his fortune after becoming King of the Underworld and CEO of Machina Industries. Nova Orion is trying very hard to track down her parents— which she found out were entangled with the Underworld and either a crime organization or a crime *fighting* organization. But the Underworld King and her have a, well, history… After fighting for nearly a decade, the two have formed a special bond. The kind that doesn’t allow anyone else to come between their fights. Both waiting for the day to come when one surrenders or kills the other. However, circumstances change and Nova is forced to make decisions she wouldn’t have taken. Situations push the two together. Then, a dark force comes for Stardust. Agreeing on a truce and to collaborate on the force trying to take Nova and destroy Casimiro’s empire, the two must also face the electrifying tension when left alone in the same room… *** #fantasy #enemiestolovers #partmachine #comedyromance #sci-fi-romance

Olympiani · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


Well, Nova had planned for this. But she forgot which plan she was on now.

Ah, well, time to improvise.

She threw her bag with the artifact into the vent and turned to face the Headmistress.

"Sorry, lady. Gotta do what I gotta do," Nova said, shrugging.

The Headmistress stepped towards her as Nova prepared to fight.

The lights were still off, the room dark as the shadows seemed to grow.

Well, Nova was used to darkness. In fact, she thrives in it. But she was becoming antsy as the Headmistress just stood there.

"I have to admit," the old woman started. "I really wasn't expecting this."

Nova internally rolled her eyes. Monologuing.

Before either of the women could get another word out, Vincent burst through the doors.

"Ah, there we are," the Headmistress said, relieved. "Vincent, please take care of this while I-"


Nova stared at the Headmistress as she put her hand to her chest. When she looked at it, blood started to seep through her fingers from where the knife was embedded. Shock colored the old woman's face as she looked at Vincent.

Not a word was said as the Headmistress' body fell to the ground.

Nova stared at the lifelessness of her. She didn't feel guilty or sad, but she also didn't feel good. She really didn't like death and did not want to see any more. She'd experienced enough.

"Go!" Vincent screamed at her, suddenly shaking Nova's shoulders to pull her out of it.

Nova swallowed and quickly nodded, jumping back into the vent and not looking back. She was vaguely aware of a piece of paper in her hand, but she didn't have time to look at it so she stuffed it in her back as she continued crawling.

Nova got out of the vent right where she started in the hall and took off towards the stairs.

Right as she was about to fling open the door, the lights turned on.


She slunk into the stairway and ran as fast as she could up the stairs, hearing commotion coming from under her.

Nova finally reached the roof and saw the helicopter start its rotor. Her heart practically dropped at the sight of the helicopter lifting up. She ran as fast as she could and jumped into the hovering aircraft just in time.

It took to the air as she grasped the closest thing to her as tightly as she could. Her stomach felt like it was still on the ground as her body was in the air.

Her eyes were sealed shut as the breath was stolen from her. The feelings of upside down spinning refused to cease as long as she was in the air. Her stomach was in turmoil as she held on for dear life.

It wasn't very long until she heard— and felt— the huge boom of the building exploding.

Nova felt like it was days before the helicopter started to slow until it finally stopped its angry rumbling.

She cracked her eyes open, her lips dry and mouth parched from the intense wind. She could barely make out blurry lights and human forms as the dizziness started to clear.

She gulped and unwrapped her aching arms from the empty harness of the seat she was next to. She shakily got up, clutching her bag, and started to get off the helicopter. There were three people standing on the ground waiting for her.

The pilot and two upper class passengers who were probably there for the auction but left when the commotion started.

Nova gulped, bidding them farewell, and left towards the woods and off the helipad.

Disoriented and shaken, she clutched her bag tightly as she walked deeper and deeper into the woods. It must have been minutes, but it felt like hours before she leaned against a tree.

Taking deep breaths, she remembered to finish her mission. She hadn't intended to get so airsick after witnessing the murder she didn't want to see. Maybe it was shock. Maybe it was the blood.

Wait, blood? Who's blood? Her blood?

Nova looked at her stomach and found red seeping into the white shirt.

When had this happened? Did she hurt herself? Was it in the vent?

Bile rose to her throat before she turned her head and vomited, her brain pounding and chest burning. When she was done, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, heaving for air.


When would Casimiro come get her? Wasn't he supposed to be here?

No, she was supposed to be… where was supposed to be?

Where was she?

She slid down the tree until she sat down, clutching her bag and the piece of paper in her hand that she had forgotten about tightly.

It was so dark out. Didn't she need to get away? But, the building exploded… there would be no one to come after her.

Maybe she could just sleep for a bit. But her wounds…

Nova's head was spinning. Disoriented and distracted, she could only focus on the darkness closing in on her. Well, she liked the dark. It was comforting. Her parents had taught her to find the comfort in it.

Her parents.

Where were they? They were supposed to get her. They were supposed to come back.

Her eyes stung and she was vaguely aware of the wetness on her cheeks.

Nova's eyes felt too heavy and she couldn't remember what she was doing anymore. But she knew she would be okay. She was always okay.


Casimiro trekked through the woods alone. He hadn't wanted to bring anyone with him. He was perfectly able to take care of himself and he didn't want any liabilities. But Nova was supposed to meet him at the small motel on the outskirts of the city and she never showed up.

He hadn't worried for the first hour or so, but there was absolutely no sign of her. He waited a little longer before calling his people.

Casimiro had ordered a car to be at the helipad and to take a blonde haired woman carrying a black bag to him. But the car reported that the helicopter had landed by the time they got there and there were a few people there, but no white haired anyone. They did, however, find a spot of blood that did not belong to any of the passengers and they reported that a white haired woman did jump onto the helicopter— but she had disappeared as soon as it landed and no one knew where she was.

So now Casimiro was in the woods looking for the girl he assigned to a mission that she assured would be easy. At this point, he didn't care about the artifact anymore. He just wanted to make sure Nova was alive.

She had to be. He couldn't let anything happen to her.

Casimiro was scanning the area when he heard a twig snap to his far left. He quietly stalked towards the area, seeing a small rustle of movement in the brush.

He noticed a bloody handprint on the tree near the rustling ferns. He prepared for the worst, his heart strangely squeezing a little.

But suddenly, a doe rose out of the brush and stared at him. The deer had blood on her side, but she didn't appear to be hurt. Casimiro looked at the ground and found Nova laying unconscious.

He looked back at the deer for a moment, curious as to why this creature was compelled to save her, but quickly snapped out of his reverie and kneeled down.

Casimiro checked for a pulse and found one, letting out a small breath he didn't know he was holding. The blood on her strangely oversized shirt was mostly dry but he had to rip open the shirt to check her wound. It wasn't huge, but made enough blood to soak the shirt and then some. The wound didn't seem to be bleeding anymore though. Just raw.

He looked up at the deer who was staring at them.

The doe took a step forward and nudged Nova with her nose.

Suddenly, as if by magic… and maybe it was… Nova opened her eyes.