Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.
Yesterday winner was Juhiko.
Now today insert a GIF of Spiderman/Miles Morales Here.
(Future Emperor of Earth Doom: POV)
Simply floating in the air I waited until Richard and his son finished their long overdue reunion and turned their attention back to me.
"Oh, sorry about that Victor." Richard spoke.
In response I shook my head.
"Richard, there is no need to apologize right now. As a father myself I get it." I spoke. "Now then, time for your second reunion of the night." I said.
I then snapped my fingers and opened two portals.
One under the father and son duo, and one in front of myself. Which I floated through after I opened it.
Peter and Richard simultaneously falling through there's.
Leading the three of us to end up in the living room of May and Ben's home.
The same one from the Amazing Spiderman films.
After the three of us arrived I snapped my fingers once more and shut both portals.
I then turned my attention to Ben and May, both of whom are young in this universe, who were looking at the three of us utterly slackjawed.
[Insert image of MCU aunt May Here]
[Insert Image of young uncle Ben Here]
"Peter!" May shouted.
"Richard!" Ben added.
"Yes brother, it's me." Richard spoke. A smile on his face. "Good to see you again." He said.
That got the ball truly rolling for the Parker family. Leading to another emotionally charged reunion.
Which like before I didn't intrude upon.
I simply floated there in the air and did some work while I waited for the Parker's to acknowledge me.
Which they did, two hours later.
Though I don't blame them.
As such I turned to face them when they called out to me.
Namely Peter.
"Mr. No, I mean king Doom. Thank you." He replied.
"Think nothing of it Peter." I replied. "After all I made an agreement with your father and I always stick to my word." I spoke.
"Still, is there anything I can do to repay you for giving me my family back?" Richard asked.
"Just keep doing what you've been doing and we'll be good Richard." I spoke.
"Yes, about that. How am I going to keep fulfilling my duties if I must return to Latveria?" He asked. "Because I don't want to uproot my family, even if I've just gotten them back." He spoke.
"And you won't have to Richard." I replied. "And as for an answer to your question, well you'll just have to wait and see until tomorrow at the Stark Expo. Oh and speaking of which, here." I spoke.
I then snapped my fingers and conjured forth four tickets for the Expo, before using my telekinesis to float one to each member of the Parker famy.
"Tickets for the Stark Expo. The premium package. Giving you access to any and everything there." I spoke. "And before you say you can't accept them, just know I won't take no for an answer where they are concerned."
"Wow, thanks Mr. Doom!" Peter happily exclaimed.
"It's no problem Peter." I replied. "Well then I think I've taken up enough of your time for tonight so I bid you farewell."
Then before the Parker's could say anything I opened another portal, floated through it, and then closed it shut.
Extremely happy since all my plans involving the Parker family are going well.
From making sure those cops saved Ben a month ago, to reuniting Richard with his family, and of course endearing myself to Peter.
Making it all the more easier to get Spiderman fully on my side.
Though I think my unveiling at the Stark Expo will really deal the deal.
Only time will fell I guess.
Oh who am I kidding? I've already got this in the bag.
[May 29th, 2010]
My security detail, and Susan, by my side I walked around the grounds of the Stark Expo with them.
Seeing if anything could catch my interest.
Given we had already finished up any and all preparations for our presentation slot later in the day.
My eyes scanning the area I saw notable inventions. Sadly none of them really caught my true attention. Though some of the concepts I surmised from the displays did look like they might be useful at a later date.
So I made mental notes of them.
At least until a young man in an Iron Man mask, wearing gloves, just like in the Iron Man 2 film, suddenly ran out in front of my group.
When they did we immediately stopped.
A woman shouting at the young masked child a second after we did.
Coming into view a second later I immediately saw she was of Puerto Rican descent.
And given the name she just called the child in the Iron Man mask I did a quick search using my technopathy and learned my instincts were once again right. For the woman and child currently standing before me are none other than Rio Morales and her son, Miles Morales. My all time favorite spiderman.
Nice that he exists in this universe.
Rio grabbed onto Miles arm and gave him a stern look. "I told you not to let go of my hand." She said. Rio then turned her gaze on our groups direction. "Sorry."
"No, no need to apologize." I replied.
"Yes, my husband is right. We have little ones ourselves so we completely understand." Susan added.
Rio getting a look of relief on her face at our words.
"Thank you. And excuse us." She said.
Rio and the second future Spiderman then walked off.
As they did I sent Brainiac a technopathic command to keep tabs on our potential future wall-crawller.
Once I did Susan and I continued our tour around the expo.
Until eventually the time for our presentation came.
Finding myself standing on the same stage from the Iron Man 2 film, Susan at my side, the both of us sporting mic headsets, we smiled and waved at the crowd in front of us.
"Thank you, thank you." I spoke into the mic. "Great to be here."
"Truly." Susan added.
The two of us then continue smiling and waving until the crowd calmed down.
"Okay, well now that everyone has calmed down let's get this show on the road." I spoke. "Now I know you're all curious as to what we're going to be presenting her at the expo. And to answer your questions I give center stage to my wife, Susan Storm."
I took a step back, giving Susan the spotlight.
"Thank you dear." Susan said. "So, as my husband just said, today I'm going to present our idea. One that has to do with ensuring a better for our world by nurturing the talents of young man. Which is why in conjunction with Werner Academy the Future Foundation will host the first of its satellite campuses right here in New York!" She explained.
Earning another loud round of cheers from the crowd.
But given the track record the Werner Academy has created ever since it opened this reaction was a given.
One that I hope to see a lot more of, since I plan to establish other satellite campuses of the Academy all over the globe in the coming years.
Since I want my people to have access to free and standard education.
And as their ruler and leader it is my job to make it happen.
Even if none of them know it yet.
When the cheers of the crowd died down we fielded several questions, before truly wrapping our presentation up.
After we did I went to a private room where Peter and his family were waiting.
Given I had asked my Spartan guards to bring them.
"Parker family. How is everyone doing today?" I asked.
"Great. Really great, Mr. Doom." Peter spoke.
"That's great to hear." I replied.
I then exchanged greetings with Richard, May, and Ben.
"Alright, so now that the greetings are out of the way let's get down to business. I'm sure you all heard my announcement out there?"
"It was hard to miss Mr. Doom." Peter spoke.
"Yes, well what I'm about to say is related to that. In regards to the new Werner Academy satellite branch being set up here in New York, Peter I would like you to be one of its first students, and Richard I would like you to be its director." I spoke.
Leaving the family stunned.
"Mr. Doom, are you serious?" Peter asked me.
"I am." I replied without hesitation.
"This is...But wait, how are you going to explain my circumstances?" Richard asked.
When he did I shook my head back and forth. "Oh Richard, I would've thought you know never to underestimate me, given all you've seen me accomplish since we met. Don't worry, your absence already has a full proof story behind it. Meaning even if you don't take the director position you can stay in the states with your family." I spoke. "I'll even set you up with a high paying job."
"Why, when I already have one?" Richard asked.
"So that means you'll become the New York schools director?" I asked.
"Yes." Richard immediately replied.
"And I'll become a student there." Peter spoke.
The words of both father and son music to my ears.
After they agreed to my offers we discussed a few more things before I took my leave from the room.
I then rejoined Susan, so we could spend the day enjoying the rest of what the Expo had to offer.