What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery
"So you're going to be the magic ensemble's soloist?" Lilian asked, voice in awe.
"Apparently so."
"What's that?" Ro asked.
"You don't know?"
"Not really. Does a soloist make the spell bigger? No right?"
"Normally it helps to guide the spell better.. or something like that. Did I say it right?" Lilian, who didn't know the specifics about it turned to Sequencee.
"I have no idea either. I've never been part of a magic concert."
"Is it different from usual casting?" Schwii asked.
"It's totally different. Casting yourself and synchronizing mana to build a spell– have you tried that before?"
"I've read about it, though it's been ages since I last ever did something like that. Hm.. let's try that for a bit later, just before you head to the ensemble."
"Good idea."
'I wonder what it's like to synchronize magic impromptu.'
"Speaking of which.. about yesterday night, obviously, nothing happened right?" Ro asked, turning to look at Risa's small frilly pillow sitting on the couch.
"I don't think it's anything big," Sequencee knew that Ro was referring to the heroes' party.
Some of the heroes' personal belongings were still in their apartment room. They didn't come yesterday, which went against their typical routine of coming over for dinner during their first semester together.
Iona stood behind Schwii as she observed the four of them devour her cooking with the occasional ringing of clashing ceramic wares.
They finished breakfast and headed out. In the hall they bumped into Leticia and Nynim who had been waiting.
"Good morning to you."
The two parties greeted each other.
"Where are the rest?" Sequencee asked.
"They've gone before us," Leticia said.
".. Alright?"
The unusual mesh of the two groups proceeded down to the lobby. Schwii and Leticia being conscious of one another, causing some doubt to spring from Sequencee's heart.
The first class and second class enforcer group performed their morning physical and magic classes at the same theater, except that the two groups held their activities at different sectors. The path to the dome structure was the same, so it was still possible to go 'together'.
Leticia rubbed her eyes and touched her hair to make sure that things were properly held together.
"It's not messy, don't worry," Nynim said with a soft smile.
"Nn. Thanks."
Saying so, Nynim then looked upon the training theater.
"Sequencee, Risa said she wants to talk to you in private," she said.
"Could you just make a short detour?"
"It's impossible.." Schwii muttered softly.
"Hm? What?" Sequencee thought Schwii was telling not to go.
"Nothing. Go if you need to."
"I'm not sure what it is that she wants to talk about, but it's probably something important," Leticia added.
"You mean now?"
"Yes, now," Nynim nodded sternly.
"So where is she?"
"I'll be borrowing them for a sec, Schwii," Nynim said as she tapped Sequencee's shoulder.
"Fine.." in a sulking voice, the succubus groaned. Sequence had probably grown close enough to them the past month that he'd consider them to be friends.
They split up once they entered the theater. Nynim and Leticia led him upstairs, and at a point, beyond the bend just ahead was a site typically off limits to students– the power room.
They stopped just before the turn.
"She's not here yet," Leticia mumbled.
"We have to wait a little bit then," Nynim said.
"Sequencee, are you aware of the exchange students programme?" Leticia threw in a topic to kill time.
"Of course. I'm sure everyone was informed about it."
"Then do you know about the competitions?"
"One of them is a fighting tournament. Rika has to be part of it-it seems."
"So you're telling me that I have to fight Rika or something?"
"Seems like it. Though, we'll need to wait for particulars," Nynim said.
'I thought I didn't want to get involved with them anymore..'
"M-Morning!" a shout echoed out.
"Morning Risa!" Leticia greeted with a warm smile.
"I ran a little late because my big brother didn't want to let me go in the morning. So did I miss anything?" Risa blurted.
"It's a joke, okay? Thank you Leticia, Nynim, and thank you for coming Sequencee. I have something I need to talk to you about in private. Er.. Nynim, Leticia, can I ask for you both to leave?"
"Me too?" Leticia
"Then we shall take our leave," Nynim placed her hands on Leticia's shoulder once more.
"Yes. Sorry bout' that, but this is sensitive information I'm disclosing," Risa said with a playful grin.
"Let's go."
Nynim held Leticia's wrist as they left, leaving Risa and Sequencee alone in the quiet corridor. Once they were out of the vicinity, Risa started.
"I know you tried to talk to me last time, but I wasn't in the right mind that day so I didn't come out."
That day after he met with Shiro, Sequencee wanted to talk to Evelyn and Risa too. He managed to relay the resolution of the issue (somewhat) to Evelyn, but hadn't the chance to talk to Risa who locked herself in her room that day.
Risa's complexion had recovered to her usual pale-pinkish colour, practically glowing. The luster of her raven black hair looseky hanging over her shoulders showed that she had just washed it this morning. Her sparkling onyx coloured eyes looked upon Sequencee.
Her foreign appearance and lissom body, combined with the light one-piece academy's training dress, created an air of innocence around her. A protected existence, comparable to a young elf, if not for the fact that she had the capacity to punch holes into the wall.. that is.
"It's fine. So, what do you have for me today?"
"This is the first time actually talking to you alone like this. If it were a reverse harem, or otome, I think you would've been an amazing route to conquer."
"Excuse me?"
'What in the world is an otome? What has it to do with 'harem' and 'conquer'?'
Sequencee took two cautious steps backwards. Risa bawled out in laughter.
"Sorry, sorry. I did't mean it! This world is more like the typical isekai genre anyways, so it's unlikely that it'll happen. Anyhow, I wanted to tell you that I'm fine, and thank you for taking care of us in the past."
".. Okay?"
"Um. Yeah, also, since you're still going to be a friend, I should tell you about Evelyn and my brother's situation. You know, right? My brother got mad because he wasn't in the right mind that day.. after all, that monster kept beating him up even after we told him to stop," Risa shuddered.
"I do think that Sir Aaron went overboard his time around," recalling the collection of Shiro's teeth Linzy showed him secretly that day; like beautiful pearls in a bottle, Sequencee was rendered speechless. Evelyn definitely had a difficult time having to reconstruct so many of Shiro's broken body parts.
"I won't be speaking to him anymore after this. Keep him away from us if you can please.. he's really scary," Risa gulped.
"I.. don't know if I'm in any power to do that."
"You can, right?! You stopped the crazy spartan training, right?!"
'She's so full of energy.. really. I wonder if Hero Rika was like this.'
"What? Staring me like that," Risa squeezed her lips together and covered her chest with both her arms.
"I wasn't even looking there."
"Where was I again? Oh yeah. My brother feels guilty about getting mad at you, I hope you forgive him. Then we have Evelyn, the imperial princess. She's really sad that you decided to leave the party."
"I know."
"She's losing the war of love. You know, right?"
Risa was turning blue trying to hold in her laughter.
"Pfua.. I've always wanted to see how someone like you reacts to harems. At least you're not dense, like most people."
"What's dense?"
Sequencee found her blank stare unnerving.
"What? Is it supposed to be a special term used only in your world?"
"Nothing. So to say, by you leaving our party, Evelyn lost her chance to get closer to you. Of course, she'll do everything in her power to try and wedge herself into your life so that she has a fighting chance."
Sequencee sighed. "Indirectly, could you coax her to give up?"
"The fuck man?! Have you ever considered what will happen if you reject the imperial princess?!"
"Carnage. I can already see it," Risa said, grabbing air with her fingers.
"You don't need to tell me that.."
"I respect you bro."
'I haven't even gotten permission from Schwii regarding Leticia, and now I have the princess I need to pay attention to? What should I do about this, really..'
"It's something I have to resolve myself, thanks for the warning.."
"Yup. That's about all I wanted to say," Risa shrugged.
"How about the competition?"
"Oh, that? It's not a problem. I thought I needed someone to take my brother's place but– he's more than capable of smashing people into bits now."
"What it is-is that my brother and I have to perform some cool fighting stunts as the opening act of the New Dawn Series. The academies all around the continent will send representatives to participate in the tournament, and with our consent, the winner of this year's contestant will not only receive the first New Dawn Tournament Cup, but also get to stay with us for a month. If they're compatible, then they'll become a part of our party."
"So that's what it is.."
'But there's also a New Dawn Series for magic concerts too though?'
"Yup. Luckily, I'm only involved in the opening act. If I participate in the real thing, not certain I'd come out unscathed."
"I'm not sure about that. If you were able to come out of Sir Aaron's training alive.. you may have a fighting chance."
"No way," Risa shook her head.
"Impossible to force you here."
"I think we can go now."
That was the end of their conversation.. or not.
"Oh crap, the most important thing!" Risa exclaimed as they were closing in the first class enforcer training zone.
"I forgot to tell you the reason why you absolutely need to help us here. Hero Rika, Demon Lord Rizal, and The Sovereign Bartonn were close acquaintances," Risa grabbed Sequencee tight by the shoulder and exclaimed in a whisper.
"Long story short, even though you're no longer in our party, my brother needs you to help him solve the mystery behind what happened to Hero Rika five centuries ago. When it's time we explore the Black Ravine, we'll need your assistance to find a special location."
"A special location? What do you mean by Hero Rika being close acquaintances.."
"Shh! Not so loud. That's the thing. The book my brother brought back last time had notes written by your father and grandfather on the subject of world origin, primordial magic and the hero summoning ritual. Because you're a demon, we need you to help bridge the gap between us. Because, well, we're humans."
'The fuck? So the world history was wrong?'
"Ugh! Nevermind. Just know that you're needed okay? No leaving suddenly without telling us anything!" Risa commanded, pointing her finger straight at Sequencee. He even had to tilt his body back a bit to avoid it from touching his nose.
"Thank you Sequencee. Then we should go quick!"
'Fate really is.. playing tricks on me.'