
Chapter 225: Hidden Qi Powder

Early in the morning, a sliver of light crested over the Low Hill, casting its glow on the slopes of Low Mountain.

Chen Mu got out of bed, washed up, and made breakfast.

After devouring ten grilled meat roll cakes and gulping down two cups of secretly brewed chilled tea, he leisurely walked down to the field, gnawing on a crisp goat horn cucumber.

Within the Yellow Bud Rice Fields, the enchanting mist that resembled cotton appeared with the sunlight and gradually faded away.

As Chen Mu strolled through the Yellow Bud Rice fields, he was accompanied by the Five Ghosts.

From time to time, clusters of well water or bone powder would appear out of thin air.

The newly sprouted weeds on the ground vanished right away whenever Chen Mu laid his eyes on them.

After making a few trips along the long, narrow fields, the ten acres of Yellow Bud Rice had been taken care of.

He then went to another side of Low Mountain to a newly rented ten acres and repeated the process.