
I am a servant

Dying by doing something heroic feels good. although I am not dead just drifting in where ever I am. Huh, beer thought that I would still live even though I am pretty sure I am dead. Well looks like another page of my life has been flipped. I wonder what awaits for me. - Hi, I am still new in creating story. Hope you like it. This is just an idea and I have never think of the direction where it would go. I don't have a release schedule, so don't expect me to update daily

SingleT0TOtaku · Fantaisie
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My story started when I just appeared in the forest and there, I encountered many monsters and tried to survive, I stopped questioning why or where am I since my first priority is to survive. I stayed in the forest for about 67 days and one thing I new is that there is magic and when I lived in the forest I discovered how to use magic accidently when a cyclops, yes that one eyed giant was chasing me and I made a sink whole that trapped his left leg and he felled down.

Not missing my chance, I strike his eyes with my stone spear and start stabbing him around until it died. I start practicing my magic since this increase my chance for survival. It seems when I start living here in the forest, I seems to have developed a mana core like those said in manga and anime.

I practiced around for about 7 months just to get used in magic and there I created some spells based from my imagination and done practice like exhausting my mana and doing regular exercise to strengthen my body. I also start building a shelter when I appeared here 8 days and it became a great tree house that I start living comfortably.

For about 16 months since I appeared here there I encountered a group of bandits that's stationed near and I killed them, living in this world my morality needs to change and I need to steel myself since I am sure that mentality when I am in the current society will surely kill me. After killing them I made a hole and bury their body.

That encounter didn't made me leave unscathed, I gained a stab in lower stomach and a broken arm. Luckily, I knew about first aid and how to treat some injuries, so everything is ok. Although the loots I have were very good. I saw a magical beast that is a fox that has three tails and a bird that has four wings caged. Then I also got some golds, silver and bronze coins.

The bandits Iron swords and some books, there were also some blacksmith tools that has blood on it, they might have stolen them. One of the best things is that books were magic instruction and they were about Runes, Golem and Form Manipulation.

They were good stuff, but I don't know if they were actually good since I don't know if they are real. After releasing the beast, I went home to my tree house and read those magic books. Another 9 months I learned how to make a golem and enhance its power using runes, for the runes I learned the rune letters have power, so I just used my existing knowledge about vocabulary, programming and words that know to enhance my rune magic.

Form manipulation is a big help as I only need a magic circle to change to from of any materials and a deep concentration along with large magic. With this was able to create tons of utensils to escape the pre-historic livelihood by creating stone plates and wooden spoon and fork. Damn I love this magic. There some people that I killed, they were pricks with large pole in their ass, create some stuff and master magic and improve it. And about 8 months later I heard some travelers that was passing through that spoke about a Forest Guardian that kills people that shows ill intent in the forest and he use unique golem that kills the person and also communicate with the beast in the forest. Looks like I got a moniker and it's been spreading I encountered some spirits of the forest that I communicate sometime, and I meet them just 3 months ago.

Anyway, since my name has been spread, I encountered some knights that were searching around the forest and it seems they were looking for me. They also have a wizard since he has a hood and staff, he meets up with me privately and asked me to be a personal bodyguard of a king and I asked what I get.

He said that he will teach me some stuff and other many benefits and I just agreed since I have stayed in the forest for too long. So, I packed my stuff and left my four greatest golem that I created to protect the forest. I name them RegiWood, RegiLake, RegiStone and RegiSky, yeah, they were inspired by pokemon.

They are my proud creation and like their name, RegiWood is a giant Wood golem that looks like its formed by tree and can control trees, RegiLake that's made of stones in the river that also has a flowing water all around its body and can control the water all around. RegiStone a Golem made of stones that's been perfectly shaped and like a stone statue that can control the earth and finally RegiSky that's been made from the four winged bird that I met and died from some bandit wizard with a suicidal spell and I created a golem with its body as a base a using some steel that I reformed and runes.

With this they can protect the forest when I am gone. I also added some runes for their protection like fireproof and other and connected their core to the lay lines in that forest so they can still function even if I stop supplying them with mana. With that out of the way, we head back, and the wizard introduced himself as Merlin and we are heading to Camelot and made me the personal guard of King Arthur, he also said a big secret to me since I will be his personal bodyguard and said that I have a clear soul so its okay. King Arthur was a girl and that clicked in my mind that I was in fate series.

It keeps going and I met the King of Knight and actually looked like a trap but I sensed that Arthur is woman and I see her budding breast in her breast plate even though it looked like he has a wide chest as she wear a large armor that made her look like a man. After that we introduced ourselves and at first, she was also cold at me, and I didn't mind about it. Our first proper conversation is like those anime clichés that broke the ice.

When I entered her room I saw her naked just about to wear a pink panty which is my secret invention that I sell with other stuff that I might talk later, and like those cliché anime she gets mad and try to kill me them she began to open up to me and we get close we also fight sometimes but we are friend so it's only natural. The other knights don't agree for me being a personal bodyguard so they challenge me to prove my worth which I accepted, the normal knight were easy but the round table they were tough as it was a draw and it was them against me with my magic. They respected me and said that I was capable and also said since I was able to talk with Arthur more, so they accepted it. With that I began to talk more to them and sometimes spar to improve my swordsmanship and they were good sparring partner. With that many months passed and I lived comfortably in the castle along with helping Arthur around the political side and suggesting some projects like for food method that I read in the past to increase the food in Camelot and other project that made me have eye bags like clothing that I gave layout to the tailors and method and what materials to use because I really need underwear and they were expert at that so they began producing those and I earned about 5% of those. Sometime Arthur ordered me around to buy panty and bra because she was to embarrass which to me is more embarrassing, but I comply because if I didn't, she will cut something precious to me with her Excalibur. I also suggested for paper money that is hard to counterfeit with detailed art and also magic numbers, sewers, water system using runes, light bulbs with light runes, Special carriage that's made my metal that I reformed, applied Golem magic on it and enforce it with rune and that I created the first car. Arthur or Arthuria dragged me to drive it around when I first completed it along with other stuff that I created for Camelot but really its just to make my life easier. Because of this, I am not just a personal bodyguard of Arthur but also his Adviser and assistant and I even heard some rumors that I was sleeping with king and said I was gay, or some said I was actually a woman. The sleeping part was true, and the gay part was a lie since arthuria was a woman. Yes, I slept with her and it was when we were drunk, and she attacked me first which I greet it with open arms. The next day when I woke up, I see a cute sleeping arthuria and when she woke up, she was embarrassed and quickly try to kill but I lived for another day as long as I keep it a secret which I agreed. She is not just the woman that I touched since I also touched some humanoid female spirits when I was at the forest, some maid in the castle and some woman in Camelot and sometimes nobles. Yeah, I was a horn dog but I do it secretly and no one know except merlin which he told to arthuria for giggles and I met an angry arthuria that berated me and lectured me until it reached in the evening which ended with 'You are only mine, so if I found you with another woman, I'll kill that woman and kill you and myself got that?' she threatened me and I could only nod as she also ordered me to snuggle with her when we decided to sleep. My horniness did not stop there but I did stay faithful to arthuria and made her feel special, I slept with other woman, also count arthuria sister Morgana Le Fay and other woman. Arthuria confronted me with it and she was angry with it and did not talk to me for 5 months and become cold to me. Her anger disappeared when I presented her with a necklace that I made with the metal used similar to Excalibur which is really hard to find that I have to bargain with merlin and a special gemstone that I engrave with runes also using my blood. It looked like an open mouth lion head with blood eyes and shining red gem in its mouth. I also enhanced it with enhance magic and scribble special runes, with that she was happy and talks to me again which I am happy to. I also helped behind the scene with my special task force that no one knows even arthuria doesn't know about that task force that I made. I created it like assassin creed but only they are named Shadow Guardian and it consist of female slaves that I freed and swears allegiance to me and the king, but they only answer to me and they protect Camelot from the Shadow. I trained them and taught them magic, as always Merlin found out about it but didn't tell Arthur and only said to keep it up and protect Camelot and protect Arthur. As time goes on, many things happen in the year. I hang around with Mordred about some shit and also, he or should I say she is a homunculus that's made of Morgana and Arthuria gens. I confronted Arthuria about it to confront Mordred, but she denied since she doesn't know what to do and was very nervous and hid it with her cold face, but I told her that I will be with her. Since I recognize in Mordred's eyes is that, she just wants recognition and acceptance to his father (Arthuria) I did this because Mordred was very cute, and when they made up along with Morgana since I also drag her up because this is a family discussion and a plus one with me being the plus one. After their discussion it was very awkward so I made some food that is fit for a feast but this three Pendragon was able to finish it and they became close, there was also a fight to the death with the three as Mordred took the final chicken leg which made the other two fight for the final piece and I continue to look at them with a smile. I can only say that pendragons are glutton and their only of connection is food since after they gave their fill, they became quite talkative they were apologies and forgiveness that melts my heart when I look at them so 20 extra-large cheesecake for these three cute chipmunks. Years passed and they were sad and happy moments, there were also adventures and completing quest, I also visit the forest where I came from and regi golems grew larger I mean the forest tree also became larger because of the abundant mana in the place that grew the forest, my regi golems became titan size and their height has now surpassed the trees. I also visited the leader of the spirits, a majestic Dryad that protects the forest and we talk and catch up along with have a special moments since its been a long time and then I head back to Camelot which awaits my arrival is a mountain of paper works that Arthuria threw to me. One thing I hate from her is her lazy attitude, I mean really the paper works were all around my office. I hate paperwork's. Many months later like it was told in history, because of my involvement history changed. Lancelot did run away with Guinevere and there was no death since I was there and only heavy injuries. But for the battle of Camlann Mordred was possessed by something that I don't understand, something powerful that actually killed half of the knights in the round table. Through Arthuria using Avalon that gave clearance to Mordred and she gave the finishing blow with her lance that put Mordred to rest with a thankful expression to Arthuria. That battle ended the roundtable, since some left before the battle of Camlann like Tristan and some died at the battle which also include Morgana. The ending is that all of them died after the aftermath since they have taken heavy injury that can't be healed and only made them suffer as they wait for death and as their friend and their request. I give them mercy with a quick death which they thanked me for, while Arthur was in her final breath, I persuaded her to take back Avalon so she can live but she denied and said that Avalon was broken because of the creature that possessed Mordred have made Avalon a cursed divine construct. She doesn't want that her ideal was to be tainted since Avalon was a pure utopia of Camelot and having that now cursed item will only corrupt her ideal and the utopia she desired. She requested it for me to bury or destroy it and take the Excalibur and return it to the Lady of the lake which I complied as I give her one last kiss and she take her last breath. I wept and mourn for their death, I buried them on a hill and planted a tree that will guard their grave, and golem that for those with ill intent will strike them were they stood. As I travel to complete my request for Arthuria and return Excalibur to the lady of the lake, she denied, and I asked why. She told me their will be a calamity that will head to Camelot and endanger Humanity, I asked her that is she serious and she gave me the vision which I saw the destruction of Camelot and Humanity. I thanked her for the warning and head back to Camelot with Excalibur still with me. After I arrived, I spoke to the people about the calamity and some didn't believe at first before I showed them. I was able to persuade them to leave and they reluctantly complied as I at least want the legacy of Camelot to live. Although the knights stayed behind and said that they will fight with me, they told me that it would disgrace their honor as knights of Camelot. I try to tell them to leave but they won't, and I just agreed to them which they were delighted. Since I know this will be the last moment. I made a large obsidian tablet and use magic to engrave all their names. After the knights left to say goodbye to their family, I called the shadow Guardian and all 79 members appeared. I lifted the promise rune and told them that they leave Camelot, but they also stayed and said that they swear to serve me until death. I tried telling them, but they won't budge so I agreed but I did ask the new recruits which 4 girls about the age is of 11-13 to leave. They were reluctant but I told them that we might not survive, and we need someone to pass on our legacy. They were reluctant at first but agreed and so the four girls left with the civilians. I also sent a message to the dryad to send the golem to Camelot since there may be a big battle and I will need their assistance. She agreed and also spoke that she wants to join the fight along with other warrior spirits and nature dryad which I thanked her. Next day, the buzzling Camelot is deserted and nothing but some knights patrolling. Finally, that moment come after the second day, a tear appeared in the sky and a being made of darkness and red appeared which I will name "The Being of Chaos and Destruction: Apokalypse Primo." And I named that because it sounds cool and really fitting, the being was able to make army of creatures that has red skin and skinny figures with their limbs like sharp blades and they walk in all fours. (Like a monster in A Quite Place) The battle started with an army of Blobs against the remaining army of Camelot and a line of defense for Humanity. At first it was hard to strike them but with the assist of mages and spirit we were able to fight back. The battle continued for days and many were dying, the big guns also appeared as giant creatures appeared from the tear and I made my Regi's Fight them. Many were casualties and I was almost drained from unleashing many spells and erecting shields to protect the injured knights in Camelot that are recovering. "Master what should we do! We can't continue to fight like this!" Emily, the first person that joined Shadow Guardian. Right now, almost only few remaining knights are recovering at Camelot while some died. My Regi's are the last one fighting in the field but I also sensed that their body is starting to crumble as they fought about 30+ giant for 7 days with no rest. Looking at the corrupted avalon and Excalibur in the table, I finally decided on what to do. "Emily, I was really happy that you all fought for this battle. And right now, can I ask you and everyone else to battle for one last time?" I asked her. "Master, I have pledged that I will fight for you until my dying breath and I know everyone else think the same." "I see, then Emily. Buy me some time to finish what I am about to do." I requested to her and she left to tell the others to buy me some time. Touching my missing left arm that I lost when sacrificed it to take down at least 4 giants, I can't help but thought how things escalated like this as I chuckled from the memories that I remembered. "Don't worry, I'll be with you guys just a moment." I said as I grab hold the corrupted Avalon and felt the corruption similar to those being and also felt similar on what possessed Mordred that day. "So, I was right, you were all the cause of this." I said as I looked at where the tear was, but instead I see a Humongous figure walking towards Camelot, the giant creatures were no more as that humongous figure is the one who opened a tear and is now fighting my damaged Regi's. "Are you going to do what I think you are going to do." I heard a voice and there I saw a sitting figure with a support in her arm and bandage in her eyes, she is Talia the Dryad in the forest and right now she is the last standing of the spirits who joined us for this battle. "Yes, I finally understand and know what to do." "I see, tell me. Well this finally end?" she asked me as she walked and look at the window and saw many corpses of knight, mage and spirits. "Yes, I will make sure that this will end." I said to her. "Hey." "Yes?" "I was really jealous that I am the only woman you take on one date. After this can you take me to another?" she requested me, and I only chuckled. "Of course, any time." I said and she smiled before walking towards the balcony. "Then, I'll be waiting for it." She spoke as she flew towards the battle and head towards RegiWood. As I saw her go, I grab the Corrupted Avalon and insert it to me. As I insert it, I felt the corrupt- no more like the power of the Chaos start entering my body. The power was so destructive that I casted thousands strengthening body runes to me just so I can hold it in. I grab Excalibur and the power chaos became tame. "Alright, one last thing to do." I said as I walk to the balcony and created a giant magic circle that covers all of Camelot and start making thousand runes per second to assist what I am about to do. It took me 4 minutes to complete what I am about to do but the price of it was the death of all who participated for this battle, my Regi's were destroyed. Talia that possessed RegiWood was incinerated but I heard a telepathic voice that said 'thank you and let's meet again' that brought tears to my eyes. "I am the last who stand, I stand before you not to defeat or kill you, Nor seek vengeance, But I stand before you to stop and erase your existence." I see the figure start moving faster towards me, it seems it tried to stop me what I am going to do. I casted a simple spell that helped me a lot. The spell was Shackles of a Mortal, a spell that was inspired by Enkidu. Thousands of white Chains start restricting its movement even if the chains get destroyed another one replaces it, but it was only for a moment, which is only I need. "With the essence of Chaos that has tainted Avalon, The Sword of Promised Victory Excalibur, Lend me your strength to protect and carve a path for the future of humanity." I said as raised Excalibur. I can't fully unleash Excalibur full power since it needs permission and I can't bypass it, but this is enough for me since I have another alternative. A beam of light appeared when I raised Excalibur, but this is not enough, I used the power of chaos that's inside me because of Avalon and as I suspected the power of Chaos is too much. An energy of violet, black and red appeared also at the sword that has hidden the light of Excalibur. "Activate!" I shouted as the magic circle that I created glow and many light tendrils start circling around the chaotic energy and start restricting it. It was hard to restrict the power of Chaos, but a moment is enough. I felt my body crumbling from the untamed power as blood start leaking from my mouth, nose, ears and eyes. "Take this! CHAOS ORIGIN!! EXCALIIIBUURRR GENESIS!!" I shouted as I bring down the attack and the untamed power of chaos that's been guided by Excalibur was fully unleashed to that Being of Chaos and Destruction. After the attack faded, I saw the aftermath of the attack as I just didn't see the monster anymore. I saw a straight line of a crater that reached towards the horizon. I can only faintly smile as I collapsed at the floor. "Shit, looks like this is it huh?" I asked myself before using the last remining mana to teleport Excalibur to Vivian, that lady of the lake. "There, I finish your last request Arthuria." I chuckled as I felt the earth shake. I try to look and saw that my feet and other parts of my body start disintegrating, and I also saw the castle- no more like all of Camelot start crumbling. As I see it happening, I felt my eyes become dimmer until I can't feel anything. And that's how I, Ramos D. Heart a simple transmigrator died.