

Robin entered the counselor's office and went to the seat.

"hey lil sis how is the thing going?" Fred cheerfully asked his pearly white teeth in full display.

"fine and I had some unexpected emotions run through me but still I felt something other than fear" Robin replied.

Nodding his head" well that's better development than mine in under two months he has gotten this much from something I can't get in seven years.I will have to ask him to tell me his ways" Fred sat down holding a cup of coffee.

" so can you tell me those feelings?" Fred asked bringing out a paper and pen.

"I felt irritation, moody,excited and a little.... jealousy I guess" Robin replied.

" okay" Fred wrote everything down" wow! excited! " He looked up from his work" excited?! even your best friend can't make you excited or your numerous boyfriends" Fred squeal in happiness.

" I guess I just love going to the restaurant everyday after school to rest my mind although there are still a few annoying stares but nothing I can't handle. After that he would call me to his office to just sit down and eat sometimes he won't talk but most times he would just tease me trying to get me to laugh which you don't do" Robin gave him a playful glare.

" he reminds me of the old me the old Robin that doesn't have a care in the world and always try to cheer everyone up" Robin smiled warmly.

"you cheerful?! and a cheer giver?!" Fred wrinkled his face in surprise" I clearly remember you been a brat and sour everyone mood with your foul tongue"

"I remember brightening everyone's mood with my playful tongue" Robin gasped in surprise.

"the only people whose mood would always be happy seeing you or listening to you are your parents" Fred scoffed.

"that's what you remember and what do you know about me, you were always going from here to there then!" Robin rolled her eyes.

"I know enough for everyone to be terrified when they see you coming" Fred.

"no no.. I think they are just overly worried that I would trip and fall you know how mom and dad are over protective" Robin waved her hand.

They both burst into a fit of laughter.

" your birthday is coming up do you plan in celebrating it this year?" Fred asked.

"my birthday?! that cursed day! I won't celebrate it,although I would visit their graves" Robin replied.

" but you heard your birthday without cowering in fear or steaming with anger" Fred jot down in his paper again" I will transfer this one in the big file later" Fred tapped the paper.

" I don't think you should do that" Robin shook her head remembering Diego's threat to tell the whole campus the reason behind her sessions with Fred.

" why?" Fred asked" you are the one that told me should jot all your sessions down so you can read it when you get to the top"

" I know but Diego threatened me recently to expose the reason behind my sessions and am scared he is close" Robin shook her head.

What Diego said few days ago haven't left her head. Something tells her that it's true,he would do it.

" that boy" Fred chuckled" he is so stupid we can't find the relative he took his genes from!"

Robin shook her head not convinced.

" if he finds anything on you I would lick my office floor clean with my tongue" Fred.

" don't take back your words cause I would need one consolation that day" Robin.

" if it makes you feel better I would keep it somewhere safe" Fred promised.

" just don't keep it in your house study well your house joy your parent's he knows every nook and cranny in that house of yours" Robin said checking the time.

" what?!" Fred widened his eyes alarmed.

" he told me once,bye am almost late for class"

Robin dashed out of the office.

" no wonder my money goes missing whenever he visits" Fred groaned keeping the paper in his desk drawer.

" he managed to crack that girl" Fred smiled happily" I just wish he can completely make her forget that year, it will even be worse now that HE is coming back"

Fred swirled on his seat.


Robin entered her lecture room and went to her seat.

'celebrate my birthday' she said inwardly.

'should I really celebrate my birthday this year but that would means I will have to tell Zach and Joy my real birthday and am sure they won't be happy'

Robin groaned and place her head near the window.

'i also need to visit that house,I can't just leave it,it's the only thing Damien couldn't lay his hand on' Robin wrinkled her forehead in deep thoughts.

'what if HE is there?!!'

"hello" Someone sat next to her and flashed a big smile.

Robin turned to face the girl beside her.

"you are new what happened to my old deskmate?" Robin asked bored.

"she moved to mine" The brunette haired girl replied.

Robin nodded, of course that's a lie,she must have forced the old deskmate to her seat while she occupys this one.

Everyone knows this is Robin's favorite spot and they don't sit there.

This girl probably want to become friends with Robin because of her popularity.

"where is your seat?" Robin asked.

"over there" the girl pointed to the front row left.

"bye" Robin stood up and went to the girl seat with her old deskmate occupying it.

"hi" Robin walked up to the boy beside the seat" can I please seat here for the lecture you can take my spot?" she flashed a smile at him.

"okay" the guy melted and pack his books he left.

" hey girl...we know our rules no talking to the other when she is thinking am just reminding you" Robin sat down and placed her head on the desk.

'i am not celebrating my birthday,I am not visiting that house too many bad memories and HE might be there' Robin unconsciously shivered.

" hello students" The lecturer walked in.