

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · Jeux vidéo
Pas assez d’évaluations
29 Chs

Not a Chapter! just power voting result!


Now I know you guys don't read the creator's thought section!

SO announcing poll results here!

Congratulations to Harem-fans you won the poll! With the legal 106 power votes! Defeating the non-harem group with 41 power votes!

The witcher world will be in harem style genre!

Do comment on who you want to see in the harem!

For Non Harem group…

Though you lost the witcher world, all i can say is… I respect your determination!

I'll try not to make the harem mindless!


Voters power ranking! (PV = Power vote)

Rank 1 = Garahel - 18 PV- Non harem

Rank 2 = faeeee - 14 PV - Harem

Rank 3 = wolf77 - 11PV - Harem

Rank 4 = SonofaALSK - 10PV - Harem

Rank 5 = Theoldone - 9 PV- Non harem

Rank 5 = artemdeus - 9 PV - Non harem

Rank 7 = Sam-smith-3441- 8PV - Harem

Rank 8 = XdSlenderboy - 7PV - Non harem

Rank 9 = Daoist444336 - 6PV- Harem

Rank 9= Daoist96S1K6 - 6PV- Harem

Rank 9 = lopez-lop - 6PV- Harem

Rank 9 = UTGaster-6PV- Harem

Rank 9 = Afsoares -6PV- Harem

Rank 9 = Dakato_whitley - 6PV - Harem

Rank 9 = telieshpolecat -6PV- Non harem

Rank 16 = Aknok - 4PV- harem

Rank 16 = Tron16 - 4PV- Non Harem

Rank 16 = Yukixxl -4PV- harem

Rank 16 = Lycarus - 4PV- non harem

Rank 20 = BDT -3PV- harem

Rank 20 = Maks_ciesielski -3PV- harem

Rank 20 = Geomanticturtle- 3PV- Non harem

Rank 20 = GoldenKing4 -3PV- harem

Rank 24 = Firebody -2PV- Non harem

Rank 24= Monster97 -2PV- non harem

Rank 24 = Llamore_Hand -2PV- harem

Rank 24 = Berskr -2PV- harem

Rank 24 = DeathxAngle -2PV- harem

Rank 24 = Planetsama -2PV- harem

Rank 30 = Robert-Whendy -1PV- Non-Harem

Rank 30 = Reaper91 -1PV- non harem

Rank 30 = SleeperHold -1PV- non harem

Rank 30= flavko_supreme -1PV- harem

Rank 30= Criy -1PV- harem

PS: find anything incorrect, comment it!