

Hi, My name is Scarlett. I am 18 years old, I love my family. But my family hates me because of that incident.


When she is 7 years old Scarlett and Carrie(Her sister) was playing in the park. Someone try to kidnaped the Carrie but Scarlett threw a stone on the kidnapper and he ran away. The stone shot on the Carrie's head. That time her parents came and ask her. Carrie said "Mom Scar is trying to kill me she threw a stone on me " Mom saw the (blood is flowing on her head). How could you do this to your sister. Scarlett said I didn't do that. She is trying to explain but her parents didn't focus on her. That's why they hates her. They didn't know that kidnapper was trying to kidnapp Carrie.

(Flashback ends)

Intoduction time

Fl lead

Her name is Scarlett

Age - 18

Topper of the school

Likes - Her family

Hates - Sluts, gold digger

Now, Fl Sister

Her name is Carrie

Age - 20

Finished her graduation

Likes - Her family, Jack ( Carrie's loved one)

Hates - Fl

Now, Fl mom

Her name is Jasmine

Age - 40

Loves - her family

Hates - fl ( she thought fl was trying to kill her own sister)

Now, Fl dad

Fl dad name is David

Age - 46

Loves - His family

Hates - Fl ( he thought fl was trying to kill her own sister)

Now, Fl brother

Fl brother name is Josh

Age - 22

Loves - His family

Hates - fl