
I am a System Interface?

After a drunken night, Noah Carter woke to find himself trapped in an unfamiliar world. Usually, these types of things come with added perks, but in his case, there was no hack. He only got two unique skills. It was him to decide how to use them efficiently. He has to navigate the mystery of his arrival while attempting to ask for help from strangers. Over time he assumed many roles but ultimately he need to become the beacon of hope for others. But will he save this reality from disaster, or will he be the cause of its demise?

devonsewn · Fantaisie
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78 Chs


" You are thinking about kidnapping him? That's wouldn't end well." Felix commented hearing his childish plan. 

" Why?"

" Do you think knights are dumb? They are many protective artifacts that are specifically designed to repel any sorcerer's attack. First they will not gathered in one spot like you are expecting. Normally, they would span upward to a kilometers because they know the maximum range of people like us are about few hundred meters. If they are novice sorcerer, it would be even less." Felix explained.

" Secondly, each person would hold detection stone that quickly let them know that someone with magic exceeding that of normal people is in the vicinity. It's a kind of stone that won many battles even toppling many kingdom that dumbly relied on sorcerers."

" Third, he would escape if anything is off and after he goes into hiding, the elite warriors would finally make an entrance. When a noble's life is threaten it become a much greater issue because all they have on their mind is survival of their family. This tiny village wouldn't even last a day if his father sends his forces." He paused seeing everyone's grim faces.

" The only reason he is giving us a choice is because he already know once the amenities inside the village is exhausted, Mera would make the only choice of surrendering herself to him. That's the only reason why he is hunkered up at the base of the mountain waiting for us to make the first move. Whether we decided to fight back would only lead to everyone's demise."

" That may be so but his father must value his child's life right? Imagine we somehow manage to capture him wouldn't they promise us not to invade the village in the future?" Noah asked.

" That's uncertain, if we showed our fangs I think they will only come at us with greater force." Mera added. She began contemplating if she really has a choice in this?

Noah began thinking. If he had some time, he could summon different weapon that would surely sustain the defensive need of the village but unfortunately, he only had five slots which was not enough to arm everyone so quickly.

Even if he gave them and teach them to use firearms there were many problems like ammo issue, gun maintenance and spare parts that all needed to be summoned which would exhaust his many of his slots.

Not to mention, he was unsure how powerful these elites were that even someone like Flame emperor needed to be careful of. Would normal guns even work on them? What if they had unexpected powers that made them immune to hot weapons? It's not like he could have machine gun or rocket launcher because of ten kilogram weight limit per summon.

What he could so was repelled these pesky knights for some time and when the flames of war eventually reach this region they wouldn't have time to worry about tiny village in the mountain. They also needed to horde some stuff or find different chain for their daily supplies.

It could take months but he was confident enough to find something that would become the speciality of the village. That why they would be able to sustain themselves without him being here. He eventually planned to leave this place but since they helped him so much, he was willing to stake it out until their immediate problems were gone.

" Alright, we can discuss more about it but first I think we need to clear the abundant monster problem. Even if we somehow manage to go through this tough time, we would need to make the roads safer for the merchants or else they wouldn't dare to step foot in the mountain." Mera saw Noah contemplating so she pressed for the next issue.

" I would have helped but I need to look after my students. So, I will refrain from participating." Felix proclaimed and left the meeting. He would help dealing with the nobles if they have a solid plan but other issue of the village was no concern to him.

" Che, he is acting high and mighty but he immediately left as soon as we began talking about fighting." Someone said disgruntledly. 

" It's alright. We are not waiting for charity from him even if he is a famous sorcerer." Another one added.

" It's alright. Fighting monsters is not without risks so I can see why he wouldn't put himself in harms way when his disciples are injured." Alastair surprisingly took Felix's side.

" Regardless, most of our people are injured. Even after I healed them, it would take one week for light injuries to heal and almost a month for those with severe ones." Mera spotted a problem. Since most of the fighting force was on the wall when the arrows fell, they were decommissioned for the moment. If they leave the monsters alone, they would only grow stronger.

" How many able body people you can gather?" Noah asked.

" About ten."

" If we include skilled woman that are somewhat strong?"

" Are you asking women to fight?" Mera was taken aback when she heard him talk about women. Tang was an exception among hunters, most of the women tended to fields or stayed home raising children.

" They will not be harmed in anyway. I just need smart people with little bit of strength."

" I need to check but we can roughly get around fifteen to twenty."

" Good, I will make preparation. Tell them to gather in the yard next morning." He said with a smile. They didn't know why he was so confident but in the end Mera decided to see what he was up to.

They talked about some other issue before dispersing to do their work. Noah went back to his room and began summoning the stuff he would need, that when he realise something was wrong with his system interface.

" Is this real?"