
I Am A Hero Long Time Ago: Now, How to live like a Normal Person?

Wang Lei got reincarnated as a young master of a weak clan who got murdered by the Demon Lord. Wang Lei with the hatred and thirst for revenge that he got inherited from the former owner of the body decided to start a journey towards the top and in the end killed the Demon Lord. Now that the demon lord was dead and the revenge was finished, he finally wanted to settle down... But now what should he do now? He was now a hero who defeated the enemy and now the story should be finished... But it seemed to be just the start... Then I'll just live like a normal! But can I?

Seniority_Y · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Hello! Can I have a bottle of beer? " Suddenly amidst the sound of eating, someone yell.

"Oh! Okay! " Zhifang De opened his eyes and looked at the table who ordered, after a while, he shifted his eyes at the sleeping young man, he shook his head and stood up to get some beer.

The beer wasn't extraordinary, just an ordinary beer that was made from honey and many ingredients. Although it was perfect if you were eating barbeque, not all customers wanted a beer but some just eating barbeque alone or with some rice. Rice is life.

After more than one minute, Zhifang came back holding a wooden bottle contains the beer and put it at the certain table, collected §55 before he came back to his seat.

He didn't close his eyes tho, he stood up once again and went near the young man. In front of the young man, he was like a child and obedient, clearly, he was the boss here and Zhifang was just the worker.

"Wang... Wang Lei! " Zhifang called out while shaking Wang Lei. He was intending to wake him up.

It's already 9:00 and the two also needed to eat.

"Mmm! " It didn't take a long time for Wang Lei's eyebrow to shook, his eyelids trembled, and slowly opened his eyes. He stretched his arms wide open and took a deep breath then exhale. To make sure that nothing was in his face, he also did not forget to wipe his face using his hand.

"What's the matter?! " Wang Lei asked, there was no annoyance nor happiness in his voice, he was calm and indifferent. At this time, he looked like a young master of some powerful clan. There was a flamboyant and calm aura lingering around him that making all individuals near him felt a sense of calmness too.

And Zhifang was included.

Zhifang didn't even felt any offensive from an indifferent question, he was used to it and there really no reason to be offended. The two were friends and Wang Lei was the only one who was always helping him when needed. He was more family than his other relatives.

Since his parents died due to a demon invasion a year ago that killed thousands of people, he became a homeless person because even his house was wrecked. His relatives don't accept him either and he was kicked off by them. After a month of being homeless, he came here in Dragon City to find an opportunity. Hopefully, he met Wang Lei by accident and he helped him.


"It's already 8:30, so I thought maybe we need to eat now," Zhifang said, although he didn't call Wang Lei as boss, because Wang Lei don't want it, he still tried to speak as respectfully as he can.

"Okay " Wang Lei nodded, he stood up and tap Zhifang's shoulder, "Let's go" He added.

Zhifang smiled and caught up.


Wang Lei sat in a chair in the corner, it was a private table that only for him and Zhifang. While he was sitting in a chair, Zhifang went to the kitchen and started cooking what they will eat.

Actually, Wang Lei in his current state doesn't need to eat anything at all. He can stay alive for whole ten years without eating. No one knew what his real identity tho, everyone in the City only knew that he was a young master of a mortal clan and now here just for a business.

No one knew that he was a powerful cultivator and just came here to start a new life. To live like a normal young man.

But he dared to say that he won't need to eat anything to anyone, even to Zhifang lest his hidden identity might found out.




After a while, the smell of the food once again enveloped the whole place, it's already 9:30 and everyone who was here a while ago was all finished eating. All of them knew that the boss of the and Zhifang needed to eat and the restaurant will be closed so all of them ate as fast as possible.

As expected, after the foods were served at the table, Zhifang didn't sit down directly but went to the front and closed the door and change the sign board with a word 'open' into 'close'.

After only that, he went back to the table and the two started to eat.

The meat used was very tender and juicy, with rice and a beer, the two were satisfied.

Although Wang Lei really don't need to eat, he still loved eating.

Wang Lei with food in his mouth hurriedly swallowed it, and said, "By the way, I suddenly remembered about the school enrollment. Wasn't it tomorrow? "

Zhifang on the other hand was eating hurriedly, he doesn't even look like a human but a pig, "Umu" He also didn't speak but just humm and nodded his head. The fat on his face was shaking.

Looking at this fatty eating in front of him, although it looked disrespectful to the food, Wang Lei didn't speak it out, he just shook his head and continue his food.

After all, it's also disrespectful to speak while eating...


The Seven Star Continent has the three biggest Cities, the Dragon City, The Blue Void City, and the Star City where the Star Forest could be found.

We won't talk about the powerhouse of the two, but we will talk about the powerhouse of the Dragon City where Wang Lei was.

The Dragon City has three powerhouses mainly named, Dragon Hall (The City Lord Mansion), Seven Dragon School (The school he was asking when is the enrollment), and the Void Church.

Wang Lei helped and accepted Zhifang inside his house not only to have someone work under him but also to be his role model how to like a normal person.

When Zhifang said that it's normal to enroll in a school where they were teaching cultivation. You needed to be at least at the age of 16-30 to have a chance to enroll in the Seven Dragon School.