
I Am Ironman (MHA)

Having found himself reincarnated into the My Hero world our main protagonist will try to live up to his name sake

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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78 Chs

Chapter 78: Techno Vision

[Third Person's PoV] 

Momo was slumped over a nearby desk, her head resting on a stack of papers, fast asleep without a care in the world. The quiet hum of Tony's lab was the only sound until—


The sudden shout jolted Momo awake. She leaped from her seat, immediately adopting a fighting stance, a sheet of paper still stuck to the side of her face. She frantically looked around for the source of danger.

When her eyes landed on Tony, who was standing with his fist triumphantly raised in the air, she sighed in relief. The paper slipped from her cheek as she rubbed her eyes, letting out a groggy yawn. "Ughhh, Tony, did you really have to shout so loud?" she muttered, crouching down to retrieve the fallen paper.

"Huh? Oh, Momo, you're still here? Sorry about that, I just got a bit too excited," Tony said, sounding slightly apologetic.

Momo rubbed her eyes again, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "What time is it, anyway?" she asked, noticing the darkness still outside the windows.

"Friday?" Tony called out.

"5 a.m., boss," Friday replied in her usual calm tone.

As Momo finished reorienting herself, she asked, "So you really did it, huh?"

"Yeah," Tony grinned, "I even managed to adjust the coding a bit, so it's more advanced."

"So, where is it?" Momo asked, looking around curiously.

"I haven't built it yet. I just finished translating everything into code, but I've already got the design ready," Tony explained.

"I see. Well, in that case, while you do that, I'm going to use your shower," Momo said, stretching before heading towards the bathroom.

"You go do that," Tony responded with a thumbs up, already turning his attention back to his work.

As Momo disappeared, Tony began gathering the necessary components around his lab. He put on a pair of goggles and picked up a small soldering iron, carefully connecting wires and circuits. Occasionally, sparks flew, followed by wisps of smoke that he casually blew away as he continued his work, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in deep concentration.

After several minutes, Tony reached for a pair of tiny tweezers, using them to carefully pick up two thin, clear plastic disks. He moved them into a small casing filled with a special liquid, then connected the casing to his computer via a cable. Tony typed a series of commands, watching as a loading screen appeared and began to fill.

Just then, Momo re-entered the lab, her hair loose and wearing a cozy red sweater paired with jeans. "What are you up to now?" she asked, tying her hair back into a ponytail.

"I'm downloading the Quirk Factor where it belongs," Tony explained, his eyes fixed on the progress bar as it slowly filled up.

"Ah, actually, I need your help with something," Tony said once the bar reached 100%.

"Sure, what can I do for you?" Momo asked, eager to assist.

Tony disconnected the casing and handed it to her. "I need you to insert these into my eyes. I'm too scared to do it myself."

Momo blinked in surprise. She opened the case to find a pair of glowing blue contact lenses. Looking at Tony with a straight face, she asked, "Are you serious?"

"My eyes close reflexively, and I can't manage to insert them," Tony explained, sounding a bit embarrassed.

Momo couldn't help but chuckle. She set the case down and delicately picked up one of the lenses, balancing it on the tip of her finger. "Alright, lean back," she said, clearly amused.

Tony leaned back in his seat, eyes wide open, trying his best to stay still. But as Momo leaned in to insert the lens, his eyes instinctively squinted shut.

"Stop squinting! I can't put it in if you keep doing that," Momo said, grabbing his face to steady him.

"What part of 'it's a reflex' do you not understand, woman?" Tony retorted, half-annoyed, half-amused by the situation.

No matter how many ways Momo tried to keep Tony still, his eyes kept squinting instinctively to protect themselves. Growing frustrated, Momo snapped, "I swear to God, Tony, if you don't sit still, I will put you in a vice grip!"

Without waiting for a response, Momo got on top of Tony and forcefully grabbed his head. She created two small appliances that held his eyelids wide open, ensuring that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't close them. With a look of intense concentration, she didn't even notice the awkward position they were in.

Momo inserted the first contact lens, then leaned back to grab the case and pick up the second one. She firmly took hold of his chin to keep his head steady and carefully inserted the second lens. Once done, she jumped off, put a hand on her hip, and breathed a sigh of relief. "There! If only you weren't so squirmy, I wouldn't have had to resort to violence," she huffed as she removed the appliances.

As soon as the devices were off, Tony shut his eyes tightly and put a hand over them, leaning forward.

"Ah… You're okay, right?" Momo asked, her annoyance quickly turning to concern, fearing she might have hurt him.

"Yeah, I'm just getting used to these. They're a bit uncomfortable since I've never worn contacts before. Give me a minute…" Tony reassured her.

Slowly, Tony began to look up at Momo and opened his eyes.

"Woah…" Momo muttered in amazement, "They're beautiful…" She stared at Tony's glowing blue eyes, mesmerized. The lenses were glowing with blue-green circuitry visible within them. The circuits formed a symmetrical design, resembling a combination of concentric circles and angular patterns that looked like gears, slowly spinning and shifting as if they were actively moving.


"Did the guy you copied this from have eyes like that as well?" Momo asked, intrigued, as she studied them closely.

"No, his were actual gears. I adjusted the design to look cooler. Aren't they amazing?" Tony replied with a proud grin.

Momo, still entranced by the design, nodded absentmindedly. "What do you see?"

"Through your clothes…" Tony said, glancing up and down at her.

"WHAT!?" Momo shrieked, instantly covering herself with a frightful look.

"Phttt, I'm kidding," Tony laughed. "These only work for technology. If you were a robot, maybe I'd be able to."

"Don't joke like that!" Momo glared at him, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

Tony couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "But in all seriousness, it's like having a HUD. When I look at something from the side, ways to upgrade it appear. You know how your eyes are connected to your brain? Well, this uses that connection to tap into everything I know and shows me how to upgrade something with all that knowledge.

It also displays a hologram of the design, broken down to the last bolt. It shows me what I can take out, what I can replace, and with what. It even tells me why certain changes would work better. 

But that's just the start. These lenses can do a lot more. They analyze the material composition of anything I'm looking at, telling me exactly what it's made of and suggesting better alternatives if needed. They even visualize energy flows within a system, so I can see where efficiency is lost and how to fix it.

If I'm making changes, the lenses can run simulations on the fly, showing me how my tweaks will hold up under stress or over time. And get this—they can switch to different spectral views, like infrared or X-ray, so I can see inside machinery or walls without touching a thing, the limitations being I can't see through people.

These things can project what I'm seeing onto external screens or share it remotely, making it easier to work with others in real-time. They're also connected to my AI, so Friday can chime in with suggestions or data whenever I need it.

And if that wasn't enough, they've got a learning mode. The lenses study how I work, analyze my methods, and get better at predicting what I might do next. They even offer a control interface that lets me command machinery with just a glance—no need for manual input.

Honestly, with these lenses, it feels like there's no limit to what I can build or improve. They've turned everything I see into a blueprint for something better, and I'm just getting started…"

Momo was taken aback by his words, especially when she saw how his eyes glowed brighter with excitement. 'It's responding to his emotions like a real quirk factor… That's truly incredible… Tony, you're amazing,' she thought, her admiration for him growing even stronger.


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