
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantaisie
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144 Chs

Chapter 21

The mayor asked those that recently got married or had multiple kids to apply. More than five thousand applied. Nocturnals and humans gathered to move to their new homes. Moving companies wanted to make a mint but the government sent official employees to assist with the move. Some were apprehensive as they hopped on the train. When they left the chaos reduced a bit.

The brooding man asked if I could come with him on a mission. The person closest made it clear that I am not going. He turned see to a man as tall and burly as he. The wolf in question is named Everest. Brooding man introduced himself as Koa. The other turned to face me. He asked me to get ready for the art exhibit. I walked towards my car. Koa tried to follow but the locals got in front and blocked him. I guess they didn't forget the first I left Tsar for an hour. It was pandemonium. After which I was only allowed to traverse designated area till construction was done.

I was getting ready when the helix stopped by the window. A human named Benson showed me a document urging my arrival. Chelsea sent a message to the exhibit that I will not going. My entire team came with me. The council said that Abe has been too violent so it is better to find a different wolf to lead Tsar. Abe was fuming. A few came forth but I felt that Abe can be rehabilitated. He needs anger management therapy. I was told that people are getting angry with some of the decision that he makes so there is a possibility of a coup d'etat. I told them to give Abe a chance.

That night I came back home and was walking in the park when I heard the zombies. I ran towards them and saw the Red Guards. These are the ones that only want humans as a member of their team. They are ok with us but they trust their lives to only humans. People were running towards buildings. The Red Guards were making a path so people can make a run for it they ran out of bullets and they ran towards higher ground. They watched as these monstrosities walked the street. The alarm blared and suddenly came to a stop. I saw a little boy hanging on a branch and he was about to fall. I walked him and held out my hands. He fell on them and I walked through the zombies till I reached the building where the Red Guards were.

One of thr citizens opened the door to take the kid. I shut the door after them and turned around. I took a deep breath and screamed. The zombies fell to the floor and spasmed till they died. The Red Guards had never seen anyone do that so they asked a few questions. The woman asked, "Who is she?" A kid answered, "That's crown princess Alexi the hybrid. She isn't human. She's out hero." Then a man with a deep voice asked, "Is she nocturnal?" Everyone asked together, "YES" A younger man asked, "Can all Nocturnals do this?" A kid happily said, "Alexi is the only one that can do it. No one else." He turned to the kid that had I rescued, "What was it like to be inside her shield?" The kid was finally calm so he replied excitedly, "It was awesome I wanna do it again." One other kid talked how I picked him up and flew. This earned a round of applause.

The Red Guards started talking to each other since they are amongst those who go out of Tsar to search for survivors. The public made it clear I am only allowed out once a year and I have already did. So now I am landlocked till next year. The men wanted to argue but one the old ladies reminded them of their designation which means nocturnals are not part of their team. This annoyed them as they watched me disappear into a crowd of zombies that popped out of nowhere. I found the hole from they were coming out and saw that was no underground Lab was there. I promised to find out how they found us in later time but first I killed the zombies in the tunnel. Then I stood in the center of the hoard and let it rip. I slowly turned as my voice killed them all. I sensed around and raised my hand. The cleaning crew arrived wearing hazmat suits and opened a huge manhole cover and dropped them in. Then one person poured diesel on them and threw a flare. Fire shot up and there were explosions and then the zombies were finished. The sterilization process began as I went home. People extended their hands and pat me as I walked by.

Oleg was waiting smug by my car. We went home and I stayed there for a week. Blood bags arrived as care packages and some even sent flowers. Chelsea was admiring the view when the doorbell rang. It was the Red Guards. They wanted to know if they had permission to come in the answer was no. A few minutes of haggling later they realized that Chelsea isn't going to budge so they walked back to their vehicles and drove away.

After the seven day period I had a lot of invitations to parties. Mostly charity events since it is my favorite. I got dressed and Roland was grinning as Jasper arrived to be my plus one. I blushed as I took his hand. He mumbled, "Abe's orders" We walked out of the penthouse and hopped on the car. We reached the destination in half an hour and the crowd cheered. I waved at them and walked the red carpet. Women and men in elegant outfits were happily chatting about their daily lives.

The charity event was to honor those in the front line fighting these zombie menaces. I was invited since I am part of the contingency plan. The Red Guards, the Magna Guards and the dark knight were present for the award. I had give out a few awards and received a few awards as well. All the humans present watched me as I walked down the steps. There was count of the amount of zombies killed. I hold the highest kill count with four million and eighty three thousand two hundred and five zombies.

I took my seat and one of them sat next to me. He was a short man with a buzz cut. He first dared to call me an abomination. A glitch in the matrix. A flaw in nature. He said that this award for real people doing honest work. I told him that I am person and he has no right to insult me. He didn't seem interested to know what I am. I just ignored his round of insults and said, "I was once a sick human child who was weak day in and day out. Then I found something that was supposedly a universal cure. I took it and became this. That's all you are gonna know." He was shocked to hear that I was once human. I told him that all nocturna were once human before they became this. He looked at me and said that I am no human now. I asked him what was so special about being human. He said that he is sorry that I was sick but if things were different or if I were normal maybe I would have thought twice about it. He is sorry that the change was forced on me

I looked at him and said, "Did you think that someone forced me to take it? No one forced me to do anything. I made a conscious decision to inject myself with the universal cure so I can walk again. To never be sick again. To have friends and live a life like everyone else. My illness used to destroy me. Now it serves me. I lost my precious mother to a half brother who was an evil soldier that wanted experiment on innocent human lives. Not just adult but children too. I was lost and in a lot of pain till I found this family. The nocturnals. I would lay down my life for them but I will never abandon them. They are all that matters to me now. They are all I have left in the world. The humans forsaked me even when I was a weak and sick human. These guys didn't hesitate to accept me. To them I was a long lost relative finally coming home. So if I get to go back in time. I will become this again. If I was by some miracle was not sick I would still choose to be this. No doubt. No hesitation. No fear. With arms wide open."

He shrugged, "You're abilities are being wasted" I started to laugh, "You are such a hypocrite. You have a problem with nocturnals because you are denied the opportunity to be one of them. Me having this abilities is a problem because you are not the one in possession of them. You think bossing me around would give you a kind of power? Some sort of control? Make all those bad things that happened disappear? And people call me immature. My advice to you 'Grow Up' Being this creature was not in your destiny. So let it go and live your life."

He leaned forward asking, "Do you think you can come along on our missions?" I stared at him incredulously, "Selective deafness still exist? First you insult me then express your anger at not being one of us and now you want me to come with you. That's the trait of you soldiers possess. Plausible deniability and selective deafness." He tilted his head, "Selective what?" I huffed, "It means unless I say the words that you want to hear you will pretend to have a problem with your hearing. That's selective deafness means. Are we clear?" He gave me a dirty look and finally asked, "Will you come with us on our next mission?"

I smiled at him, "No" He asked, "Is it because of the law." I smiled, "Oh that. That law was passed on my request. I was tired of games the military were playing so I asked the council. 'Can you please pass a law that will make sure I don't work with the military ever again?' in mere moments the law was passed." His eyes narrowed, "You asked them to do that" I grinned, "Yes I did and I will do it again and again and again. Are we clear?" He growled, "Crystal." And he stormed off. Oleg waved at him as he disappeared. I grinned, "I can't wait to see his face when he finds out that I had a law passed so he can't be one of us" Roland laughed too.

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