

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · Jeux vidéo
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Kaer Morhen 2

It's been 2 weeks….. long enough for the children to calm down.

Accept their fate.

As for a few of those who didn't; they tried to escape, but luck wasn't on their side. They couldn't even make to the quarter's gate and were brought back.

So, after a few attempts, the rebellious children gave up in despair.

On the Witchers' side, they gathered more kids and the sheer number forced me to share my bed with others.

Well, Geralt was the other occupant of my bed, and thankfully, he stopped throwing tantrums. Which nearly made me regret the promise I made to Visenna.

Only at this point for the first time, I was thankful to lambert, for picking fights with Geralt, thus I had free time for myself.

"Heard we could pick mentor ourself?", I asked Eskle, who was beside me.

There were rumors going among kids that they could select a mentor of their choice.

So, many kids had already decided they would choose the Witcher who they were familiar with.

"Yea… have you decided who you will pick?", Eskle asked.

"Yes, who did you pick?", I asked.

"Vesemir… you?", Eskle said.

"Deglan….", I chuckled..

Eskle got frightened, "what!!… are you out of your mind!"

"Dont you know how vicious he is! There were even rumors that no apprentice survived under his tutelage! Some even said he killed his own apprentice with his own hands!", Eskle babbled fast.

"Calm down, Eskle….." As I was saying, a loud noise interrupted me.


I know someone made the sound deliberately!

The quarter's door opened, a robust man followed by Witchers entered.

"Deglan.", I murmured. Though it was my first time seeing him, I knew who this man was; the leading figure of the school of wolf!

I could say, he shares the same origin with me… Skillege!

The outright atmosphere around him look terrifying, and it made the noisy kids silenced down in fear.

Following behind him, I could see Vesemir, though I don't know about the other Witchers.

Seeing every kid's attention on him, Deglan opened his mouth, "Listen carefully kids, the Witchers trials will start from now, the first will be the choice, you could decide it yourself if you want to follow a Witchers diet or not."

"In this trial, you will feed on mushrooms, herbs, Mosses, then along with this you will have training."

"Harden your hearts kids, many of you won't survive this trail!"

Deglan's ruthless words… I could feel the atmosphere just took a worse turn.

Many kids started crying!

"SILENCE!!" Deglan roared, and once again, silence appeared in the quarters.

"You don't have any choice, kids! Remember the reason you are here!"

"Many of you were starving dead if we didn't pick you up!"

"Your parents sold many of you or a law of surprise, but why did your parents give you to us…. because they couldn't afford you! To them, you were burdens!"

"Even if we didn't bring you here, they would have kicked you out of the house! Then you would have starved to death! Or become a feast to the monsters!"

Ah Man, I really want to lift my hand and say, I brought myself in. My parents didn't sell me, but I felt it wouldn't be the right occasion to do so. Because surprisingly, even Lambart the prick was silent now!

Deglan continued, "You all are just dregs on your own life. Even if we let you go, you wouldn't survive crossing the forest of Kaer Morhen" "

"So if you want to survive, you only have one choice; become Witchers! have a strong will to survive the trails! become monsters that feeds on monsters!"

Old man, you are way too brash! calm yourself!

"Let me give you a choice, select the mentor among the Witchers present here or let them chose you," Deglan finished his speech and many Witchers who just stood behind him stepped forward.

The kids didn't bulge from their place, but the Witchers waited patiently.

Eskle was the first one to move. He walked towards Vesemir.

Seeing him, the other kids started walking towards the Witchers they were familiar with. Even Lambert and Geralt reached Vesemir.

I, on the other hand, walked to Deglan.

Others were surprised. Those who cared about me looked panicked!

"What is it, kid?" Deglan glared, and it seems he wasn't expecting someone to come to him.

"I want you to be my mentor, master Deglan!" I spoke as I looked into his eyes.

"Ooh... you got guts, kid." Deglan seems to be surprised, His eyes narrowed, making him look dangerous, "but do you really want me to become your mentor?"

Though I felt pressured, I nodded my head, "Yes, master Deglan!"

"hahahahahhahhaha!" Deglan laughed.

However, his laugh was terrorizing the surrounding kids!

Stop laughing, old man!

"Well, well, kid, let's go to the laboratory now!" Deglan dragged me to the Witchers laboratory!


Inside the Witchers laboratory.

"Have a feast, kid!" Deglan pointed towards the table filled with mushroom, herbs, and mosses.

Though Deglan was smiling, chummy, but I knew he hadn't truly accepted me as his apprentice.

Well, for him, if I die during the trials, then I wasn't meant to be his apprentice! Only after the trials, if I survive, he truly will accept me as his apprentice!

As for why I want to become his apprentice… Well, at first I wanted to become Vesemir's apprentice. The Old man version of Vesemir in the game felt good! But thinking of the overall situation... becoming Deglan's only apprentice has more perks than becoming Vesemir's one of the several apprentices.

Deglan was a boss figure in Kaer Morhen, and though this old man is a ruthless character, but he still has kindness. If not, he wouldn't have cared about the Witchers' future.

So I believe he could save me from becoming a lab rat of mage if they ever got interested in me.

Thus, as his apprentice, I can be bold in showing off my ability!

Why do I want to show off my ability, you say?

Because it was just a few days before, that, I found some changes in God's wheel.

Specifically, the changes in the blurry figure or the Avatar. These changes occurred because of the tea they provide to us.

Unknown to other kids, I knew they mixed the tea with part of herbs! Which caused fever and diarrhea to kids!

So I believe I need more herbs, a hefty load! To complete the changes in the figure!

"What are you thinking kid" seeing me just staring at herbs, Deglan asked.

I replied truthfully, "If I eat all the herbs, you won't be angry, right?"

"hahahahahahahah…" Deglan's hands were on his stomach, "if you can eat that all, go on I wouldn't complain… hahahahah."

My lips curled, I walked to the herbs and started eating.

As the herb entered my stomach, I felt minor discomfort. But the discomfort vanished as soon as it appeared!

Another herb was in my stomach, same thing happened, the discomfort vanished as soon as it appeared!

After 30 minutes, I felt distress at the speed of my eating! Then, rather than chewing, I started swallowing down the herbs!

Another 30 minutes after…

I am shocked myself! I still didn't feel my stomach full!

One hour passed…

I emptied the herb section. I felt pity when the herb section was empty.

Nevertheless, I was happy because the blurry avatar became much more clear. Now I could tell the avatar was a man.

Next I picked mushroom and chunked it down!

after 2 hours…

I finished the mushrooms section! and the avatar become much clear than before!

So it wasn't just herbs, mushrooms too.

Then my eyes turned towards the mosses, fire burned in my eyes!

"I am fired up!" I started chunking down.

After two hours…

I finished the mosses section, and the figure become much clear!

I turned and saw Deglan's lower jaw reaching the floor. He was shocked, so I feigned an innocent look and said, "you told me I could eat everything."


(3rd P.O.V)

6 and 1/2 hours before…

"hahahahahahahah…" Deglan's hands were on his stomach, "if you can go on I wouldn't complain… hahahahah."

His laugh lasted for a few minutes. As he observed the kid eating herbs fast, he was surprised, thinking the kid still hadn't fallen onto the floor in pain or discomfort.

"Don't disappoint me, kid." Deglan's eyes turned serious. He moved his hand onto the iron sword!

He was being ready if the kid showed any insanity, which he had seen in many other kids after eating herbs for the first time!

But soon his surprise turned into shock!

"How is this even possible?!" Even after a half an hour, the kid didn't show any signs of discomfort!

The kid was still chunking down the herbs!

Soon his face turned from shock to astonishment!

Deglan felt he was riding on a dragon's neck into the sky! Not knowing when he would fall down!

The kid was still chunking down the mosses!

Seeing the empty sections of herbs, mushrooms, and mosses, he felt like crying!

This was the ration for 150 kids! but this kid ate it all!

The Kid showed an innocent expression, "You told me I could eat it all."

Well, technically, he wasn't wrong. Deglan himself gave the permission to eat all the stuff!

Observing the kid, he felt the kid was still unhappy with the amount of herb supply.

So nerves ticked on Deglan's face. He wanted to punch this kid!

"Are you alright kid?" Deglan asked. Although the Kid seems fine, he still wanted to confirm it.

"Yes." Viz nodded.

After leaving the kid back to the quarters, he announced the delay of 'The Choice' for a few days and called Witchers and mages to the meeting.

"Are joking Deglan!" Reidrich, the head mage of Kaer Morhen, spoke in disbelieve.

Reidrich was one of the apprentice of Alzur, the creator of the Witcher, and the only mage left who knows how to make the portion that turn human into Witchers!

"Maybe the age caught up to the old man," Vesemir spoke.

Not only Vesemir and Reidrich, the other Witchers and mages were also in disbelief, when Deglan told them Viz Chunked down the ingredients of 150 kids himself!

Heck, some even murmured that the Deglan might have been hallucinating!

"Watch yourself then!" Deglan snorted, as he himself knew how unbelieving his words were!

The next day…. the disbelieving event happened before their eyes!

There was just outright shock, and astonishment left after seeing Viz chunking down the herbs!

For the first time in their life, they saw a human that could chunk herbs, like eating a toffee!

Seeing this, Reidrich's eyes lit up, but Deglan said, "don't think about it!"

"What do you mean?" Reidrich asked.

"Your eyes were screaming to dissect that kid!" Deglan said.

Reidrich gave a wry smile! His heart ached to know the secrets!

How can a small stomach hold that much bulk of ingredients?

But since Deglan warned him, he knew he couldn't cross the line!

Though he could check the kids in other unharmful ways.

"Can he go through the trail of grasses?" Deglan asked.

Reidrich spoke as he observed Viz, who was still chunking down the herbs, "No side effects were visible past 24 hours. He can take the trial of grasses tomorrow! let me prepare portion for it."

"Before that, I need a blood sample from him," Reidrich said as his eyes burned with passion!

Deglan nodded. Even he was curious about Viz's blood.

hello there!

I feel some of you might have guessed the avatar thing, and I have already decided the avatar.

Though I wouldn’t mind changing the avatar, if you have any excellent suggestion! So, voice out in comment.

The avatar can be any character! From movies to anime to games!

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