
Life 27: Mission Failed… We’ll get ‘em Next Time

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"Yamcha, you need to be as calm as the skies and as still as a stone, to truly fight more efficiently reducing wasted movements in-between your battles."


"Forget the mortal world and put in all your concentration within the training.

I'm sure you want to protect your loved ones and to do this you'll need to grow in both body and mind and soul.

Though your soul force is as large as two separate souls.

So I know your hardworking to have such a big soul force."

"Your Right, I need to improve and I can feel my soul force being stronger than ever Mr Popo."

"Maybe the soul force is your inner gift, being born with it helping you master techniques faster than others and mastering them almost immediately."


Back On Earth:

"Hey Bulma, how come we haven't seen Big Bro Yamcha in a while.

If I remember correctly after the tournament he went out to train but I've looked everywhere yet I can't find him, it's frustrating, to be honest."

Said Goku as the kid looked over to the bluenette in frustration, similarly hearing of her partner she became disgruntled.

'Yamcha, he truly has been gone for a while... it truly feels incomplete without him but...

I'll show him that I've become more skilled in my usage of Ki!'

"I'm sure he's fine wherever he is Goku, but before worrying about him first you should become even stronger than him and train harder."

After this, the young child merely nodded as he headed over to Master Roshi in heavy steps.

He remembered that he was defeated by Bulma's exquisite skills last time and he knew he had to improve to fix his flaws and become better.

He didn't let such a loss to a great opponent cloud his mind as he was ready, ready to improve at all times.

Nothing could stop him no he knew that hard work equalled gains as evidenced by Yamcha's astronomical strength compared to him.

As he went towards the old hermit, the teacher looked up as he read Goku's emotions like a book.

He knew he was feeling useless and weak and was hating himself for this feeling of uselessness as Yamcha was the one clearing everything, he felt like he couldn't catch up.

"Goku, I can tell you're frustrated and angry at your lack of power and skill compared to Yamcha.

But you have to remember he's older than you, you, however, are younger and have great perseverance and determination I know for a fact you will soon rival Yamcha."

"Krillin come over here I need to talk to all three of you about something...


Hearing their master with such a serious tone they all headed towards him immediately as the old man stood up from his lounge chair taking his glasses off as he folded them before putting them on his breast pocket.

"As you all know Yamcha is stronger than me and you all.

But the gap has been cut down significantly due to you all constantly straining your bodies.

I believe in all of you and you all clearly have the potential you're all still below 20 yet your already nearing me in power.

I took 300+ years to achieve this level yet you've all caught up."

"That in of itself is a reminder of your great talent, I know you can do anything you desire if you train for it...




As master couldn't even finish his sentence a massive green scaly type humanoid appeared out of nowhere with wings on his back and with a quick wave of his eyes half of Kame house was disintegrated.

With a boom, the winged green-skinned humanoid landed as he stared at each one of them.

"Targets Acquired..."

Were the last words his mouth uttered as he rushed straight at Bulma, the runner up of the Tenkaichi Budokai.

With absolute fury his face was, a charged up energy ray began glowing intensely by the second he aimed at the blue head ready to end her in seconds.



With a flick of his hands, the yellow energy beam headed straight for Bulma as it was so fast she couldn't even move backwards.

All she thought at that moment was.

'I'm so weak I can't even dodge out of fear, I'm so weak I always rely on Yamcha.

I started training to protect him not be protected by him or the others...'

As Bulma was stuck there in fear the orb of yellow light was ever so closely nearing until she couldn't look straight.

She knew that it was time to head to the next dimension as with one last struggle of effort she echoed out the words.


And this last shot managed to push back the winged figure as the blue beam of light engulfed the yellow orb.

This beam seemingly headed straight for Tanbarin ready to take his life.


Screamed Bulma as she put her entire energy within this attack ready to kill this winged figure once and for all.

But it seems the winged figure wasn't going to go down that easily as he grit his teeth before opening wide.

"Hahahaha... You, humans, think you can defy me, crown prince of the Daimao Piccolo's Kingdom.

Hahahaha well let me show you how we treat humans..."

"Get ready for this... KUCHI... KARA... KIKOHA!!"

After this Tanbarin, crouched aiming straight at the blue beam of light ready to kill all in this battle with his power level of 200.

No one could compare to him other than Yamcha at this point as his loved ones were dying yet he never even knew about it.

But this surely would spark a piece of anger within him if he knew.

And then he would destroy Daimao Piccolo's Kingdom of chaos and destruction.

Obviously, Bulma with her battle power of 120 couldn't do anything to him as the Evil Cannon headed her way.

Seeing this Master Roshi bulked to his True Form and said rapidly, with his arms cupped

"Goku Krillin help quick, Now!!"


"Yes Master Roshi, Goku quick launch a Kamehameha wave at the demon now."


With a scream both the two disciples and master launched out three waves of blinding light at the enemy.

But the enemy was too arrogant as he believed he could defeat them easily.

Oh, how wrong he was as he used a hand to block all the waves of energy.

And seems he miscalculated as his hands began disintegrating.


'Father, Mission failed...

We'll get 'em next time...'

As soon the joint efforts of the turtle hermit school overwhelmed the broken Tanbarin as he was engulfed in a blue blinding flame of light.

Effectively killing him and destroying every particle of matter he possessed until nothing existed.

After they had successfully rid the earth of the demon.

The Z-Fighters panted as they let out their exhaustion as they had consumed too much energy killing off Tanbarin.

But nonetheless, they had done it and successfully at that.

It was also a lesson to Bulma, to grow stronger and become independent as she knew after this the fights would keep getting stronger than this.

This was nowhere close to the limit of that monster if Master Roshi, Goku and Krillin hadn't helped her today she would have died.

The mere thought made her more than ever before feel so insecure and unhappy about life.

She'd thought just a bit of training would help her out yet how wrong she truly was.

Just a single beam of energy from that monster forced her to her knees.

No more was she going to wallow in defeat and fear, no she will train, train so hard that something like this never happens again!

Krillin on the other hand also, found how close he was to death and the thought frightened him but he knew there was nothing to be scared about.

I mean if he'd had just trained more and more efficiently then the monster wouldn't have posed him a threat at all.

This turned his motivation even bigger as he thought it was like a test.

If you didn't revise then you'd probably fail but if you did revise the chances of failing are lower than before.

He knew he couldn't let his precious friends, no family -

Yes family carry a burden upon their backs without supporting them.

It felt wrong he knew he needed to get stronger to protect them and himself and everything he held precious and dear.

This group of people were the only ones who treated him kindly other than his master.

But after he died the monks treated him like an outcast due to possessing no nose.

It infuriated him how fellow earthlings would exclude him for such petty reasons such as skin colour and looks.

So what if he wasn't the most handsome man in the room one shouldn't be discriminated just because of something they don't or do possess whether it be skin colour, facial features etc.

But this rag-tag group accepted him with open arms as if he was wanted and not just a slave meant only to obediently serve others.

This brought a tear to his eyes as he was so close to losing everything he held precious.

It made him realise that training is a must-do if he really wanted to grasp his own destiny within his hands and clench all the obstacles that came his way.

Goku on the other hand, felt disappointed in himself, his strength, and his training.

Again and again, did Yamcha get stronger than him yet he was still one step below Yamcha as if he would always be one step ahead of him.

This made him frustrated angry at the lack of ability he possessed I mean it wasn't fair.

'Here I am training to the max yet he could have ended that Demon with a single glare.'

It infuriated him that he was so weak, he couldn't stand it and so he headed to Master Roshi with a hint of the devil lurking in his eyes as he said to his master.

"I wish to get... Stronger, I can't stand being weak...

I can't stand not being able to protect anyone, this is annoying me to no end.

Why is it that we always rely on big bro, no I need to step up I know he won't be here forever what are we to do when he's not here. Die.

Tell me, Master, I need to get stronger and faster too please."

Goke exclaimed as he let go of all his emotions with his words drilling into Masters mind.

"*Sigh, I felt old when I watched Yamcha win the Budokai, I felt old when fighting against this demon but no more.

I can't put myself on the sidelines no longer I need to improve my strength.

What good is immortality when it's not in use, your right Goku there is a way to get stronger.

But you'll need to traverse the globe in order to do this but you should avoid major cities as the demon you just fought is the offspring of Daimao Piccolo!"

Hearing this Bulma became surprised as said.

"Daimao Piccolo!!"

"Master you can't be serious the Demon King's back but wasn't he an urban legend a myth of sorts meant to scare kids from going too far out into the wild!?"

Hearing this the hermit merely sighed again as he shook his head.

"No it is no myth or legend, the Demon King is as real as it gets and when I was young I had the chance to witness his power in all it's lethal glory.

Just that he killed my master indirectly and my fellow disciples."

"You see my master was someone named Mutaito he created the Crane Style and the Turtle Style.

And Yamcha's Wolf Style was created by my master's brother Ookami, it's why he uses it as a surname.

Anyway, the crane and turtle style were merely derived from my Master's original Mutaito-Style and it was because Shen the leader of the Crane Style had seen the evil that was so powerful he knew that in order to become stronger evil was just a step in the road and so he darkened the Crane Style in order to fit his needs."

"I resented and fought against him to stop his descent into darkness and despair but despite my efforts.

He had succeeded in darkening his younger brothers mind Tao Paipai and from there it's been centuries and slowly but surely our grudges have become stronger due to our differing opinions and paths further evolved by time."

"Anyway back to Piccolo, my master had sealed him in an electronic rice cooker a few centuries ago and it seems he's become unsealed.

It explains a lot as I can sense a strong power on the earth constantly increasing.

This is most likely Daimao Piccolo training in order to get stronger.

But surprisingly he hasn't attacked any civilians yet as if he's biding time."

"To stop him and his nefarious plans you'll all need to train even harder, but I can't show you the ropes no longer...

The only one capable now is Korin protector of the Karinga Tribe.

He is near the northern continent and there you'll see a massive tree that seems to never end in size climb that and you'll find your Grand Master.

My disciples, he trained me when I was a teenager so tell him I've sent you all, that's most likely where Yamcha is."

Hearing this each one of their faces hardened as they stood resolute in becoming more stronger as the threat of Daimao Piccolo looms over will the Z-Fighters.

How will they meet this mysterious Korin and find Yamcha at last?

Find Out Next Time On Dragon Ball Z.

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Enjoy this long chapter and stay safe everyone-

Idle_Daoist_creators' thoughts