
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Taste Of Blood (1)

Azure and Tamra sucked in some air when they Sticks' fight through the camera. Azure felt shocked, happy and enraged. With the strength that Sticks was displaying on stage then he probably didn't need Azure's help to kill the demon. That arse was hiding his strength purposely.

Few minutes later, Sticks went to join Azure and Tamra in the waiting room. Azure gave him the cold shoulder and Tamra straight up punched him in the gut for making them drag his unconscious body around.

Minutes later, Azure was called to fight. He made light work of his opponent, defeating him after just two moves. Some of the pastors and bishops in attendance nodded their heads in approval.

After the conclusion of the third round, the remaining participants were rounded up and arranged inside the fighting stage. They met a podium with a small microphone and a leathered book attached to the podium.

According to the words of the middle aged man, they were going to be addressed by the self proclaimed most important person in attendance.

As soon as most people heard this, they immediately assumed that they would be addressed by the pope himself. The middle aged man almost did no work in assembling them, everyone seemed to be very orderly when there was a chance to be addressed by the pope.

"I heard that it's been so long since he last spoke in public that nobody remembers his voice!"

"I heard that he doesn't even speak, his nuns do all the talking!"

"I heard that he has comprehended the entire Bible!"

Azure was forced to endure such excited chatter throughout the duration of his march from the waiting room to the fighting stage.

Some of the chatter made him want to slap the person that was taking. 'No one remembers his voice my ass! Didn't he just speak when Tamra was about to castrate that boy, humph!'

He wanted to tell the people taking one or two times what an asshole the pope was but decided against it. If they were this dumb and unreasonable, how would they react to his civilly put forward argument.

Then again, it probably wasn't the pope. The pope probably knew better than to use such a term to adress himself using such terms. The pope was supposed to be the epitome of humility.

A figure rose from where the three squad generals were seated and walked towards the podium, relaxing his muscles slightly when he stood behind the podium.

The figure was slightly buff and had a broadsword strapped to his back. He wore a black Catholic robe with a black shoulder armor which had a cross emblem on its pivotal point.

His face wasn't much. He had a pale complexion. There was a scar which started out from the corner of his eye straight down to the middle of his cheeks. His hair was slightly disarranged in a way that made it look fashionable.

Lucifer cleared his throat. "It warms my heart that you're all so excited to hear me talk".

As soon as almost everyone standing realized that they were scammed, they began to cry out in protest resulting in a bit of chaos among the young men and women.

"That's enough". Lucifer said lightly while waving his hand. Oddly enough, the casual movement from him worked quite effectively in quieting the crowd. "Now, this is the fourth round of the member's exhibition. The last round before the finals. You will all be drawn against random opponents in one on one combat in a simulation. Inside this simulation anything goes. The only way to defeat your opponents is…". Lucifer smiled slyly. "Is by killing them! There are no forefeits available. Good luck".

With those words said, Lucifer turned around and went back to his seat and watched the atmosphere of the crowd turn chaotic with a sly smirk in his face.

Azure looked dazed for a minute before his expression turned back to normal. Although he'd been in this world for a month now and had been forced to kill demons on multiple occasions, he had never actually killed a person before, be it real life or simulation.

He'd ordered Tamra to kill on some occasions but he had never actually gotten his own hands dirty before. He had goosebumps all over his hands.

With a significantly higher amount of difficulty, the middle aged man led everyone away from the fighting stage and into the teleportation booth. Minutes later, they were in the outskirts of a tropical forest.

According to the middle aged man, they didn't need to register. They would appear directly across their opponent in whichever realm that they were in. The match would start when they heard a buzzer.

From the outskirts of the tropical forest, Azure ended up at the edge of a tall cliff that had a small patch of grass at the end of it. There were many small trees and patches of grass growing in the mist random places.

Azure inspected the boy in front of him. The boy had blonde hair and blue eyes. His face was beautifully shaped, granting him a handsomeness that would make most bits envy him.

He wore a blue top with black trousers to batch it. He didn't seem to have any form of weapon on his person. His eyes traveled up and down Azure's figure, sizing up his opponent.

Azure clenched his teeth as he stared at the figure opposite him. Today he would have to kill a human being, reality or not, he would have to kill someone that hadn't even done anything to him personally. He'd kill someone for no plausible reason.

His heart beat accelerates as he unsheathed his sword from its scabbard and pointed it at the blond haired boy (we'll call him blondie). He took in a huge puff of air and sharply exhaled in an attempt to calm his nerves down.

The buzzer sounded not long after. The fight had begun!