
Group Meeting

A/N: mention of depression


Thomas' POV

I feel sad. Just depressed.

I don't understand any of it. Everything has been going right and I am up to speed with everything. How could I not feel happy? I hope everything is going well with the sides. I haven't seen any of them since last weeks movie night so I am a bit worried but I know they will be okay. Anxiety must be working up a storm because I feel alert and cautious about everything.

I hope everything is fine.

Logan's POV:

"Something's wrong" I say. Roman, Virgil and I had gathered in my room to answer a very important question. It had just turned 5am on the clock. I had to get a time where Patton wouldn't be up. This was about him and I couldn't let him know about it.

" Yeah I know! Thomas is acting very lazy than anything these days. More than usual." says Roman leaning back in his chair feet up on the table.

" No. Its how depressed he is" corrects Virgil "I contributed can I go back to sleep now."

"No Virgil. And get your gross feet off my desk!" I slightly yell at him. He takes his feet down and crosses his legs instead.

" I have not been feeling my best lately because I feel kinda sad" Virgil continues. "But we all know I don't do sad. I do worry and fear"

" I know its not you Virgil. Its..... Patton" I say looking at them with a worried expression plastered across my face. " That's why I called you here now. He has some unlike Patton behaviour. He's been acting strange and peculiar lately and I intend to find out why"

" For the record, I did see Patton crying before" Roman added.

"Me too. He was saying the weirdest things like: I'm not sad. They hate me. No one will ever accept me. I'm worried about him" Virgil remarks.

"This chart shows the pattern to Patton's behaviour" I say holding up a A3 piece of paper. Roman giggled.

"What's so amusing about my poster Roman?" I asked angrily. I was proud of my poster how dare you Roman.

"It's not that its because you said 'pattern to Patton'. Hehehe." Roman managed to say in between his giggles of stupidity. (A/N: I just did that. Please don't kill me)

" Just keep an eye on Patton and make sure he is feeling okay?" I groaned. " I have a bad feeling that he will fall back into his old habit of repression and that is not healthy"

"Okay dismissed" I point angrily to the door to leave my room.

Mission: Find out what is troubling Patton.

After the other 2 left I leaned my back against the door and felt something rolling down my cheek. It felt wet. Was I crying? But I never cry.

Please be okay Patton.