
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantaisie
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65 Chs

Steps in creating a promotional event (2)

[You have successfully named the Promotional event]

[The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

"Not bad," Liesl smiled. "You discovered it yourself. Practice makes perfect."

[Please select a duration for the promotional event]

' Three days,' Emmet answered.

[The promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge has been set to last for three days]

[Please select the dates for the Promotional event]

A calendar popped up and Emmet selected dates he felt would be most suitable to host the event.

[17th, 18th, and 19th have been selected as dates for the event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

[Guest slot is limited to 50 per event day]

[The first 50 to sign up for the event will be allowed to officially attend the Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge event]

[Host can track the registration period and each registered individual's name will be made available]

[Do you wish to add any extra information?]

Emmet twisted his lips.

"I guess that's it," He said.

[Processing information on The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge event]


[The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge event has successfully been uploaded to the store event updates]

[The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge event is currently the fifth event on the list for the week]

The system screen closed up afterwards.

"You'll have to do little shopping for the event," Liesl began. "Every other thing from the decorations and minor detailing of the store will all be given to you by the system."

"Do you think I can handle the event alone? It will be pretty hard considering the fact that, I'll need to attend to 50 people per day," Emmet sighed in frustration.

"If you are able to fully complete today's main quest and you will surely be able to breakthrough to level 2. However, you will have a limited slot to employ workers with," Liesl pointed out.

"The Ethereal tea may last for the event?" Emmet further inquired. Though it had been quite some time since he made the Ethereal tea, the jug didn't seem as though much had left it and only Liesl was able to assess how it worked and its duration.

"It will," The cat simply nodded. "Ethereal tea has the quality to last for a long period of time no matter the size of its content. Although it appears pretty light, it is a very voluminous liquid. That is what makes transcendental water a necessity and the number one ingredient for making Ethereal tea. All the ingredients you had gotten from the market can also be put into normal kind of water which may have been heated up but it won't make Ethereal tea.

"Transcendental water is what makes Ethereal tea what it is," Emmet nodded in agreement.

He then proceeded to check his quest's status for the day.

[Daily quests have yet to be fully complete]

[Clean up the Archive before opening it for the day - 100% complete]

[Smile and greet customers - 100% complete]

[Provide basic library assistance to customers - 50% complete]

[Main quest have yet to be complete]

[300/300 customer points earned]

[You have successfully surpassed the requirements of this quest]

[Mystery reward available]

[1/3 books sold]

Since he was able to earn 450 customer points that morning, he had been able to surpass the requirements of the quest that expected him to earn 300 customer points.

So far, he had only sold one book and he was beginning to doubt if he would be able to complete the main quest for the day.

"Liesl, what happens if I am unable to complete the main quest but I complete the daily quest or visa versa?" He asked.

"You will earn the rewards from the completed quest and will automatically lose the rewards from the incomplete quest," Liesl answered.

Emmet nodded and continued.

"I have just one question though. Why has the quest which asks me to provide basic customer assistance yet to be complete?"

"Until you have done so for all customers that will patronize the Archive for the day. So as time goes for today, so will its rate of completion increase because the Archive closes by eight and if no customer comes again, the ones you have attended to before will automatically serve as the completion rate for the day. I do hope you understand."

"I do," He nodded.

It was not until after two hours had passed than he finally heard the jingling of the door's bell. Since the Devil's Archive was a new store and was barely known, it did take time for him to receive customers in a day and when he did, they were usually few.

There could be a customer by 8:30am in the Archive and once he or she leaves, there was likely a chance that his next customer or customers would come in by 11:00am.

He had grown to understand why it happened that way since he visited the Omega's Path. There were bigger and seemingly better libraries and book stores that most people sought after.

He already had it planned out to visit a few other libraries in Emeria but that would be after he had hosted the promotional event.

"Good day to you ladies," He greeted the two young girls whom he believed were likely students.

"Good day," They greeted him in return, though not without giving him the usual confused stare almost every of his customers gave him.

They didn't bother to make any questions nor comments as regards his skin to probably seem polite.

"I'd like to take up a 2-library session," The chubby girl of the two, said.

"No, Amanda. We should just buy the books so we can always have them to read," The slim one tried to persuade her friend.

Emmet felt excitement course through his vein. This was his chance to skillfully use the art of persuasion on Amanda and earn a 100XP that would allow him level up.

"I agree with your friend here," Emmet chipped in and Amanda decided to give him a listening ear.

"It's noisy in our hostel in the afternoons and that's the best time I can read," She sulked.

Emmet smiled.

"That is not a worry. Buying a book costs 50 coins and reading that book for 2-library sessions cost the same price. Now, If you are not able to read the book within that time, you will surely like to extend it to perhaps another 2-library session which will cost you 100 gold coins. You see, I do not put my love for money before the best interest of my customers. Reading books owned by the library in the library is 25 gold coins but reading books owned by you in the library is 15 gold coins. If you can spend just 15 gold coins whenever you need somewhere peaceful to read, trust me that it will be worth it," Emmet explained. However, he didn't stop there.

' Amplify persuasion,' He thought to the system.

[Persuasion has been amplified]

[Amplification will last for 30 minutes]

[You have gained +100 persuasion points for 30 minutes]

He was that determined to sell two more books. His words became even more persuasive after the amplification that if he were to tell the girls to pay for the stones on the streets, they would.

"Alright. Let's buy the books," Amanda finally agreed. "It makes more sense that way."

"I really can't believe that you have a plan that allows people to bring their own books to read in the library," Amanda's friend exclaimed. "Only very few libraries in Emeria do so and I can count the numbers on my finger tips."

"We will certainly be reading here from time to time," Amanda could not hide her excitement either.

[You have gained 2 loyal customers]

"Would you like to explore or would you like to suggest what you want?" Emmet then asked them, satisfied with the work he had done.

"We would like two books titled, "The Kuji art" by Miguel Santa," Amanda answered.

Emmet led them to sit while he rushed to get the books they had requested.

"Thank you very much," The girls appeared satisfied and he received the amount of 50 gold coins from each of them.

[The Devil's Archive has earned +30 points from Amanda]

[The Devil's Archive has earned +50 points from Delilah]

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