
Childhood days

My Childhood days were good.Every day I played with my friends.I went to school with my friends.Then,we took bath in the the river.It was the most beautiful days in my life.Me and my friends used to play hidded club,cricket,football and many things.That time I went to my relatives house.No one couldn't stop to going there.I talk to all the people.But Whenever I growing up,I admitted into a high school.As my mother is not edicated,so she didn't tell us about neat and Clean ness.So I used to go school with my two friends.When I went to school,my mother says,"Don't talk with boys and don't mix with friends".I don't know why,from that day I got depressed.I didn't talk with friends.I feel lonely.Some of my friends bullied me.I got so frustrated.One of my friend her name Sunia,In my opinion I will say she is so bad girl.She used to talk with me but when she went to other friends,she talk about me that I am not good.My teachers like me.They told that I was good.when sunia heard about that she feel jealous about it.so,I don't like her.There are so many things which she did with me.