
I've got a system by a dumb luck

#WPC148 Thomas and three other people appeared in the world of cultivation. While Thomas still thinks that he's dreaming, the other three of them are searching for answers, leaving him alone. He finds a golden coin activating "Dumb Luck system." That's how his journey starts. Will he cultivate his luck, follow this random road, and use it to become a legend, or will he choose to practice like others, and steadily try to reach the peak? And when will he finally understand that his dream ended, he died and reincarnated?!

fanpopa · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Four transmigrators, Dumb Luck system, and Old grandpa

In England, somewhere near the capital, inside a small room filled with images of vivid imaginary characters with unnatural hair colours, Thomas, sixteen years old boy, was sleeping on top of a two-floor bed having a nightmare. He was wiggling to left and right all the time until an unfortunate event happened.


He fell and broke his neck, dying, without even knowing about it.

At the same time, somewhere in a cave, four kids, all with different features, were awaiting their death because of severe wounds they suffered before they've got here.

"It seems that we won't be able to get our revenge! Goodbye, world."

A few hours later, all of them suddenly opened their eyes at the same moment. A red-haired boy who was perfectly fine, around 1,60m high and looked like someone young because of his immature looking face, stood up and started looking silently at the rest of them.

"Oh, come on! I understand that I wasn't able to survive this nightmare with zombies everywhere but can't you just wake me up? Do you think that after being thrown into another world, I won't understand that I'm dreaming?! It's not rocket science, you know?!"

Before anyone else started searching for an explanation, a kid with black hair, and weird black eyes, started shouting like a lunatic.

"Wait! Rocket science? You are from earth too?!"

His speech to himself was ended by other three shouting in surprise, pointing their fingers at him.

"What? So, everyone here is from earth?"

A small girl that was around 1,30m tall was first to voice her doubt and got an answer of two heads nodding at her. When she looked for third confirmation, she was only able to see someone who was resting his chin on his hand and thinking about something.

'My dreams are getting weirder and weirder, should I ask my mom to take me to a specialist after I wake up?'

Seeing how last person here was still probably savouring the fact that something weird happened to them, they decided to talk by themselves while he will slowly accept this change.

"I'm Yu Yan, and I'm from China. I have the same name here, but when I woke up, I've got memories of a person who lived here, and I saw that you are all weird looking except the boy sitting there and contemplating this whole situation. I think something strange is happening here."

Again, the small girl was first to talk.

"You can call me Zhang Wei. I'm from China too."

"I'm Li Na. And as you can guess It's the same with me. Probably all of us are from China."

"Then what will we do now? I suggest we go and check our surroundings and search for something to eat."

"I agree."

"Then what are we going to do with this weirdo?"

"Leave him here. We will talk to him after we come back."

It took Thomas five minutes, to finally accept the fact that he can't wake up. Then, he decided to look for people that were here with him but suddenly disappeared. It took him a long time to check under every stone and pebble in this cave. He was about to give up when he turned around one of the two left and saw a small golden orb, and when he tried to pick it up, it dissipated into the air, and an image of a not so youthful-looking man appeared before him.

"Welcome child! I see you are the lucky one to cultivate my Cultivation technique called SON OF A BITCH STOP SUCKING IN SO MUCH AIR OR I WILL DISAPPEAR BEFORE ACTUALLY TEACHING YOU ANYTHING!!!"

Just as this old senior was about to Accept Thomas as his new disciple. He saw something that enraged him to the point of almost vomiting blood. This soon-to-be disciple of his was so excited that he was breathing three times faster. Shouldn't he hold his breath at the sight of such a great expert? Why is it the opposite? Doesn't he know that he's sucking in the thing that makes me visible?

"Quickly kid! Because of you, we don't have much time bow your head and call me master! My inheritance is in..."

Before this grandpa teaching his student while recuperating in some necklace, Thomas started to fantasise about his great adventure in this dream.

"Wait! Grandpa where are you?!"

Seeing that he was left alone without any necklace, Thomas bent and turned last stone over to see a golden coin. He picked it up quickly, looked at it and then started shouting.

"Grandpa! Are you here? I don't have magic energy yet to induce it inside of it! Do I need a password? Open sesame!"

He was shouting and trying different things until he heard a voice in his head talking.

"Installation ended. Welcome host"

'So my mother's bank account password was the key to success? Indeed, my dreams are getting weirder and weirder, besides, shouldn't it be an old grandpa rather than system?'

"Now, host, you will fall unconscious, and when you wake up all actual functions of the system will be available for you."

Thomas suddenly fell on the ground unconscious.

At the same time in a jungle, three kids were looking for a phone or village where they can find where they are, but now they are just lost and terrified.

"Now we are lost! What were you thinking when you started running away like you saw a ghost? Can't you at least tell us the truth?"

"But it's true! I saw a flying rat! He tried to attack me, so I started to run!"

"It's getting weirder and weirder! We are in bodies that aren't ours. With memories that don't belong to us and flying rats! Maybe something strange happened to the world, or we are in some kind of simulation."

Exhausted and lost, three kids were searching for the way back until they stumbled upon a lever. Without thinking about what it may be, they pulled it, and an entrance opened in the ground with stairs leading them deeper and deeper. They reached the end and found a golden orb that was ten times bigger than the one Thomas found. They approached it, and Zhang Wei carefully used one finger to touch it. In the place where his finger landed, golden smoke was leaking out of the ball. Soon an image of not so youthful-looking man appeared before them. They held their breaths in surprise.

"Welcome children, I see you are the lucky ones to find my inheritance! From today, you will spend your time inside, training my techniques and learn basics about cultivation. Now, does any of you have a question that he would like to ask?"

"Uhm, mister, could you tell us where are we, and how to get back to China?"

"You are actually in my inheritance! I'm great alchemist Li Wei who dominated his Era! Have you never heard of me?"

"May I ask you, O Great master, what's the name of this planet?"

"Of course, the name of this planet is htrae!"

"What? htrae? Isn't it earth?"

Old master looked at them confused and dissatisfied about the fact that the level of education was even lower than when he was alive. He pitied these children that they were born in such an ignorant era and decided to let them see how big the world is.

"Alright, listen now! By your look, I can tell that all of you are ten years old. You are old enough to start cultivating. I don't have much time left, but it's enough to tell you where to look for what you want. In the room to the left, there are three spatial rings filled with food, water and cultivation techniques. Great masters of my times able to control time and space created them, All of them are great treasures, it's best if you hide them inside your clothes and wear them only if you need to take something out.

Food inside of them is good to eat, but don't take out to much since it's getting older faster when you take it out, that's the only side effect of these rings. In the room to the right, you have all things needed to train. Remember! Don't mix cultivation techniques of different elements! It's too dangerous unless you are an expert in creating them! My time is nearing its end! Now, call me master and bow your heads!"

Still not sure what was happening Yu Yan, Zhang Wei, and Li Na bowed their heads and looked at not so youthful-looking man dissipating in front of them with a happy smile on his face.

"Let's go inside!"

Zhang Wei stormed inside, without any suspicions about what the person that appeared before them talked. Both girls followed behind him, sighing at his childish behaviour.

Meanwhile, Thomas woke up and heard a childish voice in his head.

"Dumb luck system fully activated!"

Hello readers! Author here! As you can see, I'm starting in WPC #148 so If you like this novel. You can vote for it using power stones! I don't have any chapters for now to mass release, but even if this book doesn't achieve anything I will release two more chapters after the competition ends and if it will, then I will make this mass release bigger. (10th place 3 chapters, 9th place 3 chapters, 8th place 3 chapters, 7th place 4 chapters, 6hth place 5 chapters and so on.) Vote with your power stones if you wish to see more of Thomas Journeys sooner!

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