
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · Autres
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12 Chs

Water Magic Caster

1,3,5=novice, low and high immediate and average

6-10=High, Grandmaster, Ancient forbidden legendary

----(water) Tier 1---

1. bubble

2. water orb

3. cleanse

water walk

-------(water) Tier 2-------


water arrow

water X cross

Tidal wave

aquatic familiar

---------(water) Tier 3--------

water ball

water Blast

water storm

----------(water) Tier 4--------

holy water

water soldiers

hydro geyser


--------(water) tier 5-------


Rain cloud

 water manipulation

aqua slash

aqua ring

---------(water) Tier 6--------

Water Jet

water shield

aqua blast

water arrow

mystic veil

bubble shield

----(water) tier 7-----------------

Water golem

Great Water dragon

rapid water bullets

Water clone

purifying water

---(water) tier 8-----------------

Water Dragon style 2. (3 variation)

Water spear

Water sword

Water giant

---(water) tier 9--------


Blood Manipulation

Blue death

Maximum geyser blaster

Great Dread

healing rain

----(water) Tier 10---------


True Sea Serpent

Ocean dweller

Frost Hydra

there more, but that will come later in the story

KyuKurocreators' thoughts