

Uncles?! I could not believe it. We share blood with such scary and powerful- looking monsters. How strong were we if we shared blood with such powerful, monstrous creatures. It was astounding, It was amazing, but at the same time, it was terrifying. If our parents were titans our uncles were cyclopses and Hecatoncheires. Just how strong were we?

I took a sharp intake of breath. Turned to my siblings, who were astounded by the news and strode towards Zeus, tiptoed, leaned closer to him and softly whispered in his ear " So..how are we going to free them?"

For some unknown reason, Zeus flinched when I whispered in his ear and gulped audibly. He stepped sideway, away from me and looked down at me, since he was taller than me. " We will all need to combine our strength to break these chains. After all, they are magic chains. Normally, I would just ask one of you to use your powers to break the chains, but I do not know any of your powers. So, unless any of you have an inkling of what you feel you can control, we will have to combine our powers." He stated.

He made this statement looking at me, but I knew the statement was directed at all our siblings. Hades silently stepped towards one of the cyclopses, squatted and extended his hands towards the chains on one of the cyclops' legs. Without warning, a blue flame enveloped the chain around his leg. Demeter immediately rushed forward to stop him, but before she could push him away, the chain broke.

Demeter froze. How4ver, her frozen state did not last for long. She ignored the amazing spectacle she had just witnessed and urged angrily to Hades. " You foolish imbecile! What have you done! Are you hard of hearing or just plain moronic?! Zeus just said we will work together, or did that information fail to pass through your ears and reach your miniscule brain?! Now you have hurt one of our uncles when you decided to flaunt your parlour tricks with your worthless blue flame!"

I was taken aback by my sisters harsh words. Hades had freed one of the chains, was that not good? Additionally, he had not hurt our uncle 9n the slightest. It seemed his flame had the ability to be controlled to harm no one. However, every- one of my siblings were looking at Hades like he was trash. Like he was a villain.

Hades d8d not speak, he only looked into the venomous eyes that were killing him over and over. He stood strong. He did not bow to the gazes and only silently met them.

I pulled on Hestia's sleeve and motioned to our uncle's level discreetly. She turned her attention from Hades to me, got the discreet message, then turned to examine the cyclops' leg, expecting the worst. Contrary to her expectations, 5he saw no burn marks, no dangerous wounds and most importantly, she saw no chains. She took a quick intake of breath in shock.

Turning to Hades guiltily, she quickly strode to the centre of our small group. She confidently and silently indicated to the cyclops' freed leg. They all turned, except Hades, and like Hestia rook a sharp intake of breath in shock. However, Zeus only allowed the intake of breath to be his only sign of shock and turned to Hades with even more venomous eyes.

" Brother, you would do well to remember we are doing this together. You have no right to make decisions s on your own when we already have a common goal . No? I therefore request you ran things through me, before doing things? " Zeus scathing said.

Hades did not speak again, neither did he show any reaction. He excluded an air of nonchalance as he examined his younger brother silently. Again, he did not bow to our siblings' wishes. An uncomfortable silence covered the six of us. Four of us were looking between Zeus and Hades, while sparks were flying g between Zeus and Hades.

" Ehem! So are you gonna free us?" a cyclops interrupted.

We turned to him. Zeus looked away from Hades and nodded at the cyclops briskly. " We will." Zeus assured him, " After all you have promised to help us."

Before Zeus could say anything more, a Hecatoncheir spoke through one of its heads. "Will you free us nephew?"

Zeus shook his head in disagreement. " None of you have promised to help us, so how can we help you?"

The eyes of all the heads of our 8ncles turned to Zeus abruptly. " we promise to help you win your war with your father." All fifty mouths of each of my three Hecatoncheir uncles spoke simultaneously. That accounted to one hundred and fifty mouths speaking in unison.

Zeus looked at them and nodded. " Very well, since you have made this oath and will therefore do for 8s a great goodness, we can likewise do for you a great goodness."

Zeus turned confidently to all of us. " I want each of you to go to a one of our uncles and do what comes naturally to you so that you can brake the chains binding them. We did as he instructed. However Hades remained where he was. After all, before he was rudely interrupted, he was doing what Zeus had ha dust instructed us to do.

In an instant, we began to do as instructed by Zeus. Hestia had moved besides a Hecatoncheir chained abnormally like a rainbow. She began distinct muttering, defy order! Defy order! Defy order. " As she said the last chant, the chains transformed to silver birds. Freedom to the first Hecatoncheir.

Next up was Demeter, she had moved to a cyclops. She keenly looked at the chains and vines sprouted from the walls, enveloped the chains and crushed them. Another cyclops was freed.

I went next, I looked at the chains of the Hecatoncheir before me and deeply wished that the chains would loose their strength and be cursed to be brittle like old sticks. The chains turned black and then into old sticks. Sticks that were unable to hold the Hecatoncheir in place and broke, making it begin to collapse, I hurriedly moved to the aide before it could fall on the ground. A Hecatoncheir was freed.

Next Hades did as he did before. He used the blue flame to destroy all the chains of the cyclops before him. Another cyclops ls was freed.

Poseidon was next. He looked at the cyclops before him and water swiftly cut through the chains hat trapped the cyclops' hand. As that went on, he walked up to the cyclops' trapped legs and crushed each one in seconds. Freedom to another cyclops.

Last was Zeus. Electricity started sparking from his hands and his the chains of the Hecatoncheir besides him with precision. We had free a Hecatoncheir.

All captives of the room were freed. All our uncles were freed. There were no more chains holding them in place. Now we had began to make our army.

Hey, double update, yay!!! please your comments, vote and review. I would really appreciate some feedback. : )

ariam_N_Mcreators' thoughts