
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

No retreat

It was time to get moving now. The mountains had become more perilous. The wheels of fate spun unpredictably, threatening to unleash danger at every turn.

But while they desired to be rid of the sight of these mountains and be caught in the sanctuary of the villages beyond, they were weary, their strength had waned, and their minds yearned for repose.

They decided they'd rest the night. After consuming a meager morsel of dry bread, they sought refuge in the shadows of the encroaching darkness, seeking solace in the deformed landscape.

A moment of respite could rejuvenate their spirits, enabling them to cover more ground in a shorter time. Alas, the vast expanse of the mountain range lay before them, a daunting task that tested their endurance and perseverance.


As the night sky enveloped the wounded figure, he stumbled towards the gate of the Wailing Mountain tribe people.

His body was battered and bruised, with deep gashes and wounds that oozed a crimson blood. Yet, despite his injuries, his face glowed with an ethereal luminosity that was reminiscent of a ghostly apparition.

The gate entrance was a formidable energy barrier that only the Mountain tribe people could penetrate. It was supported on either side by towering rocky pillars that resembled a colossal stack of boulders and icebergs.

The entrance exuded an aura of impenetrability, as if daring anyone to challenge it.

The frigid air was thick with an eerie fog, shrouding the night in a somber veil that transformed the place into a graveyard rather than a gate to a thriving community.

The ice spirit person, or rather, the Wailing Mountain figure, staggered through the barrier, collapsing under the weight of his injuries inside.

Once inside the barrier, he felt a sense of relief and safety wash over him like a warm blanket. He had just emerged from a battle that had shattered the first of the mountain ranges, a cosmic-level conflict that left the land ravaged and scarred.

The Wailing Mountain, though smaller and weaker than the others, had still withstood the brunt of the battle. In the exchange, a massive fissure had torn through the rest of the mountains, causing the entire range to tremble and quake in its wake.

As the Wailing Mountain figure entered the barrier, he was greeted by the familiar stark contrast to the outside world. The darkness was pierced by a faint glow of what appeared to be an artificial moon, illuminating a breathtaking landscape that lay before him. It was a far cry from the bleak and frigid mountain range that he had left behind. Instead, he found himself surrounded by lush greenery and a flourishing ecosystem, adorned with rare and glistening plants and flowers that sparkled in the moonlight. In the distance, towering buildings loomed, casting long shadows across the landscape.

He lay on the damp grass for most of the night until two figures approached him, lifting him up by the shoulders and dragging him away towards a massive hall. As they entered, a woman dressed in white and green garments slowly paced back and forth at the front of the room. Her steps were gentle and slow, yet the marble floor seemed to slightly tremble with each movement.

The Wailing Mountain figure could sense the power emanating from her, as if she were a force of nature herself.

"An He, I have never seen you so thoroughly beaten before. It seems that I should send you on more missions to quell your arrogance and pride," the woman spoke softly, not bothering to look at the battered and wounded figure that had been dropped at the entrance by the two attendants who had since left.

An He could only cough and wince in pain, propping himself up into a kneeling position as he cupped his scarred and bloody hands, spluttering blood droplets onto the clear, clean hall. The woman continued to speak without pause, her words cutting through the silence of the room like a knife.

"When you realized that your opponents were too strong, you should have retreated instead of insisting on continuing the fight. Your actions rattled the entire mountain range," she said, pausing in her pacing to turn and face An He.

"The council has decided to let your arrogance slide this time. Your reckless actions sent unnecessary shockwaves and even exhausted the guardian spirit talismans in a matter of hours," she continued, her voice firm and unwavering.

An He simply listened, coughing and wincing every few minutes, adding moments of punctuation to his teacher's words.

He had been hoping to hear that they would avenge his humiliation and injuries, but instead, he was met with the reality that the council had spared him and that he was being admonished for his arrogance.

"Regardless, this event has become the turning point in our history. It has led us to end our retreat sooner than planned. Our plans to surface were in motion, but this occurrence provided the impetus to hasten our emergence," she continued, her voice ringing with conviction."

An Hi hung his head low, resigned to his fate. He felt his suffering meant nothing and that no one would avenge the pain he had endured.

She dismissed An He with a wave of her hand and walked to the writing desk in the grand hall.

"I wish to know who they think I am to hurt my disciple this badly. I wish to know if they think I'm a joke or some decoration in these mountain ranges."

She settled onto the plush pillow in front of her writing desk, closing her eyes as her mind expanded to encompass the vast mountain ranges. With her spiritual sense, she detected the figures hurtling through the air on the distant peaks. A smile crept onto her lips

"How about you keep us company in these resplendent mountains?" she said, waving her hand gently.

The earth tore open several kilometers away with a terrifying sonic boom. A tentacle, like the arm of an octopus, made of solid rock and jagged boulders shot up with incredible speed and force at the flying company, catching them off guard.

They didn't see it coming. It crushed into them with a crushing momentum, tearing their feeble chi shield defense like it was mere paper.



[Dear reader,

Thank you for sticking with me this far.

Lots of love,
