
I am BlackHole

The main character gets the power by the name 'Shì' from a ‘comet’. He is capable of basically touching something and can suck it into his 'personal space'(Anything, any type of form, from atoms to laser, electrons to radiation). He can also use his power to ‘digest’ anything before getting random goods in his ‘space’ if not developing new powers! He gets stronger by just "eating". You got a gun? Who gives a fuk? I'll eat the bullets, the gun, and maybe, you too?

DeathBeforeDefeat · Autres
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5 Chs

Chapter ONE: Comet!

A teen sits on the seat on the train, staring at the night sky.

He was not fortunate today, he got kicked from the city centre, and now he is on his way to the outside of the RING. The RING protects the people from the mysterious danger outside of the thick walls. The inner of the RING is the safest, and most of the nobles live there. The outside is much more dangerous.

The continent he lived on is called Zen, controlled by multiple kings; it has seven kingdoms; Celtic, Martish, Benc, HuMen, GuLao, Qishan, and Arc. He lived in the centre of Qishan. Well, he used to. He is an orphan, his biological parents abandoned him, and he was fortunate enough when a farmer found him on the side of the river and raised him. The kind farmer lived with his wife; they had a son, who was sent to the front line. Yet for fourteen years, they never heard a word from him.

When the farmer found the baby along the riverside, the baby had a silver band around his waist. On the band was the boy's name; used by the leader of the Iron Core army, capturer of monsters, ZhongKui.

After he finished high school, he was sent to the centre RING to take University. His adoptive dad worked hard and made enough money for him to go there, his pockets were full the day he got in, but empty the next day. He learned to save money, and most importantly, to stand hunger. When he was accused of a crime he did not have anything to do with, he obviously did not have enough to pay off a 'second degree murder'.

"I was clearly innocent, but no one stood up for me!"

His thoughts back to the court, the pity shown on the nobles's faces and the disgust he saw in the eyes of the judge.

"Last night! In the night club of 'Soulmate', this young man had accomplished a second-degree murder. Today! We will, by the name of justice, outcast the cold blooded murder; ZhongKui, to the outer RING!"

The person who reported him was a member of the royal family of Qishan, who bought out the officials. And he had no background, what could he do? He clenches his fist, and mumbles, "One day I will rise upon you all, you will all fear me! One day I will look down at you in disdain just as the way you did to me!"

The train is crowded with people, a little girl shouts to her dad as she points out the window: "Papa! Comet!"

"Yes, that's a comet, beautiful right?"

ZhongKui looks out the window, some people say that comets can grant wishes.

"Huh, who believes that? Foolish"

And then he stands up and makes a wish and sits down.

He wishes that he will never be hungry again...

The boy slowly closes his eyes, he is tired, exhausted from everything. But what he doesn't know is that the 'comet' flashes, shining brighter before disappearing into the clouds ahead…

"Hey! Hey! It's the last stop, if ye don't get off I'll throw ye in the stove and burn you for fuel!"

ZhongKui wakes up with a gasp, he sees a big face in front of him, it was the train conductor. "There! Now get off." The man commends, and walks into the storage room.

ZhongKui rubs his eyes and walks toward the door, then something hits him on the back, knocking him forwards, out of the door.

He turns around to discover a chest, "I assume that's yours. " The train conductor shouts again, walking out of the storage room.

ZhongKui doesn't remember bringing anything up the train. But before he has time to say anything the door shuts before him. He picks up the chest. It is dark brown, made from some type of very fine leather, heavy in his hand. Decorated with strange symbols and signs, in the colour of silver and blue. Blue silk is sewed onto the outside of the leather very carefully. Silver layers of some type of metal were added on to the frame with lots of care. I seem to show a picture of...

"Hey, hey!" he looks up and sees a young gentleman running towards him, or perhaps the train. His right leg is limp and almost made him trip over. The train starts moving, as the gentlemen approach, he is about the same age as ZhongKui, maybe older. With a cane in his hand, he is out of breath. "Hey~" he calls again.

He shouts, but the train doesn't stop, it gains its speed and leaves.

"No~ oh lord, I must have taken too much of that medicine, I-" Then he notices the young man beside him, "Oh! Hello there."

ZhongKui is confused, the gentlemen had a really nice suit, with a black tie and a shiny pair of Oxford. He also has an accent that ZhongKui couldn't really make out of.

"Hello." ZhongKui replies, looking curiously at the man. What is he doing here?

"I assume you were from that train?" The man asks, he is anxious, his face is pale as he asks.

"Yes, that is correct." ZhongKui says trying to figure out what this noble looking man is doing here.

"Oh my kind sir, then you must help me, " says the man, who looks like he just found a bottle of water in the middle of a desert.

"What do you mean I must help you?" ZhongKui asks, getting curious.

"I, I'm looking for someone, uh, he is supposed to be here right now but I just ah I-I", he chokes on something and starts coughing. He takes out a handkerchief and covers his mouth, soon, a part of the fine fabric becomes red.

'Oh wtf?' ZhongKui thought, 'Bruh I just got here and this guy's starting to cough blood!'

"Are you okay?" He asks the man, who waves his hand at him. "Not okay?" The man takes out a little device and places it upon his nose. "Pssssss~" it makes a strange sound, and the man stops coughing. "I'm good, it happens a lot." the man replies to ZhongKui, who is thinking about leaving this place. "Why?" ZhongKui asks, "Does it transfer?"

"Ah no, it's because of the medicine I take, I have a very rare diagnosis. I am probably the only one with it here."

"So what do you need help with?" It's getting dark and ZhongKui has no idea where to go. "So someone is suppose to be here, today, bring me what I need." the man said, "And my name is Fiont, Fiont Melaius."

"What is it that you need?" ZhongKui asks again, noticing a strange mark on the Fiont's hand.

The man moves his hand away, 'is he trying to hide it?' ZhongKui thinks as the man takes out a silver pocket watch and checks the time. "It's very late, do you have a place to stay?"

"Yes, of course, I-I Oh no no no, I do not." ZhongKui replies, dragged back to the conversation from his wonder. "Would you like to come and stay at my place?" asks Fiont, something in his eyes flashes…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DeathBeforeDefeatcreators' thoughts