
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

skill, strength

"No, not the immortal realm, but the mystery of breakthrough," Hai Du whispered, his voice barely audible. "He has attained The Will, the legendary will of a skill."

As a practitioner traversed the phases of skill, they could reach the peak of the skill level.

After grasping the wisdom, understanding the form of the skill, obtaining the skill spirit, and gaining its resolve, they could then enter the final phase: The Will.

At this level, the chi flowed in perfect paths and patterns according to the technique practiced.

The practitioner's intent was flawlessly reflected in the technique, and their will was a perfect mirror of the skill.

At this level of mastery, the practitioner and technique merged into one, becoming an embodiment of the technique itself.

The person became a living, breathing expression of the skill, their movements and actions a perfect reflection of the technique's essence.

In this skill level, there was not a loss of strength, but rather, every ounce of energy was optimally spent and amplified, allowing even a little strength to pull off extraordinary feats.

The legendary will of a skill marked the final phase of skill attainment, allowing the chi to flow in perfect paths and patterns according to the practiced technique. It amplified even a little strength to pull off extraordinary feats.

Attaining the perfect will of a technique was rare, and even rarer for the Rattan Light Vines Skill. There had not been a single person in memory who had achieved it.

The luminous ambience around Xuan Yi was a testament to his achievement.

Even though Xuan Yi was only in the tempered phase, his opponents couldn't compensate for the skill level difference with brute strength unless they were multiple cycles of cultivation higher than him.

And even then, the Rattan Light Vine was no ordinary skill. It was gentle as an autumn wind, soothing as a summer breeze, calm as the sea, and sturdy as Mount Fungwan on which Xuan Yi's home stood. It was simply terrifyingly mysterious and powerful.

But Xuan Yi had another advantage that made the True Spirit ice spirits weak before him - he possessed the remnant energy from the breakthrough.

The mystery of breakthrough was a concept that could not be fully explained; it was called a mystery for a reason. However, it could be observed.

It happened in rare events where a practitioner achieved a perfect breakthrough or transition between phases. When they successively broke through seamlessly, a mysterious force lingered around them, a burst of energy that defied nature.

It was almost like a crown and medal for their exemplary achievement. In the explosive energy, their strength was heightened as they tapped into this mysterious reservoir.

Xuan Yi's attainment of The Will was exceptional, a rare feat even among skilled practitioners.

For the Rattan Light Vines Skill, Xuan Yi's achievement was unprecedented, with no one in memory reaching this level. His opponents couldn't compensate for the skill level difference with brute strength unless they were multiple cycles of cultivation higher than him.

The mystery of breakthrough was well-known, but few had ever witnessed it. Seeing it in its full glory before their eyes filled the hearts of onlookers with reverent awe and envy.

Xuan Yi's perfect achievement was a testament to his skill and dedication. It did not guarantee a seamless breakthrough in future cultivation paths, nor did it mean he would continue to tap into the mysterious reservoir. Nevertheless, it was enviable in every sense.

As Xuan Yi stood on the tender vine, radiating an air of immortality, he understood he was no longer a shame to his Xuan clan. He was no longer the bane of his sect, or at least, not entirely.

Having diffused the immense lethal web of sword chi attack from the ice spirit that technically pulverized the mountain, Xuan Yi stood as the proud heir of the Xuan people.

The purple heaven descended upon them like a thick fibrous taproot, a blinding blend of lightning and purple clouds.

The lightning tribulation meandered towards them, its first target being the cold misty spirit man.

The events that followed etched a horror in everyone's heart.

The ice spirit screamed in a mixture of anger, desperation, and defiance at the sky. Darkness pulsed from him, and the ear-splitting howl and wail that broke from his lungs coursed through the atmosphere.

He caught the tapering end of the brilliant crackling taproot lightning with both hands. Contours of dark formless veins bulged beneath his taut, misty skin.

With his feet planted firmly on the empty, cracking space, one foot in front of the other, he gripped the lightning tribulation with terrible strength and began to yank it from the sky.

The tribulation was being wrenched out of the heavens with a force that felt like a massive, colossal tree being uprooted from the earth, sending shockwaves through the very fabric of reality.

A terrifying screech and creaking sound tore through the darkened air as the ice spirit man as the ice spirit man flexed his biceps and uprooted the tribulation from the sky.

The deafening sound of something shattering and cracking filled the air, accompanied by the screeching of parts being torn apart and the sickening sound of appendages being wrenched from their sockets.

It was a sound that spoke of death and unspeakable horror, leaving those who heard it frozen in terror.

The very fabric of the sky split and cracked, and it felt as though space itself was being torn apart at the seams.

The thin black cracks of space appeared and then healed, only to be replaced by more gaping, jagged ones as the ice person continued to pull the entire length of the lightning as if it were a massive, writhing rope or vine.

Through the broken space, the vacuum of a perfectly dark void glowered and peeked, a sight that filled the heart with pure horror and chaos.

In those moments when the cracks were at their widest, a powerful suction force threatened to swallow reality whole, leaving those who witnessed it trembling with fear and awe.