

Chapter 8

While eating Author came home from work. "Morning Weasley's and Iris." He said putting his things down. "Morning Author." I said Author sat down then looked at my brother. "Who are you?" He asked Harry introduced himself. "Good lord are you really." Author said before asking about the muggles. The meal went on before the weasley owl came with the Hogworts letters. I scanned over my list of books and groan. "The dark arts teacher must be a witch. Who else would have us by this rubbish. Honestly lovkheart is a fraud and an incompetent slug." I said voicing my opinion of hm. "My word love tell us how you really feel." Fred and George said in unison. "No its not lady like for what I really want to say." I said before taking in some ham. "Well there is only one place we are going to get all of this...Diagon Alley." Molly said "I have all but the defense against the dark arts. So I will have to buy those." I said before Fred popped in "George and I can accompany you to Gringots. No girl of ours is walking around alone." I blush hearing him say that. "Molly dear I believe that will be 10 galleons." Author said to his wife of course they would have a bet. Ginny walked up to Percy. "That will be twenty galleons and ten galleons from you Ron." Oh clever girl , but why were they betting? "Alright when we get there Fred ,George take her to Gringods to get her money. Then we meet to get books for the school year. " Author said before going back to eating.  We all stood around the fire place Ron brings up Harry has never used Floo power. Ron went then Harry took some looking at me a little scared. I nod at him giving him the ok. He went though I couldn't understand what he said.

Once l was in Diagon Alley I waited for the twins. "Ma lady" Fred said with a goofy smile holding out his arm. "Are you ready?" George asked taking my other arm. "Oh how lucky am I to be escorted by such handsome wizards. I may find it hard to behave." I said making them chuckle. "Why we never do." They said walking me to Gringods. After getting my money we met up Flourish and Blotts. "There you three are. Did you get lost on the way? Please tell me they didn't lead you into that bloody joke shop." Molly said dusting us off. I look around trying to spit Harry. "He hasn't turned up yet we will find him sweetheart." She said knowing what I was looking for. I get my books and a few advanced spell books. "Well if it isn't the halfblood whore. I see who you are denying me for." I turned to see Draco. Fred pushed me behind him. "Run along Malfoy she made her choice." He said before George corners him. "At least we don't have to buy a wife. Run back to mummy and daddy I'm sure they will help you." George said Draco shrunk before walking away. The twins turned back looking at me. "Thanks guys but I would have just ignored him." I said blushing. "It's part of the job Princess." Fred said tucking some of my hair behind my ear. "As your boyfriends we are to keep unpleasant slugs away from you." George said crossing his arms. I sigh before thanking them. They walk me up to pay for the books. I spot Harry and rush to hug him. "You had me so worried. " I said he apologized to me huggingme back. "The moment you all have been waiting for. The legend Gilderoy Lockhart" My mood soared hearing this frauds name.  Harry got a photo with him as well as all his books. I payed for all my book and was waiting with the twins. "Bet you loved that aye Potter. Harry Potter can't go to a book shop without making the front page. " Draco rants with jealousy before Lucius came in. He started talking down to us causing me to push Harry behind me. "Oh if it isn't my soon to be daughter in law. I don't care what you or anyone says. You will be Draco's wife because you will need something. So enjoy you toys while you can." He said as I glare up at him. "She is not going to be that spoiled brats wife." Fred and George said standing by me. "Oh I see she is a poly supporter. We shall see who she chooses lets hope its the right choice." He said before getting into a verbal match with Author. Draco looks back at me while leaving he had this apologizing look in his eyes. I nod at him knowing full well this is not his fault. We make it to the train station in the nick of time. Fred ,George,Percy went threw. Ginny looked at me I give her a reassuring smile. She went threw I followed. On the train I looked out to see the car. "Freddie honey is that your family car?" I asked worried. Fred and George looked and saw it. "Where is Ron?" They said before getting out of the compartment. We make it to the usual compartment Harry,Ron, and Hermione dwell. She was reading by herself. "Where is Harry and Ron?" I asked. She shrugs "I thought they were with you." I look at the twins who shared my thoughts. "Oh no they wouldn't....right?" I said hopping they would say no. "Its Ron" they said making me worry more. "Come on love let's go back so you can sit down." George said while Fred lead me back. If those two don't get expelled I will murder them.