
I am in the PJ universe now!

Aiden died and was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. After defeating Kaguya and achieving the peak that is possible in that world, he is in dire need of a vacation. Follow Aiden as he hops into the world of Percy Jackson and witnesses everything since the beginning of time.

Raj_Chatterpaji · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

Kronos got owned and Aphrodite

Everyone looked at Kronos as if he went crazy. Even his siblings thought he was crazy. Rhea was on the verge of breaking down, even after explaining my plans to her. Hestia is safe, she is not inside that fuckers stomach. Since she could survive inside his stomach for years to come, I created a rock weighing as much as her and swapped her with it.

Then I sent her to my home in my personal pocket space, cut off from this world. Kronos thinks she is dead, everyone except me and Rhea thinks she is dead. The room turned cold and Rhea flared her powers to the limit. I had to control myself for not wiping Kronos from existence, I have to keep up my weak character but it doesn't mean that I can not leave some bruises with the help of Rhea.

Rhea launched herself towards Kronos, condensing power in her arm. Kronos flared his power and blocked her power with ease. He backhanded her and sent her barrelling into a pillar.

I had enough, the thread holding back my anger snapped, and I unleashed my will making all the Titans, including Kronos fall to their knees. I walked up to him, crouched down, and slapped him right across the face. Golden ichor leaked out of his mouth and he glared at me with unbridled animosity. Looking at him, I sneered. "You are not a man. A guy who hits their wife is never a man. If I see you touch her again, I will destroy you."

He might be thinking, 'What can this old man do to me, I am the King of Titans and yada yada.' But I do not care. I am trying to act weak and powerless just so that I can present myself as a kind old man and act from the sidelines to prevent unnecessary deaths. What happened to Gaia is purely my fault. I was so naive then, so... human. So I vowed to make sure nothing like that happens ever again. Hmm... maybe I will start drinking tea like Iroh, that might be cool.

Anyway, I carry Rhea, who is unconscious, and exit out of the palace. I transport both of us to my planet which is essentially an exact copy of Earth but more attuned with nature since I am a sage.

I placed Rhea on a bed and went up to see baby Hestia. I am sure she witnessed everything that happened and is scared to the core. I hope this doesn't lead to some trauma, and as expected I could see Hestia shivering uncontrollably. Her face stain with tear marks and fresh tears pooling in her eyes. I picked her up and as soon as I did, she stopped shivering. She looked up to see me smile reassuredly. I lulled her to sleep and went to check on Rhea.


(3rd POV- Hestia)

It has been a few years and Hestia is now a teenager, a rather beautiful one at that. The past few years have been the best years of her life, her Grandpa is the best in this world. Since she is the eldest of the seven (A/N- six plus... you will see), she has to maintain a strict but kind and loving demeanor. She is inherently so, but she allows herself to get spoiled by her Grandpa.

A few years after bringing in Hestia, Grandpa brought in a girl with heterochromatic eyes. She was very beautiful, more beautiful than Hestia, and seemed a bit younger than her. She introduced herself as Aphrodite and Grandpa told me how she was born, how she felt lonely and had no family. She is also the daughter of Uranus and a family member so Hestia and Aphrodite bonded well together.

Aphrodite also respects and loves (A/N- Get your mind out of the gutter.) her Grandpa, well who doesn't? He always keeps us company, tells us bedtime stories about an Utterly Gutsy Ninja, Emo boy, and the Nine-tailed Fox.

Hestia and Aphrodite share a room and have bonded together as sisters, much to Aiden's delight.

Rhea visits them whenever she has nothing tying her down. Aiden accompanies her to all of her childbirths and tricks Kronos right under his nose.

Aiden brought Hades, back to his house. Hestia was ecstatic in knowing that she is a sister and Aphrodite is happy for her but had some reservations...


"By Order and Chaos, I give up! Why would my parents leave me behind? Do they not love me? Do they not want me? Do they hate me? Why do this to me?" Aphrodite cried out, exhaustion etched clearly across her beautiful face. She is extremely tired. She has been roaming around aimlessly thinking things over and over.

As she was having her own existential crisis, Aiden was out on a hunt to find his other Granddaughter. After Kronos sealed his dear old daddy, Uranus' blood mixed with seawater, and voila! You get one future goddess of beauty and love. He is ashamed to admit to the fact that he forgot about the birth of Aphrodite and doesn't want her to suffer alone.

As he kept musing, he came across a woman as young as Hestia with beautiful Heterochromatic eyes. As his gaze fell upon her, he smiled brightly, relief filling him. He dashed to her, snapping his fingers to conjure a pink and white dress over her much to her surprise.

As he got closer, he could clearly see her features marred with stress and strain. He called out to her with concern lacing his voice, "Hey there Aphrodite." He tried to be as casual as possible

Aphrodite was startled, she looked at the man with weariness, "How do you know my name?"

Aiden laughed, "How would I not know the name of my own Granddaughter?"

"Granddaughter... me?" She asked with uncertainty

He ruffled her hair, he could feel her stiffen but she eased into his warmth, "Of course silly, who else is around?"

Aphrodite teared up, 'Grandpa? I have got a Grandpa! I have got a family!' Aphrodite could come to this conclusion because she could feel pure love radiating from him.

She tackled him to the ground and started bawling her eyes out. Aiden chuckled and soothed her and she soon succumbed to her sleep with a smile on her face.

(Flashback ends)

She was really ecstatic when her Grandpa found her, he took her in and she met Hestia who is just the sweetest. She(Hestia) tries her best to act mature but lets all her walls down in front of Grandpa and acts her age, the same goes for me(Aphrodite).

Grandpa brought a pale-skinned kid with onyx black eyes to our home, he introduced the kid as Hades and he is Hestias' younger brother. Aphrodite had a bit of a reservation but she went forward and introduced herself as his cousin.