
I'm the Terminally ill Novel's Extra

From a reader to a character in a novel, the last thing she expected was to become a mere extra in a story. But... To her shock, she was no normal extra. She was a terminally ill extra! Counting the days left on her fingers, she struggles to maintain her character. Having received a system of her own, only made her realize that her mere existence made the story deviate from the original plot. ____________ Seated at the table, Wang Mingya tried her best not to notice the stares being thrown at her by the countless elites. For them, she was just a 'troublemaker'. Among the nobles, with a cold look on his face, was Alexander Arden, the crown prince of the kingdom. Dressed elegantly in a well-tailored suit, silver cufflinks adorning his wrists, he was truly popular among the women. "Oh my, Prince Alexander is truly so handsome. My daughter talks about you all the time~" A middle-aged woman laughed, touching Alexander's arm. Her friends soon joined, echoing her words. "I know right~ my sister is the same." "Even Lia, you know her right? The one who's popular now." Their sweet voices made Mingya want to throw up. Trying to maintain the smile on her face, she picked up a piece of meat from her plate. Just as she swallowed the meat, her stomach contracted painfully. Her trembling hand dropped the fork. The next second, food and bile came up to her throat. She got up abruptly and rushed outside the room. The audience in the room murmured, shaken by her leaving this sudden. "As expected of the attention seeker," sneered the lady who had first spoken up. Meanwhile, all Mingya could do was stare at the amount of blood in the urinal, some slightly dripping into her soft white dress. She had just vomited blood. [Ding!] [Health: Critical!] "What... What the f*ck is this?" #reincarnation #romance #villainess #webnovel #time-travel #fantasy #secondchance #revenge #strongfemalelead #face-slapping

Dao_lord_ · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

“A Key and a Warning”

Mingya turned her head towards the corner of the room where she had noticed something. To her surprise, she saw a small bronze key lying on the floor, glinting in the dim light.

"This is...?"

Mingya picked up the key and examined it closely. It was intricately designed, with delicate patterns etched onto its surface. She wondered what it could unlock.

"It looks too precious to be thrown away on the ground. Did somebody drop it by mistake?"

Lost in her thoughts, Mingya didn't notice the time passing until a sudden noise made her jump. She turned around to see a maid standing in the doorway, looking at her with a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

"What are you doing here, miss?" the maid asked.

Mingya quickly tried to compose herself and came up with a lie on the spot.

"Oh, I was just admiring this room. It's so interesting. Besides, why do you care?," Mingya said, trying to sound as confident as possible.

The maid looked at her with trembling eyes and stuttered, "B-but... the Marquis said that this place is off-limits. I can't let you stay here."

Mingya raised an eyebrow, 'that's interesting… Is this room that important ?'

"Off-limits? That's ridiculous. I don't see any harm in being in this room," Mingya said, trying to imitate Charlotte's tone as much as she could.

The maid seemed to shrink back in fear, and Mingya felt a small sense of triumph. But she knew that she couldn't push her luck too far.

"Fine. I'll leave. But you should know that I'm the young lady of this house. I can go wherever I please," Mingya said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

She snorted, turning towards the door. As she walked past the maid, she discreetly slipped the key into her pocket.

'I'll just go back to my room to investigate the key further,'



Knock Knock!

"Come in."

Henry looked up from his desk, surprised to see his son William standing in the doorway.

"William, what brings you here?" Henry asked, setting down his pen and giving his son his full attention.

"There is news of a criminal organization targeting mages in the capital," William said in a serious tone.

Henry raised an eyebrow in surprise at William's words. "A criminal organization targeting mages?" he repeated.

William nodded. "Yes, Father. They've already attacked a few mages in the city. The authorities are on high alert and have requested all mages to take extra precautions."

Henry frowned, considering the situation. "I see. So you will be leaving soon?"

William nodded gravely. "Yes, father. I came to inform you because I'll be leaving for the capital to investigate the matter. The King has requested the assistance of the Silver Knights in apprehending these criminals."

Henry nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Well, I trust that you will do your duty and stay safe while you're there. Do you need any assistance or resources from me?"

William shook his head. "No, Father. I have already been briefed and am prepared for the mission. I just wanted to inform you of the situation."

"Very well then. Keep me updated on any developments," Henry said, returning to his paperwork as William turned to leave the room.

As the door closed behind his son, Henry couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

He knew that mages were essential resources for any country. Other than the mages trained by themselves using an heirloom or books, most of them were graduates of the Aurora Academy, a prestigious institution that is the joint collaboration of several kingdoms.

It is situated in Arindale, the capital of Aeloria. This was only possible due to their victory during the Great War. Now that ten years have passed, it seemed like many people thought Aeloria became weak.

"Hmph! Those cowards dare?! Do they think Lucien is dead?" Henry's blue eyes glowed as the room started shaking uncontrollably.

The might of one of the top ranking swordsman in the kingdom was not to be underestimated.

Suddenly a young girl's face came into his eyes. The surge of power went away smoothly like a wind.


Thinking of his daughter, his cold face finally cracked as he let out a sigh.

"I hope she will understand.", he mused to himself.



Mingya sneezed.

"Who is talking about me behind my back?"