
Attack and Corruption

Warnings: suicidal thoughts and slight panic attack

Sorry I haven't been updating that much, I haven't had much motivation and I have just been feeling pretty down, but I'll update as much as I can.


Roman's POV:

There was a still and awkward silence between the new, evil, sides and us. Logan was the one to break the silence.

"Why would you want Thomas to die? You're a side of his, as Anxiety shouldn't you help? And Patton you're his morality why?" Logan needed to know the answer, his anger along with his voice was rising.

"In one way or another, each of us sides want to help our host! Why-"

"If you don't whisper, I won't answer," Patton cut him off whispering his answer the first time he spoke as Depression, his voice was scratchy and it sounded as if he was sick. Virgil was shaking and clinging to Patton like a scared child, his behaviour changed quickly when Logan raised his voice.

Logan sighed and complied with Patton's rules, "fine, just start explaining." He whispered. Patton held his obviously shaking son and nodded "We don't care anymore." Was all he said.

Virgil looked to Patton who's focus went to him, Virgil blokes his ears and Patton yelled. Demonic shadows appeared behind him just like Dr Facilier from The Princess and The Frog, only these looked like Patton's, just with a crazy expression, they were 3D, and looked almost inky in a way.

I decided to step in, I gifted all the sides with the elements chosen for them, except Virgil and Patton. I got fire, Logan relieved earth, Janus got ice and Remus electricity. Although the affects were temporary it would last until the battle was over.

At Patton's command the shadows swooped at us, managing to slip past them, me and the others dodged them using our newly gifted powers to attack the enemies. Me and Logan found ourselves lost when the demonic things finally retreated after a long while of battle. We had gotten separated from Janus and Remus.

"Hey you dark dorks! Where are you?" I sheathed my sword and looked around for any sight of them. Logan rolled his eyes and sighed at the nickname for the sides as he looked around as well.

I perked up hearing a small giggle from a distance, Logan must've heard it to since he moved closer to me.


Another giggle, but this time closer.

My blood started pumping faster, I could hear my heart beating, suspense was killing me, was it Patton? What was going to happen?

Silence again..


I turned around quickly to see only Logan and the glimpse of a shadow.

Logan used the power of earth to create a concrete wall around us, "face us coward!" He yelled. Patton appeared but he was looking down, his one shadow began to multiply as more and more inky demonic figures were on the earth wall surrounding us.

Everyone was dead silent..

The silence was broken by faint screams from nearby, most likely from Remus and Janus... I hope they're alright..

Janus' POV:

"Remus use your god damn powers!" I yelled panicking, I shoved Remus out of the way of the deadly stomp of the Dragon Witch.

Virgil laughed and watched us run for our lives.

"Fear controls people, you better run," Paranoia chuckled.

"I can't! I'm in Romans side of the imagination it'll fizzle out or I'll get hurt or someone else will!" He snapped back at me obviously panicked as well. I sighed summoning my serpent sceptre. "Use this," I passed it to him, I rarely give it to other sides to use but this is an exception.

The dragon witch roared loudly, we blocked our ears and tried to run as she blew hot flames from her mouth. I tried to use my new ice powers but it only collided with the fire and turned to steam in almost an instant.

I was running out of options, and fast. Remus spun my sceptre and pointed the end towards the Dragon Witch. Even though after a second of using his power it fizzled out, the sceptre was metal so he collected as many sparks as possible charging it up, I created distractions so the Witch would attack me.

Remus thrusted the charged sceptre at her, the energy flowed through it and shot at her. It was only enough to make her pass out, not enough to kill her. The infamous witch fell to the floor unconscious.

Virgil's eyes widened as he watched the most powerful person in the imagination fall. "W-wha- But-"

"Electricity," Remus smirked knowing he'd won, he flicked a little spark at Virgil , "zap."

Virgil appeared scared and out of options, Remus and I began to approach him. Paranoia looked down when we were near him, he suddenly sprayed Remus in the face with a purple and black gas that made Remus cough.

"Remus you alright?" I asked pulling him out of range when Virgil tried to shoot the gas at us again. Remus was shaking, hugging himself and looking around panicking for some reason.

"Janus? Janus where are you?" Remus yelled looking around frantically.

"Remus I'm right here.." I rested my hands on his shoulders standing in front of him.

"Where are you?" he called again like he couldn't hear me.. or see me..

"Janus? Roman? Anyone?" Remus kept looking around, "Janus?" he looked away from me and ran in that direction.

"Remus I'm right here!" I yelled turning to Virgil "What did you do?!"

"The same thing I did to the dragon witch, only the affects to him will be different," He smirked. I glared at him and he glared back.

I heard Remus' voice in the distance yelling for me and Roman, I sighed and hurried after him.

Logan's POV:

I panted and dodged another attack, getting really tired of fighting the monsters. Roman was getting tired as well, I have to do something before we all get corrupted...

"Okay that's it!" I snapped taking Roman's sword from him, "hey!" he complained, ignoring his complaint I ran at Patton, skillfully dodging the attack from the inky monsters.

I pointed the end of the sharp blade at Patton's chest making him and the demons freeze.

"Impressive," He whispered.. I sighed lowering the blade "Give me morality back," I ordered. Depression's cold eyes stared into mine, he was a completely different man, nothing about him reminded me of the warm hearted Morality.

"No," he simply said, he walked closer to me, and closer.. I could feel his cold and sad aura. Depression stood directly in front of me..

"I want my friend back, whichever spirit has taken over him, get out now," I sternly said frowning angrily.

"Its not that simple Logic," he said chuckling, I cringed not understanding why he was laughing until I felt the unfamiliar chains around my wrists and ankles, Depression had touched my shoulder and now more and more chains were wrapping around me. I yanked on them desperately trying to get out of the tight hold but it was no use...

The glowing blue chains pulled me down, I landed hard on my knees feeling drained of any energy left that I had.. I began to heave for air..

"Depression is one thing but when you become depressed enough you ignore logic altogether. There's no use for logic in Thomas' mind anymore,"

My vision was dizzy and I knew I was going to pass out soon, Roman shoved depression away and knelt down in front of me, I couldn't hear what he said properly but I told him what to do.

"Show him and Paranoia the consequences.."

Was the last thing I said before I passed out..