
Chapter 15

With his eyes closed and slow movements, Oliver pulled his legs apart and tilted them slightly while keeping the upper body completely upright, then he closed his fists close to his abdomen with his wrists facing up.

A few seconds later and still standing in this position he took a deep breath in through his nose and released all the air through his mouth as he opened his eyes and turned his fist forward at high speed and rested him back in the previous position, he continued to repeat that same movement for about thirty seconds before stopping.

He continued to perform this sequence of movements over and over again, Arthur continued to watch him closely.

As Oliver's aura became more consistent and dominant at the end of each movement sequence, each time he moves his fists forward a small deformation is noticeable in the air visible for a few moments, he is becoming stronger every instant.

But this cannot go on for long time, the sequence of movements is apparently tiring down his body, sweat is constantly appearing on his face, his breath is already panting and a number of errors are already appearing in his movements.


Without moving, a large amount of aura is expelled through Alice's body, although it is colorless it gives the impression that it is becoming more and more visible by the amount concentrated around her over time.

In the blink of an eye the aura solidifies around Alice's body, then she begins to move her feet and hands in standard movements within a certain rhythm, as time goes by her movements become more fluid and completely harmonious, becoming a beautiful dance.

Then a drastic change occurs when Alice puts her hands behind her back and continues her movement with her legs only.

Little red wicks begin to "pollute" her colorless aura, a desire for violence is emanated by this aura and then it is possible to notice that part of the grass on Alice's feet is slowly withering.

Performing this movement for a few more seconds the ground Alice has passed through has changed drastically, becoming a vegetation without color, almost with no life.

Arriving at the central place of her small destruction Alice abruptly stopped her movements with her leg and moved her arms again in a constant pattern, with this her aura changed again, but this time her aura had remnants of a greenish color, the feeling transmitted by this aura is completely the opposite of the red aura, this aura is cozy and transposes the amount of invigorating energy contained in it.

Its solidified aura that covered your body began to become gaseous and spread to all sides with Alice's body as the center.

When this greenish aura reached the plants, they began to grow slowly.

The vegetation that was almost dead before was with the naked eye recovering its vitality.

Unfortunately, before they could fully recover at their peak, the greenish aura completely evaporated as Alice fell to the ground panting and exhausted.


Realizing that everyone had already started Jack relaxed his body and released his aura, after completely covering his body he started running towards a tree while concentrating his aura on his legs, in a quick motion he supported his hands on the ground while turning his body a few seconds, with his legs spinning in the air he hit the trees at high speed making it swing as many leaves fell on him.

His kicks left deep holes as if someone had made cuts with blades in the tree trunk.

Without waiting any longer Oliver concentrated his aura on his arm and in an X-shaped movement he hit the trunk of the tree again with his hands open and fully extended like two swords.

Jack continued attacking the tree with kicks and punches of different positions and shapes, sometimes he jumped high attacking from above, at another time he performed some combos between kicks and punches.

After a varied combination of attacks, Jack running towards the tree jumped and did somersaults in the air and using the branches of the tree as a support hit a sharp kick that knocked the tree down completely into rocks on the ground.

With an expression of satisfaction and fatigue Jack celebrated by raising his clenched fists up and then walked towards Arthur.


The three young were sitting under a tree recovering their inner energy when they heard Arthur's voice.

"It's been half an hour, let's start the second half of the test"

Without saying anything, they all got up and returned to their positions.

Arthur has organized a series of exercises to test the capacity of his bodies; after all, this is the Higher Body Sect, everything here revolves around this and the stronger the cultivator's body, the greater are this person's achievements in martial arts.

The youth have done the same exercises that Arthur has done in his training in recent weeks, obviously at a much lower level of difficulty, otherwise they may end up getting hurt.

"You can start"


The sun high in the sky radiates all its warmth on the shaven head of a young man.

Looking closely at the young man with his body completely drenched in sweat and his lips completely dry while he rests his hands on his legs with his head bent towards the ground, On her right side a blond young man is lying on the grass with one hand covering her unusual pale face from the rays of the sun and with her breathing panting, on her left side a girl is sitting with her hands resting on the ground, she is also visibly tired, but unlike the two young men who are immersed in their own thoughts she is staring at a man who is slowly approaching them.

"All right, that's all for today, you can come back and recover during the rest of the day."

Listening to what the man said the girl tried to get up quickly but her legs failed and she fell sitting again "Master, it's still early, I'm used to training even when others are sleeping, I can go on, stopping now would be a waste of time"

Although they didn't say anything, the other two young men nodded in agreement with what she said.

"I understand that you are hard-working, otherwise I would not have chosen you as students but it is clear that you have reached your limits, my training is different from what you are used to, you will only get hurt if you want to continue"

Arthur's training is a fusion of methods of training worlds' that he reincarnated, much of this created on earth, so this is a much more advanced method compared to any other of this low-level sect.

Without being able to argue with Arthur and knowing that he was right, the three students said goodbye to him and went back to their homes.

"Today was a very profitable day, I was able to understand the most grotesque flaws in their bodies and martial arts, now I just need to create the specific training that fits better to each one".