
Chapter II

[Wake up host keeps 5 minutes on your birth]

"Where's what's going on?"

[The host, you're in the womb, you're almost born]

"That's right the system has opened up a random breed what I got"

[Yes, the host has opened the random breed and the host got the Izumaki breed]

"The Izumaki breed is what its strength is other than red hair and a large amount of chakra"

[Not exactly the Azumaki dynasty host has a very strong spiritual strength and physical as well as his ability to carry huge and energy chains]

"Energy chains Aren't the chains that were holding Kyubei?

[True but the host can change shape as he wants free before birth]

"Well make my hair black and green eyes"

[Well the host was done. Do you want to see how it will look like if you want to change something in your form just tell me]

The screen appeared with a young man about 180 cm long with black hair and green eyes and the skin white that he is handsome I mean I, while I see the form that I will be the system

[Host you will be born after 3 2 1 now get ready]

While he said that I felt I was moving feeling I did not feel for a long time and now I see a white light finally came out of the darkness to light

With the exit to the light

Pov mather Barry Nura

I feel terrible pain but when my child goes out I feel a kind of connection and I was ready to do anything to him until death

Pov's father Barry Henry

I hear the screaming of my wife now from the operating room I pray to be fine and then stopped screaming and heard the voice of screaming a child at that moment I felt that all the things that worry me disappeared and felt free felt that he must protect this child until my death

About an hour later I entered my room in the hospital and saw her carrying a beautiful boy with a little black hair and green eyes like the eyes of his mother and looked at her and I said

" Are you okay dear"

"Yes, what will we call our child?"

Bartholomew Henry Allen

She said, "Dear, it's a good name, but what do you think Barry called him?"

"Well as you want"

After I said that I went to the doctor and I said when we can go home and told me after some hours

After we got home

POV Hero

"I'm finally feeling great, but it's annoying now. Show me the store."

[Yes host


Blood strains

Supernatural powers




"Well, let's see the techniques first."


Arjun 100 points system

Power Shield 100 Point System

Hate fire 10 point system

Lightning Attack 10 Point System

A light ball. 10 point system


50 halter point system

Chedori 50 points system

Clone Shadow 50 Point System

The same 10-point fire system


Dragon Ball

Kamahamaha 100 points system

Vanille Flash 100 Point System

Instantaneous transition 50 point system

Beam death 50 point system]

"The system what is the skill of Arjun"

[Host the skill of moving I by switching to the light of your choice, such as the way Voldemort transmission in his fight with Harry Potter in the film Harry Potter and the sanctities of death 2]

"The system is not Arjun inert gas is there a link between it and the name"

[No host it was taken by a magician named Arjun Flanco who spent half his life making this talisman and named it by his name but when you reach the level of Voldemort you don't need to pronounce the name of the talisman]

"Now that's awesome"

"Buy clone shadow, fire ball, lightning attack, light ball armor, Argon"

There are about a million techniques of anime narrations and many others

[Host has been deducted 280 keep 9720 points system]

"Well show me blood strains"

[Blood strains


Original vampire 700 points system

Werewolf 400 points system

Real Dragon Million Point System

White Tiger 10000 points system

Saiyan 500,000 points

Saiyan old million points system

Uchiha 300 points system

Senju 300 points system

Assistants rulers of destruction 10 million points system

Zeno king of rulers billion points system]

"Amazing how many blood strains exist"

[There are a million blood baskets]

"It's a question of denunciation that you don't know in any case what the strongest technology is."

[Erase technology is able to erase everything the price of the technology billion points system]

"Damn it is expensive and a powerful system what is the difference between Michaelson and the original"

Michaelson as Witches Freya have possess a huge magical power with a long lifespan of up to 100 years

The original vampire Khaled has a huge power and estimated to endure almost infinite]

"Well, Michaelson bought the blood line."

[Well host was deducted 500 system points keep 9220]

"The system merged the Michaelson dynasty with me"

[Well a host will feel pain when you are ready so never say]

"The system I am impressed I expected you like the systems in the novels that make you feel pain and then say did not ask"

[Host, you programmed me to help you in your life, how can I help you if I let you suffer]

"The system I'm ready"

After saying that I felt terrible pain I began to shout loudly

POV Nora Allen

When I was about to sleep, Henry and I suddenly heard a screaming sound coming from Barry. Larry went.

He kept screaming for about 10 minutes while Henry and I were wearing our clothes. He stopped screaming. Then he slept. Suddenly we didn't feel comfortable.

Barry's eyes

After we came back from the doctor and I was in my bed

"Show me my stats"

[Well host

Name: Barry Allen

Age: 7 hours

Power: 10

Speed: 10

Endurance: 20

Magic Power: 40


Bloodline: Michaelson and Azumaki

System points: 9220

Super Power

Mental stirring


Hating fire

A light ball


Shadow Clone

Lightning attack

Energy Shield ]

Hi this my first novel, the english don’t my first language and Classes will not have a specific schedule lf you have any idea to my novel tell me

Daoist987609creators' thoughts