
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


With the threat seemingly gone, the radiant light that enveloped Xuan Yi faded away, revealing his unconscious form amidst the icy debris. It appeared that either the energy had dissipated or could no longer sustain itself.

Tian Wei felt a wave of relief as he approached Xuan Yi, glad that he didn't have to reveal his true form in the midst of battle.

Carefully, he lifted Xuan Yi and positioned him in a sitting posture, hoping to awaken him from his unconscious state. There was a little breath of life left in him.

A protection must have been place in him by his clan to protect him in the face of imminent death. It appeared the terribly severe injuries had activated it.

"Xuan Yi," Tian Wei called out softly, shaking him gently in an attempt to rouse him. They were currently in the middle of nowhere, devoid of any assistance and he had no knowledge of healing arts.

Moreover, danger still loomed around them, leaving them exposed to the elements and their existing wounds.

Deciding to give Xuan Yi time to recover, Tian Wei gently laid him back down. He chose to use the following hours to refine the remaining aspects of his own body.

Having successfully refined his muscles in the cave earlier, he now needed to focus on the tendons, veins, and chi meridians.

The universe had undoubtedly dealt him a harsh hand. Since his birth on Mount Fuyi, he had been devoid of peace or joy. In his relentless pursuit, powerful entities scoured the cosmos, aiming to either subdue or annihilate him.

Even on this terrestrial refuge, where he sought solace amidst mortality's embrace, he found no respite from torment and sorrow.

The malevolent queen had cruelly snatched Qing Fu away, leaving uncertain whether she still clung to life after the fatal blow she had received.

His only remaining companion and now friend, Xuan Yi, faced the looming specter of death alongside him in the desolate, frigid night, far removed from civilization.

He could not pursue Qing Fu, as such a pursuit would yield no different outcome. Nor could he offer Xuan Yi any meaningful assistance beyond his mere presence.

All he could do was increase his own strength and pray for the winds of time to reshuffle the deck in his favor, bestowing upon him the benevolence he so desperately sought.

When the decks shuffle in his favor, he shall seek revenge for Qing Fu and for Xuan Yi.

Settling into a meditative posture, Tian Wei had barely begun his practice when the sky abruptly transformed, and dark clouds rapidly rolled in.

The clouds took on an even deeper shade and looking at it felt like peeing into a void. The earlier scared tribulation had called its grandfather.

Tian Wei's despondent plea fell on deaf ears as the dark clouds hesitated briefly before unleashing their merciless fury.

A bolt of lightning descended from the heavens, accompanied by a deafening rumble that shook the very earth beneath them.

In a swift motion, Tian Wei propelled himself from the ground, his chi sword firmly grasped in his now perfectly golden hand.

He clashed with the might of the thunder and lightning, his entire body ablaze with energy. The air crackled with power, and shockwaves reverberated through the sky.

But the forces of nature were relentless. The tendrils of lightning pierced through Tian Wei's skin, veins, and tendons, ruthlessly tearing apart his flesh.

His mortal form proved too weak to withstand the wrath of the heavens. Even though the clouds seemed to have held back, utilizing only a fraction of their true power, it was enough to bring about utter destruction.

The once-flashing night sky came to a standstill, and a charred figure, adorned with faint ethereal golden radiance, descended from the lofty heights of the heavens.

With an intense impact, he crashed into the ground, creating a deep pit with the force of his fall.

As the angry dark cloud departed, satisfied with its judgment, the ground itself seemed to sigh in relief, having endured the relentless assault unleashed by the clash of these titans.

Amidst the chaos, it is crucial not to overlook the fact that the land had become an unfortunate victim of collateral damage.

Reforming and reshaping into stability will be a lengthy process for this part of the Earth.

After the battle's end, the entire area was transformed beyond recognition.

Once a labyrinthine canyon on one side and an icy terrain on the other, it now bore new features. A leveled dusty plain stretched out, interrupted by deep gorges, ravines, and furrows. A rift valley had formed, accompanied by a terrifying, gaping bottomless pit which had formed when the golden chi sword was shattered.

In the desolate landscape, the two figures remained motionless amidst the icy rubble, their bodies battered and on the brink of lifelessness. The stillness was only interrupted by the eerie mist that floated around, creating an atmosphere of impending doom.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks blended into an indistinguishable passage of time. The sun's feeble rays cast a dim light upon the horizon, barely making an impact on the frozen surroundings.

There was no clear distinction between weeks, months, or even years. It was an interminable stretch of time, long or short.

Their bodies became encased in frost, buried beneath layers of snow and ice.

Their wounds and injuries became concealed within the frozen embrace of winter.

The signs of life were veiled by the cold, making it impossible to determine if their injuries were healing or worsening, if they clung to life or slowly succumbed to the icy grip.

Yet, amidst this uncertainty, a faint tremor began to ripple through the frozen landscape. Like the hatching of an egg, like the shattering of a shell, a new form of existence sought to break free from its icy prison.


[ Hello Dear Reader,

I left like I should leave these songs behind - enjoy.

Oh. and SUGGEST if you know a better fitting song in this scenario. I'll be sure to feature it later on.

Lots of love,



Rise Up by Andra Day


Mirrors - Beth

