
Chapter 15 Cherry

Cherry's POV

Georgina has been my friend since high school. She's a good friend despite being mean and brutally honest at times. She's also a playgirl who loves men's attention. While we were in college, she's studying business management and I was in fashion design, she used to date almost all the popular guys in the university except my cousin. Gin doesn't like her. He used to advise me that she's a bad influence and I should not follow what she's doing. But she's the only one who befriends me during high school. She protected me against my bullies. She restored my confidence.

I was there when she started to eye my cousin Gin. He has a girlfriend at that time, Mina. At first, Georg convinced me that she's the right one for him but later she became obsessed and I saw Gin got hurt. He's like an older brother to me. I can't see him suffer because of my best friend. I confronted Georg. We argued and that's the last time I saw her. I tried to contact her but no answers. I assume she wanted to end our friendship. When I saw her again I realized how I missed her but she's different. She's calm, mature, and sweet. She didn't follow Gin around anymore. She moved on. I like it. I want them to be friends. My cousin and my best friend. But something in Gin is also different when Georg returns. The way he looks at Georg. His eyes are different. I can't confirm it but then I saw him at my birthday party in the resort.

I saw him putting Georg to bed. His eyes studied her face, looking at her like she's the most beautiful woman in the world. The way he pulls out the strands of her hair on her face. He's fascinated by her. I know it because that's how he used to look at Mina before. He never looks at any girl the same way. Even Shelly, the supermodel who keeps hanging around everywhere he went, flaunting her body and trying to seduce him.

I was working on my new designs of clothes for my brand when Mom called. She told Gin is getting engaged. I almost choke from the coffee I was drinking.

"To who?"

I haven't seen him with anyone except Shelly. No way!

"To your friend, Georgina."


Oh my God!! This is news! I can't believe this. How did this happen?

"I thought your friend gave birth abroad," Mom asked.

"Mom, it's just rumored. I need to hang up. I need to talk to Gin. Bye! Love you!"

I took my bag and car keys and drove to Louxem valley. As soon as I reach the mall I went straight to his office but the secretary said he's on the ground. I look around and saw him talking to the employees on the ground floor. I run towards him.

"Gin, I need to talk to you," I said almost out of the breath from running around just to see him.

He's surprised when he saw me.

"Cherry, I'm at work." He scolds me.

"It's about Georgina," I said in a low voice so that the employees won't hear.

His expression change. He immediately dismisses his employees.

"Let's go to my office." He said leading the way.

We took the elevator. As soon as the door slides close he looks at me.

"What's about Georgina?" He asked promptly.

"Mom told me. You're engaged to her." I said. My eyes questioned him.

He's stunned. He pauses for a moment.

"News travels fast." He finally uttered.

"So it's true?" I asked.

The door slide open on the third floor. We walk towards his office.

"So?" I asked I soon as we're inside.

We sit on his couch. He looks at me, debating if he should tell me or not.

"Mina is getting married." He uttered.


"I heard she's coming back from Canada with her fiance. They're getting married here." He added. Sadness across his face.

Oh. I thought he likes Georgina. So this is all about Mina? She's doing this because of her.

"So you agreed with the engagement because of her?"

"Partly." He answered.

"This isn't you Gin. You wouldn't decide on something big as this just because you're hurt." I said.

"This is what our parents want for a long time. It's good business." He added.

He's pretty hurt. Gin never wanted an arranged marriage. He made it clear with his parents. Maybe this is his way to forget, to move on. He never love any girl after Mina left. It's always her. I thought she started to like Georgina. I guess I'm wrong.

"So you don't have feelings for Georgina?" I asked. I need to make sure.

"No." He answered shortly.

I feel disappointed. I thought he finally like my best friend and they will live happily ever after. When I saw him carry her into the bed, I thought he's starting to like her.

I went out of his office with a defeated face. Georgina is just outside the door. She's looking straight at me. She smiled. A bitter smile. She heard us!

She signs me to leave with her. She doesn't want Gin to know she's here. I nodded.

We went to a coffee shop outside the mall.

We order and sit at the corner.

"So you heard us?" I asked

She nodded.

"I also wanted to speak with him about the engagement. I want to know why he changes his mind. Good thing you asked him first, I heard what I needed to know." She said then sip her coffee.

"So what are your plans?" I asked.

"I don't want the engagement. Gin is just hurt. Once he recovers he'll regret this." She uttered.

Whoa. What's happening?

"It doesn't sound like you. Whatever the reason behind the engagement, you'll go through it."

There is something off about her. She's still Georg but the way she talks and thinks and acts are different. She doesn't even like coffee but here she is drinking one.

"Cherry, I got into an accident last year and I have amnesia." She said


Accident? Amnesia? Is she serious?

She looks serious.

"I don't remember anything before the accident. I don't remember you or Gin or the things I did in the past."

So this is the reason why she sounds different or acts differently.

"Why you're just telling me now? What accident? Is it really serious?" I asked.

She mentioned before that she got sick and she's on medication. I thought it was just a fever or something minor. I'm so stupid.

She nodded. "I'm sorry Cherry. But I'm okay now. My brain just deleted my memories. Maybe I can retrieve it from the recycle bin. I'll work it out." She said then smiled like she didn't drop a bomb on me.

That's why she wasn't around for a year. I thought she wants to end our friendship without knowing she got into a serious accident. I should have tried harder to contact her or look for her. I should have known. I'm her best friend.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry Georgina."

"No. I'm fine now. I'll get my memories back. Don't worry."

I embrace her. I feel so guilty. I left her when she needed me the most.