
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Meeting Manabu

"That is the end of our homeroom for today. Wait for your next subject teacher and behave okay," Chie-sensei said.

"Kirusu-kun, could you come to the faculty office after class?"

Chie-sensei suddenly asked me, to which I nodded.

The moment she leaves. My classmates bombarded me with questions left and right, which is annoying. But I answer every question they asked while avoiding the sensitive question. They calm down when the subject teacher entered the classroom which signals the next class.

When the class ended today, I heard my name on the loudspeaker of the school.

"Kirusu-kun, from Class B and Ayanokoji-kun, from Class D. Please come to the faculty office,"

Not only my name but Kiyotaka's name was also announced. I say goodbye to my friends and went to the faculty office. When I enter the room, I saw Chie-sensei sitting at her teacher's table.

I decided to call out to her since she looked like she was busy with something.


"Oh, Kirusu-kun, your here. Sorry for calling you out like this but I just wanted to ask you a few things," She said.

"It's ok, I don't mind,"

"Follow me," She said after standing up from her seat while going to the door. To which I followed her.

Just as Chie-sensei was about to open the door. The door opens on its own. Well more like someone opens the door for us. The one who is behind the other side is someone I know would come. It's Kiyotaka if that isn't obvious enough.

"Hey, Ayanokoji. Look like you were called too," I said.

"Hm, although I didn't know why though. How about you?" he said and asked.

"Chie-sensei asked me to come here, although I don't who called you," I replied,

"You must be Ayanokoji-kun, right?" She asked. Kiyotaka nodded in response.

"Oh, so you are the student that Sae-chan called out for,"

"Sae-chan? you meant Chiyabashira-sensei?" He asked to which this time, it was Chie-sensei who nodded.

"Do you know why Sae-chan called you out like this?" She asked.

"I don't know," He said while shaking his head, announcing that he is clueless about the situation.

"Hm, that's weird, you were called to the faculty without any idea why?" She asked.

"Why are you interrogating my student, Hoshinomiya?"

A beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere, at least that what it looks like from a normal person's point of view. I already noticed her presence from miles away. But that's not the point here.

The young beautiful woman who suddenly appeared is the homeroom teacher of Class 1-D, Sae Chiyabashira. She has long brown hair that is tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left, brown eyes, a well-endowed voluptuous body, and she wears a serious expression on her face. She stared at me for a while before she looks at Chie-sensei.

"Sae-chan, you finally here. I was only keeping him company while he waited for you," Chie-sensei said.

"Sigh, you could just leave him alone and that would be much better than pestering him. Thanks for waiting, Ayanokoji. Let's go into the guidance office," Sae-sensei said.

"Oh, can we go there too? I'm also planning on bringing Kirusu-kun in the guidance office,"


"Well, I have the same reason as you. Did you want to ask Ayanokoji-kun some questions right? I'm planning on doing the same thing,"

"Find some other place. We need to be alone,"

"Ohh, are planning on being dominated by a younger man?" Chie-sensei said.

Dominated by a younger man? What does that mean?

Her words contained a deeper meaning. I should keep this in mind.

"Don't say such stupid things. That wouldn't be possible," She made a sharp look and stared at Chie-sensei intensely. But Chie-sensei doesn't seem to notice or just ignoring her gaze.

"Of course, you're certainly right. It wouldn't be possible for you, Sae-chan," She said.

Again, her words seem to contain double meaning. I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to be caught up between two women who are "arguing".

"There you are, Chie-sensei, Kirusu-kun. Do you two have a moment? the SC wishes to discuss something with the two of you,"

After she said those words, she greeted Kiyotaka and Sae-sensei.

"There, you have someone who needs you, now move along," Sae-sensei said.


After that, she slaps Chie-sensei in the butt.

'That was kinda hot' I thought to myself without a change in my expression.

"Ouch, you didn't have to do that. Anyway, you better be careful Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka, who doesn't know what to say, could only nod. After that, Sae-sensei drag Kiyotaka in the direction of the guidance office.

"Guess that's that, let's go to the SC room shall we?" I said. Both of them nodded.

"Chiyabashira-sensei is quite scary, isn't she?" Honami mumbled.

"Not really, you have to keep what I'm about to say a secret, Okay,"

Although she keeps her signature smile on her face. Her eyes, however, have seriousness in them. Both of us nodded.

"Although Sae-chan looks serious all the time. Her cold exterior is nothing but a cover. In reality, she is a lonely woman who never experienced what it means to be loved by someone," she smiles sadly.

"You two are really close, huh," I said.

"No, that's not it," she shakes her head.

"She and I have a love-and-hate relationship. I don't want to go deep into our past since that would make me feel like I betrayed her, we made a promise that we won't reveal our past to anyone, after all."

She remains silent after that. She felt melancholy, reminiscing about her past. We didn't say anything along the way.

After a while, we finally arrived in a room that has a sign that said "Student Council". Chie-sensei takes a deep breath to calm herself. After a while, she returns to her bubbly self.

Opening the door that leads to the SC. The SC President, Manabu Horikita was already waiting for us with him is the SC Secretary, Akane Tachibana.

"Did we make you wait, Horikita-kun?" Sensei asked.

"Yes, please be on time, Hoshinomiya-sensei," Manabu said.

"Ahh mou, you're no fun at all,"

The fact that he could talk to a teacher like he was talking to a student means either the SC President has that much power in this school or that just who he is in general. I'll say both are accurate.

"I apologize for deciding to call you out like this, Adam Kirusu." He said.

"No worries, it's my pleasure, Manabu-senpai," I said.

Akene, who was beside him seems to be surprised by our exchange of pleasantries.

'I never saw the President this humble in front of a student,' she thought.

"What does the SC President want from me?" I asked.

"I'm inviting you to be the Second Vice President of the SC,"


The three people( Chie, Akane, and Honami) who are with us in the room were shocked. I wasn't surprised since I know that he would ask me this if he suddenly called me.

"Kaichou(president), this is no laughing matter. Inviting a first-year student so early is absurd. It's been only a month,"

"Then let me ask you, is there a school rule where the SC can't invite a first-year student in the first few months," Manabu asked.

"No. but Kaichou..."

"I'm fully aware of what I'm doing, Akane. So, what will be your answer, Kirusu-kun?"

"Sorry senpai, I can't join the SC, for now,"

I strongly emphasize the "for now". He easily understood what I'm getting to which he nodded in understanding.

The reason I didn't join the SC is the fact that it put me in the spotlight for the senior students to see. I needed time to form my allies before I took the initiative to pick a fight with the second year's or third year's. So for now, I needed to lay low and Manabu knows that.

"I see, tell me when you're ready. I will gladly accept you with open arms."

"I will,"

"Anyhow, that's the only part of the reason why asked Hoshinomiya-sensei to bring you here. The main reason is that I hope you're open to the idea of answering a few questions that bother me."

"I'm guessing that you want to ask about my background?" I asked.

"Precisely, I want to know why the school allowed a student to come to this school without taking the entrance exam and the interview." He said.

Other than me and Chie-sense, Honami and Akane were shocked. If this was a cartoon, their jaws would probably hit the floor.

"How is this possible? in the entire history of this school, there are no circumstances where the school allowed this case to happen," Akane said. Still processing the information.

"So kirusu-kun, could you please tell us why I that?" Manabu asked.

"Before I answer that, could you promise me something," I said.

"As long as it's reasonable, go ahead," he said.

"This includes anyone who is in this room, this includes you, Chie-sensei and Akane-senpai."

"Should I..."

Honami was about asked that she would leave the room when I stop her.

"No, stay here Honami. You're the only person I trust the most. You have the right to learn everything." I said while looking at her eyes seriously.

"Hm," She nodded and blushed. She hides her face between her hands. Akane looks at her and she seems to understand something.

"Wait you don't trust me, Kirusu-kun?" Chie-sensei asked.


My answer should be obvious, she is a teacher at this school. This could only mean that she is under the control of this school. If she was an independent staff, I could give it some thoughts, I could even control her. But as long as she is here in this school, I would never trust her.

It's also pretty obvious why I don't trust Manabu and Akane since they are completely stranger to me.

As for Honami, I am fully confident that she would never betray me. But I know that nothing is absolute in this world, which is why I have a backup plan If she were to betray me.

Although Chie-sensei was about to cry, I ignored her. Honami noticed this and she could only comfort her by rubbing her back.

"So, what will you do," I said.

"Akane, If you feel uncomfortable making a promise, leave the room."


She seems to be thinking about something, after a while, making a decision. She finally nodded.

"Ok, I guarantee that whatever you say won't leave this room no matter what," Manabu said.

"How could you guarantee that?" I asked.

"I will resign as an SC President. That should be enough right?"

"No, If you resigned as a SC President nothing will change other than you will lose your status. You are still a student of Class 3-A and was about to graduate. The only thing that I want is you to promise me that not only you resign as an SC President but you will resign as a student of this school," I said.

I know it's an unreasonable request but that is the only thing I could do to protect my history from other people finding out about it.

"That's going too far, kirus-"

Before Akane could finish what she was about to say, Manabu stops him by raising his hands to block her from approaching me.

"That's enough, Akane,"


Manabu didn't say anything but only stared at her. Akane realizes that no matter what she did, she couldn't change the outcome. She could only sigh, and accept the reality that I'm in control of this entire situation.

"I accept your terms,"

To be perfectly honest, I never thought that he would agree so easily. I even made calculations for about a few hundred different outcomes in my head and think where I would be able to convince him to accept my terms. Although the outcome of him accepting my term appears in my mind, I disregard that outcome since that's most unlikely.

But in the end, he accepts my terms.

"Akane-senpai?" I asked.

Before Manabu could even say anything...

"I also accept," Akane agreed, Manabu looked at her but didn't say anything.

"You, sensei?"

"I'll leave the room. As much as I love it too. I couldn't keep that promise so I'll leave," She said.

"I'm sorry, Chie-sensei,"

She smiled and left the room. Honami could only watch as Chie-sensei left.

"Is this really the right thing to do, Kirusu-kun?" Honami asked.

"Yes, Honami. I couldn't just let anyone know my background, even our friends and classmates. although Manabu-senpai and Akane-senpai are strangers to me. I know they would keep their words," I said.

"Then tell us everything, Kirusu-kun," Manabu said.

"This will be a long story if you don't mind, could we take a seat?" I asked

"Go ahead,"

And with that, Honami and I take the opposite seats of Manabu and Akane.

"This all began when I was..."

And with that, I decided to tell the three of them everything about me. I told them why I was sent to this school, that I suppose to expelled a certain student. I didn't completely tell everything like who is the student I was supposed to expel. I also didn't tell them about what is the purpose of the red room, who is my father, and that I have supernatural abilities.

Other than that I also told them my experiences in the red room and told them a quarter of my capabilities. Although I only told a quarter, it's enough to completely shocked them.

Although It didn't completely answer the question of why I was able to get into this school without a test and an interview. They did, however, understand that my background is beyond something that a student like them should interfere with.

After almost an hour of talking, they were completely silent for a couple of minutes. The silence was broken by Akane's disbelief.

"How could this be..."

"I completely understand now why you would make us pledged to never say a word about this. Just like I promised earlier, In the name of my family's name, if this information was released publicly by us, both of us will leave this school," Manabu said.

"Thank you,"

I still didn't completely believe them, that's why I made a backup plan before this. I know this is very risky. But I need to gather the trust of Manabu if I want to proceed with my plan. For now, the first step in my grand scheme was a success.


The longest chapter yet, I will do my best to make every chapter longer than the last. Anyway, this will be the chapter for today and I hope you guys enjoy it.

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