
I Am Hades, Lord of the Underworld!

A young soul merges with the nascent Lord of the Underworld, giving birth to a new Hades. This new Hades embarks on a path completely different from the original myth. Guided by the demonic star, he breaks through seals and shatters his bindings. He steps into the Underworld to reclaim everything that rightfully belongs to him. He retrieves the demonic star, creates the realm of the dead, and defeats the Titan King, Kronos, to become the new Lord of the Underworld! With seven archdukes, seventy-two demon gods, 108 Underworld Warriors, Anubis, and Yama of Hell... A new Hades and a new Underworld are just beginning.

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120 Chs

Chapter 3: The Aid of the Ancient Gods! Erebos, God of Darkness, and Nyx, Goddess of Night

"Instinct." Kronos muttered the word softly as he sat upon his throne, then added, "Hades, let me see if your instinct is indeed correct."

Though Kronos remained seated on his throne, the world around them suddenly darkened. Boundless darkness engulfed everything, and a bronze-like armored hand, emitting a dark purple glow, materialized. Its palm opened as if to grasp the entire cosmos.

Yet, at that very moment, darkness enveloped the Titan Palace, and Hades' figure vanished along with the dispersing shadows, leaving Kronos' attack hanging in midair.


Kronos fell silent, his expression sour.

"Your Majesty, what...?" Rhea, puzzled, sought an explanation for what had transpired.

Kronos' voice was cold, "Just two ancient beings meddling where they shouldn't. I thought they had long disappeared into hiding, but it seems they dare to interfere now?"

"Never mind." He withdrew his gaze, and the armored hand faded as light returned to the world. "Rhea, spread the word. Fifty thousand years—that's what I promised Hades. After that, have Iapetus bring his head back to me."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Rhea bowed and withdrew.

With everything concluded, Kronos murmured to himself, "Hades, you are gradually breaking free from the chains of fate. But will I be bound by it?"

Though questioning himself, the boundless confidence in Kronos' eyes revealed his belief that, as the supreme Titan King, he would ultimately overcome any destiny that sought to bind him.


Darkness enveloped everything.

Hades stood quietly, surveying his surroundings. Though engulfed in darkness, he could see everything clearly, creating an eerie contradiction—seeing everything in the midst of what should be total obscurity.

"Hades, pleased to meet you." A gentle feminine voice greeted him. A woman, clad in a black gown with long, raven-black hair and perfect features, stepped forward and stood before him.

"An Ancient God."

"The Goddess of Night, Nyx."


Hades was surprised to find that it was Nyx, one of the supreme Ancient Gods, who had aided in his escape. It was well-known that Nyx and her husband, Erebos, the God of Darkness, were one of the few devoted couples in the Greek pantheon. He turned slightly, and as expected, a man approached.

The man wore a dark robe, his long black hair cascading over his shoulders. His eyes, however, were the most striking feature—deep pools of endless darkness that seemed capable of devouring anyone who gazed into them for too long.

Hades quickly averted his eyes. Regardless of his future status, staring directly into the eyes of an Ancient God could spell his doom, lost forever in the abyss of darkness.

"Erebos, God of Darkness."

"Nyx, Goddess of Night."

Hades addressed the two Ancient Gods, "Thank you for your assistance. But I must ask, why did you help me?"

Although Hades' words were framed as a question, his calm demeanor made it seem more like a statement. As he grew stronger and mastered the laws governing the Underworld, his rationality overshadowed any display of emotion, making him almost devoid of passion or turmoil.

The Ancient Gods

To understand their motivations, one must delve into the nature of the Ancient Gods. These primordial beings emerged in a time long past, embodying the very essence of the universe. Known by many names—creator gods, primeval deities—they were the architects of the mythological worlds.

For instance, in Greek mythology, Chaos, the primordial void, created the universe and left. Later, realizing the need for order, Chaos birthed Gaia, the Earth Mother, to bring balance.

These Ancient Gods were not uniform in their roles. Some, like Chaos, created the world and then departed, leaving the task of shaping and nurturing it to others. In contrast, gods like the Judeo-Christian God, the Egyptian Nun, or the Hindu Brahma, remained actively involved in their creations.

Gaia's role was unique. Although she belonged to the Ancient Gods, her function extended beyond mere creation, encompassing the nurturing and maintenance of the world, setting her apart even among the primordial deities.

Erebos and Nyx were among the eight Ancient Gods of the Greek pantheon. Unlike their peers, who often engaged in chaotic exploits, Erebos and Nyx were known for their enduring love and partnership. Since the creation of the world and through the reigns of Uranus as the first sky god and Kronos as the Titan King, they had rarely intervened.

Until now.

Their decision to assist Hades was unexpected, rekindling awareness of their existence. For Hades, this was puzzling. He had no previous connections with Erebos and Nyx. Why did they choose to save him? Was it simply a dislike for Kronos? If so, why hadn't they supported Uranus from the start? Crushing Kronos would have been far easier.

These unanswered questions swirled in Hades' mind. His current personality, however, prevented him from expressing these confusions openly.

In the ensuing silence, an awkward tension filled the air between the three gods, creating a strangely quiet and peculiar atmosphere.


Erebos broke the silence with his deep, resonant voice, "Hades, we intervened not out of mere whim. We see in you the potential to challenge the status quo and break the chains of fate that have bound our world for so long."

Nyx continued, her voice soft and soothing, "The world created by the Ancient Gods has been stagnating. New blood and a fresh perspective are needed to guide it into a new era. You, Hades, possess a unique strength—a combination of mortal resilience and divine power. You have the potential to bring balance where there has long been only tyranny and chaos."

Hades listened intently. Though their words were vague, he sensed a deeper purpose behind their actions.

"We have watched over this world since its inception," Erebos added, his gaze piercing. "We rarely intervene, for the natural order must follow its course. But sometimes, to ensure its continuation, a catalyst is needed. You, Hades, are that catalyst."

Hades took a moment to absorb their words. His mind, trained to analyze and calculate, sought the underlying implications.

"What do you expect from me?" he finally asked.

"Nothing more than to follow your path," Nyx replied. "Your destiny is intertwined with the fate of the world. Your actions will shape the future, and we believe in your potential to forge a path free from the chains of predetermined fate."

Erebos nodded, "You are free now, Hades. Use this freedom to discover your true purpose. We will be watching, but we will not interfere further. The path you take is yours to decide."

With their message delivered, the ancient gods of night and darkness faded into the shadows, leaving Hades alone in the vast, dark expanse. He stood there, contemplating the weight of their words and the newfound freedom that lay before him.

Hades felt a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The journey ahead was his to navigate, and the choices he made would determine not only his fate but also the destiny of the world around him.


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