
Forever Raining

Warnings: slapping, fighting, mention of abuse, depression, burning,


Janus' POV:

"Janus? Janus?" I feel Patton tapping on my shoulder. I turn over in my sheets to look at him.

"Yes Patton?"

"I had a n-nightmare..." He was in his cat hoodie and shivering slightly. I sympathetically looked up at him and sat up.

"I know it sounds stupid and you have every right to say no but... could I cuddle with you? Just for a bit!" He tried to compromise with me, I was going to say yes anyway. Remus had said the same thing to me before and being honest it was kinda cute coming from both of them.

"Patton you don't need to ask, come here." I held my arms out and he sat next to me cuddling close. I was very warm from being in my bed with heated blankets and my warm yellow roll neck jumper.

We stayed like that for a little before I heard the rain getting a bit more crazy outside. I looked at the window near the couch and sadly smiled at the rain.

"Patton you're not alone when it comes to depression...." It never stops raining here.. But I don't mind, I find it relaxing and calming.

"R-really? W-Who else?" I heard a sniffle come from the sad side. I chuckle at his obliviousness....

"Well, me.."

He paused and I turned to see his bewildered expression.

"Do you know why it always rains here?" I pointed to the dew covered window behind me.

"It didn't used to... but ever since Virgil left.. It's done nothing but rain..." I sadly smile.

"It's because of depression... If someone feels depressed it continues to rain. It is always sunny in the light side because the weather doesn't change according to emotion, but here it does." I explained.

"How about we do something to cheer you up? What's something you'd like to do?" I asked Patton putting an arm around him.

"Could we do some baking?" he asked fiddling with the strings on his hoodie.

"Sure, maybe Remus would like to do some baking as well." Patton smiled a bit and nodded watching me get up. I led him to the kitchen and smiled slightly at the boy following close behind. Then I went to remus' door and knocked.

"Remus come here, we're doing some baking if you want to-"

"Baking! Yeah!" He shouted from inside his room and kicked down the door with a massive smile. I chuckled at his weird behaviour I have now gotten fond to and led him to the kitchen.

For a while we were trying to bake some choc chip cookies. Patton was pretty good at it, Remus "accidentally" threw flour on all of us and I was just enjoying the time with them. It's been awhile since I've baked or pretty much had any fun... And I miss it...

Once we were done Remus went off to get changed while I stayed and cleaned up with Patton. I couldn't stop thinking about him and I really wanted him to stay... I even got the urge to kiss him.....

Morality turned to me and smiled happily at me. "Thank you for helping me cheer up Janny!" I blushed a bit and smiled softly

"No problem Pat.." We both faced each other and I cupped his cheek. He was a bit surprised but smiled and leaned into the contact. I couldn't help but lean closer and try to catch his lips in a kiss. He didn't show any signs of discomfort so I leaned closer.

Our faces were only a bit a part when I heard a gasp from behind me and someone separated us shoving me to the floor. I grimace in slight pain as my back hit the counter and look up at the person who pushed me. Logan? Why....?

"Don't touch him you disgusting snake," he glared at me and slapped me hard across the face most likely leaving a large red mark. It hurt a lot...

Virgil and Roman went into the kitchen and glared at me..... I did nothing wrong... Please stop looking at me like that..... It hurts....

"Logan why did you hurt him?!" Patton dived to my side and helped me up. I'm happy someone's on my side.... I held my injured cheek and stared at the floor.

"Where have you been Patton?! We've been looking for you for ages!" Logan moved closer to Patton who shoved him back.

"You guys scared me.... I didn't feel safe... So I went here.." He bit his lip and looked to me.

"Patton I came to say sorry... I didn't know about hurting you and I only wanted to know if you were repressing..." Roman uttered regretfully. I kept quiet, cheek still stinging in pain.

"Why would you tell Janus that you feel bad but not us?" Virgil said sounding obviously offended... I can't bring myself to look at him..

"I... I felt like he was the only one I could tell...." Patton almost whimpered. I could tell he was scared so I held his hand, but Logan slapped me again.

"Don't touch him," he repeated. Does no one care that they're hurting me? And Patton? Please let me love someone.... I want love too.... I need it...

I look up and stare at the different sides, I finally come to Virgil, only seeing pain and hurt in the man's eyes..... It only brought back horrible memories so I looked away..

"I helped you Patton... He has done nothing to help anyone! He hurt me for ages! And you just trust a man who would abuse you and use you!!" Virgil shouted at me, shoving me backward. I was near the hot stove and just managed to avoid it.

"WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HIM MORE THAN ME?! MORE THAN US!" Virgil shouted showing tears in his eyes... He seemed more sad than angry but showed his sadness through anger...

He glared at me and shoved me onto the shove. I yelped loudly and had to push myself off the stove burning my hand badly in the process. I looked at my hand and started to cry. Everyone froze and stared at me.

"That r-really h-hurt Virgil!" I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"Janny!" Remus ran to me and hugged me from behind.

"Get out!" He shouted at the others pointing to the Light Side door. He's always stood up for me... Thank you Ree...

"Not unless Patton comes back too," Virgil folded his arms. Everyone looks to Patton who was sadly hugging himself holding in tears...

"Well... What if I don't want to be a light side?" He burst out. WHAT?! NO WAY!

"Patton you're morality... It's better if you go... We can talk later..." I sadly smile at him, he frowned and shook his head.

"I can't go back... You don't care if I'm there or not... you just don't want me around Janus and Remus.." Patton sniffled and rubbed his eyes before running past everyone and disappearing into the Imagination!

"PATTON, NO WAIT!" Roman shouted. Logan tried to grab Patton's arm but he was too late..

Roman went out and tried to follow Patton and Logan and Virgil followed leaving me and Remus alone.

Remus' POV:

..... I knew Janus wouldn't love me back... I saw him try to kiss Patton before, and I felt so jealous... I want Janus' love. What have I done that's so wrong? Sure I love to mess around and shout things I shouldn't but in the end I'm just a side like everyone else... Don't I deserve a happy ending....?

"Remus, you can let go now.." Janus' weak and cracking voice choked out.

"Oh yeah sorry...." I hesitantly let him go and hug myself. He turns to me and shows me his injured hand, I gently hold his wrist, he flinches but seems to trust me. I summon some cream for the burn and rub it on his hand, he holds in whimpers of pain as I apply it.

"Thank you Remus," He patted my shoulder with his good hand which made me slightly smile.

"No problem mum," I joked smiling. He sighed and looked away....

"Oh sorry.." I just want to see him smile at me... He never smiles directly at me, I just want that.

Janus looked to me and sighed again.... Why can't he ever be happy with me?

"Janus, do you love Patton?" I asked, looking away. "Is that why you wanted to kiss him?" I don't know why but I want to run away because I know it's going to be a yes....

"I wanted him to stay... He showed me kindness and love and I just... miss that... honestly I'm not sure of my feelings..." he sighed and hugged himself...

I frowned and hugged him gently. I would've been happy to give him affection.. I thought he didn't want it from me..

"I would've happily given you attention and love if you just told me... I'm here for you Jan and.... well..... I really care for you.... I love you.." I almost whispered and held my breath.

"You.. love me..?" he looked up at me since he was a short boi.

"Y-yes... and I know you love Patton but I had to tell you.." I bit my lip hiding tears.

"I do love you Janus... I've always loved you... I've tried being nicer and funny but I guess you like people like Patton.... I'm sorry I couldn't be like that for you.. hehehe..." I awkwardly laugh.

"Oh Remus..." He frowned and wrapped his arms around my neck. Don't torture me like this... If you're going to reject me then stop being so nice... Just tell me!

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered.

"If you love me for real-"

"I do Jan! I truly love you! So if you don't just don't do this! Don't be nice and just tell me! It's torture if you don't!" I let a few tears fall down my cheeks. He cupped my cheek and wiped the tears away...

"Janus just respond... please just respond..."

"I love you too Ree..." he looked up at me and kissed my cheek. "But my feelings are all over the place.... you'll help me right?"

"Of course, I'd do anything for you."

"Thank you."