

The battle grew more intense the deeper they got, so team five got to go against a pack of seven gray wolves.

'This is so uncoordinated.'

It wasn't like the other teams didn't do this. Sequencee heaved a sigh and blew out some of the elemental beads around him to allow mental capacity for– levitating the heavy bags. Those at the spectators in front were at awe by the quick work of enemies, while those behind were stupefied by Sequencee's magic.

"You're good," Carlsim who didn't followed the other three commended Sequencee. He had dark tan skin and a head of white hair. There were chalky tattoos all over his body, he looked like he was from some indiginous tribe.

"Thanks," Sequencee said simply.

"As expected of my greatest mage in the world," Evelyn chuckled. Those that heard those words felt a little skeptical. She was hinting something on purpose. Sequencee of course, chose to ignore it.

The corpses were left as was. Students were instructed not to take away the magic cores and return it to the dungeon so that the resources won't become depleted. That said, Sequencee thought it was an excuse to prevent conflict among students as these cores could be sold for a good sum of money.

When they reached their camping site after a grueling 3 hour walk, many people fell down in exhaustion. It was a wonder how much they had actually explored– likely not even two percent of the entire dungeon.

It was a wide round node a hundred or so meters in diameter. As the most knowledgeable one in team five, Sequencee began assessing his resources and set up camp after acquiring permission from Miss Willy.

"How exactly does one know which stick to choose?" Evelyn struggled to piece together her tent.

"Trial and error," Sequencee set up his tent in a mere five minutes. He reinforced the pins in the ground with earth magic and went to assist Evelyn.

"Wow, this is much more complicated than I thought," Taylor watched as his tent fell apart.

"You do it this way," Carlsim helped out.

"I want to try it myself, so don't tell me anything," Adrinne gritted her teeth upon her 3rd failure. Her 4th attempt looked more like the aftermath of a cyclone than it did a tent. But she did manage to get it to shape on her 6th attempt.

In dungeons, there was no day and night, so Miss Willy reminded everyone to keep track of the time as best as they could. One of the critical principles during a dungeon exploration is a good balance between rest and work. If you didn't rest it would affect concentration, which would in turn affect performance. Unless you're a trained veteran with years on your belt in this field, it would be a good idea to rest often to fatigue away.

Everyone was told to rest up for the hour, then they will begin cooking preparations. They were having it easy for this first day as the rations would come in handy. Sequencee had assessed the supplies they had and it was clear to him that they would need to eat monster meat eventually to make up for the shortage. Now he wished he had taken the wolf corpse with him earlier before it got assimilated back by the dungeon.

As he walked around to find Schwii, he saw the instructor's tent constructed sturdy and tall, like those you would find during military campaigns. There was also a section of the camping ground far out which had been altered to become a makeshift toilet.

He found Schwii sitting alone at the edge of the node the camps were set up in. She had raised the earth beneath her to act as a stool of sorts. Her legs crossed, and for some reason the skirt part was creased so much in a way that made her skin peek out. Sequencee wondered if it was deliberate on her part, or that it happens subconsciously. Little quirks like these, though inviting, really made him worry sometimes.

As such, he went to approach her.

"Schwii.. um.."

"I know. I fixed it. My aura is hidden now, no problems."

"I mean, the way you're sitting.."

"Sequencee, you seem to be close with the princess. How about you introduce her to me?" Schwii declared, checking her nails. It was a rather deterring gesture, Sequencee found it hard to act comfortable in front of her like this.

'I think she's misunderstanding.'

".. She's someone I happened upon in the past. She got into trouble, mom and I got her out of trouble. And by chance, we met again some time ago.."

"When was that exactly?"

"Last week, when I was supposed to meet the hero, but I met her instead."

Those words alarmed her. Though she tried to keep her expression composed, Sequencee noticed her expression stiffen. It was characteristic of her whenever something was wrong.

"Hero.. you say? So you're affiliated with them already?"

"Not yet."

Her Highness Evelyn had been aware of the fact that Sequencee was a demon from three years ago. Back then, he thought he was an ordinary demon, so he didn't particularly mind this little secret leaking to the outside. In fact, having the princess know about it may actually help clear the stigma against his race.

But having realized that he was the son of The Sovereign, he found it difficult to approach Evelyn without feeling guilty about his identity. He had told her to warm the heroes up to the possibility that they may have a demon join them on their journey.. however, saying that 'a demon is going to join' versus saying that 'a demon lord is going to join' are two completely different matters.

It had been a week since then, he wasn't sure what preparations Evelyn had to settle before the hero could accept him. It must've been quite a lot of trouble considering how long the request was taking.

While he was having such thoughts, Schwii was panicking at the possibility of her plans falling through. She allowed Sequencee to take the enforcer course on a whim for the sake of his happiness. She hadn't the slightest worry that he would be able to earn the goodwill of the hero as, by probability, it was like trying to befriend the king. Yet, by some joke of fate, Sequencee managed to hit on the worst possible result.

Her eyes swam about, trying to come up with a solution to this. Chances are that she would become deeply involved in it if Sequencee and the hero were to hit it on together. Moreover, if she, a demon lord, was to dally in the presence of the executor of demon lords? It was suicide!

Even if the hero did forgive them for being demon lords, they will inevitably set off on a journey to kill The Sovereign. The heroes were the oil that'll fuel Sequencee's flame for revenge– it would only screw her plans even further into the mud.

"Are you sure.. you want to do this? What if the heroes.. try to kill you?"

"Her Highness herself said that heroes are like white paper. They came from a peaceful world and are open to accepting things, having not grounded themselves on which side they should take. I doubt they'd do something so crude."

"Sequencee. Please don't."


"I don't want my mom to be killed.. if The Sovereign realizes that I'm working with the hero then.." Schwii's words trailed off. From the corner of her eye she saw a silver haired priestess making her way over to them.

Schwii begged him with her eyes.

"Schwii, unless you tell me the details of your situation, I wouldn't know how to act."

"Sorry for intruding. Is something the matter?" Evelyn showed up with a concerned expression on her face. As a fellow royal, Schwii took it as a manipulative facade.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know that I'm having a conversation with my fiance?" Schwii snapped. She needed to drive this princess away. There's no way she can let her influence Sequencee's decision.

"Y-your fiance?" hearing Schwii's bold declaration, Evelyn stiffened. Never would she have imagined that the person she was indebted to already had a fiance.

"Stay out of this," Schwii stood in between the two. Sequencee expression warped.

"I-Is that true?" Evelyn asked.

Sequencee nodded.

Evelyn thought fate was playing tricks on her. First she thought that Sequencee had died in the calamity that struck Estia, now there's an unknown elf saying that she's Sequencee's fiance? Evelyn couldn't accept it. Her eyes turned sharp.

"And from which house are you from?"

"..." Sequencee was planning to forcefully stop the two if things went south. His conjecture was on point, the reality was in front of him. Evelyn's presence had entangled the relationships he had.

"Why does that matter to you?" Schwii hissed.

"Or could it be that you're afraid of me?" Evelyn stared down at Schwii. In terms of height, Evelyn came out on top.

"If you plan to swindle my fiance with your power and good looks, of course I would be concerned," a compliment and ridicule tied into one. Schwii's words chucked a bolt in the gears of her mind.

Evelyn didn't know how to respond. Should she retort back in agreement? If she did then wouldn't that make her an arrogant person? How about retorting back with disagreement? That would only undermine herself, giving way for Schwii's victory.

".. Sequencee, once you're done with your errands, please return as there are members of our team that have questions for you to address. I'll speak more to it later."

By some subconscious decision, Evelyn chose to leave. She thought there was no way she could win in a war with words against someone like Schwii.

Schwii said nothing, Evelyn turned around and walked away. And when she was far enough, she started.

"Sequencee. Don't get close to her or the heroes. I have my way of doing things, and if it gets messed up we won't be able to achieve our goals intact," Schwii knew it was a lie. There was no way to achieve both of their goals at the same time. One had to give way to the other.

The question here now was, does Sequencee trust Schwii enough to guide him, being unaware of her true motive? Or does he plan to take things in his hands? Meeting the hero was but a subgoal towards his main goal. If he could still achieve his main goal in omitting the subgoal, he shouldn't affect his judgment so much. So why did it feel so odd to be so docile?

'I don't get it.. what is she planning?'

Leticia's concern, Evelyn's connection, Schwii's companionship. Which was the correct path? Or rather, which path should he choose?

"Sequencee, I'll say this once and I'll say it again.."

Schwii turned to him and took one step forward, their bodies so close she could pull him into a kiss.

".. I love you, I trust you."

Her eyes were glistening, she was holding back her tears. As much as she would like this to be an act, she knew in truth, that this was her true feelings of fear and anxiety.

For love, she had decided to give up herself to support him however she could. One wrong step in human territory and her life could end, or worse– she could lose him forever.

For trust, she could've easily dispatched Iona to keep tabs on him 24/7, but she didn't. She wanted to believe that he had their best interest at heart, that he wasn't some pet she had to look over, but a man she could rely on.

"I hope you don't betray my expectations."

Oh~ Nice, thank you webnovel for putting this novel on the reccomendations list again! XD

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